
Now I know I'm supposed to like ash or whatever and I know TJ and me where just supposed to be best friends or what not but that was one of the best things I've done in a while. And now I have three bodies at the age of 17 1/2 that's not that bad, I think?

When we finished I got up and put my bikini back on " do you think that they heard us?" I asked TJ  who I just realized was already dressed and staring at me "yeah probably " great.

We walked downstairs,very,very awkwardly but still smiling at each other.
When we got to the pool we opened the sliding door and first thing we saw was Cassie smiling like she found a million dollars and McKay winking at me then wiggling his eyebrows at tj. Oh my Lord they know. 

"Sooo you have anything to tell us, like why you've been gone for so long?" Adding in the "both of you?" Part like it wasn't implied. But we still just shook our heads "nope, Tj just helped me find the- I mean fix the strap on my um-"  I slowly js rambled off a bunch of random things.

Eventually Cassie and McKay just burst out laughing making me VERY weirded out.

Eventually they stopped pushing and we just hang out around the pool. And for a little bit we did this game we made up called chicken fight. With an even number of girls and boys, usually two where the girl gets on the boys shoulders and they try pushing eachother off and whoever is the last one up wins. We did about 7 rounds because we were tied till the last round.but in the end me and TJ won.

" HA fuck you bitches" I screamed making tj laugh and throw me off his shoulders "ugh fuck you hoe" I screeched pretending to be mad and rolling my eyes. "Ye whatever" he said back then whispering in my ear where nobody else could hear " not what you were saying earlier tho huh?"

   I was not about to rethink that so instead I shrugged and got out the pool wrapping myself with a towel and checking my phone. Who h of course there was messages from ashtray 


Ashtray: yo im sorry
Ashtray: can we talk
Ashtray: I swear she means nun to me j
Ashtray: stop ignoring me
Ashtray: J please answer
Ashtray: ykw I'm asking Maddy where yu r and when she answers I'm driving down there idgaf Yu don't wanna answer nobody alr bet
Ashtray: Yu got 1 minute to txt me back before I txt Maddie

Oh fucking shit
Maddy has my location and that was half an hour ago and I know damn well ash is probably on his way. what if he finds out we fucked? Kill me right now.

" Yoo guys me and Cass have to go. Like now".  Cassie of course got up and got in her towel,the boys still in the pool  looking confused.

I showed Cass my phone and she even looked scared, " yeah guys we'll see you probably tomorrow" so now the boys got out of the pool and McKay hugged Cassie and kissed her forehead while I walked upstairs to go get changed again.

A minute after I got into the bedroom TJ knocked asking if he could get changed to " yea come in we already did this anyways" I laughed. He laughed too and walked in getting changed. " So um earlier huh?" He said looking shy " yeah I know right" I smiled " well um if you ever wanna talk about it just come over or text me or even call me whatever's good."

I nodded finally dressed about to open the door and walk out "wait! Jade" I stopped and looked at him and he grabbed me and pulled me in for a kiss and wrapped his hands around my waist as my arms settled on his shoulders. 

I never know when to chill.
I scoulded myself mid kiss but when we pulled away I smiled again and we walked downstairs to find Cassie and McKay fucking on TJ's couch " guys what the fuck, Cass we have to go come on, she pulled up her shorts and waved at them before we jumped into her car.

"Where to now?" She asked " I want to go shopping Cass SOOO" we looked at each other and screamed " the mall!"

Cassie pulled off blasting her music till we got there.
