I woke up to loud ass snoring and I didn't know why until I looked up and saw I was on TJ's chest, where I'm guessing I fell asleep. Jesus and he let me sleep I was kinda embarrassed but at the same time I felt safe. I never really felt that in jail.

"hey sis" why the fuck is she calling me right now
"Hi?" I guess it was more of a question then a word. "where you been" I mentally laughed at her "'round" personally I was still mad she did all this shit just for drama. Posting me and ashtray kissing,me partying and apparently me sleeping. I was beyond pissed she posted me.  I haven't spoken to them in three days ,I think .Which I don't have to explain because we already know why. I guess I was zoned out because Tj bumped my arm to let me know Maddy said something "huh?" I said It he phone "I said do you want to go party tonight!" Maddy bellowed into the godamn Phone "can I bring somebody" she just told me to get ready then hung up. Let me tell you my excitement because in "maddy" that means sure.

I jumped into the shower and shaved everywhere  I used the expensive conditioner and the tiny combs,  then straightened my hair and sprayed it light brown,WHAT? I didn't want to get any knot and I wanted my hair  to look GOOD while out to be honest especially since I was with Tj.

A/n next one gonna be longer I swear also I'ma start it rn
