Wedding Day


* you and Elizabeth are both 18 years old *

You and Lizzie are fraternal twins. And today it was a very important day.

You took the shutters from Lizzie's room, and slid them open. That morning sun-ray illuminating her room.

" Wake up sleeping beauty, we need to get ready!," You shouted, going over to the edge of her bed, and shaking her awake.

" Ugh, stop Y/n...," Lizzie mumbled, bringing her blanket up to cover her face.

" Elizabeth, wake up. We need to get ready..."

" I don't want to go...," She replied, still hiding underneath the sheets.

" I know you feel gloomy about this; but it's been years, Lizzie. Dad it's allowed to move on, you know..," You whispered, looking down at the bed. She was wrapped from head to toe. A complete burrito. " Come on, Eli. I'm not going to the wedding without you."

" It is sad, you know...," Elizabeth finally uncovered herself, bringing her body into a sitting position on the bed. " That dad is allowed to move on, but mom...well, she's dead. "

" Mom was sick. This happened eight years ago, Lizzie," You began to explain. " Dad was always with her until the day she died. This is hard for me too, but dad's smile is back. Don't you want dad to be happy?"

She nodded immediately. " Of course, I do. I heart aches for mother.  Part of me I'm extremely happy for dad; but the other, I feel sad. Mom was taken away from us too soon."

You took a seat at the side of the bed. " She was. But I'm pretty sure she's smiling up there. Cordelia came into our life when Dad was at his worse. Do you remember when all he did was stay locked up in his room,  drinking beer until he fell asleep? It was awful to see that, Lizzie. He was depressed," You recalled, taking a deep breath. " Cordelia really helped him get out of that void. Now, seeing them tie the knot, it brings me joy. And I know mom it's happy up there. I know she is."

Elizabeth looked at you for a brief moment. Even though she was older by a minute, you always seemed to be the bigger sister. You always knew what to say at the right time, and Lizzie was really grateful for you. You were always there for her, and she appreciated that. " I guess you're right...," She whispered, giving you a soft beam.

" Now, let's get ready okay? Hailee is coming over to help me do my makeup," You smiled, standing up from the bed.

Elizabeth looked up at you, and giggled. " How cute. I wouldn't be surprised if in a couple of years you two end up getting married too."

You laughed. " Oh come on, we're just friends. "

" It's six in the morning, Y/n. What kind of friend wakes up at this time to go over to a friend's house and do their makeup? "

" Today it's an important day. She's just doing me a favor," You replied with a smile.

" Sure. I know when someone is in love, Y/n. And trust me sister, Hailee Steinfeld is totally enamored with you," Elizabeth revealed, standing up from her bed and making her way towards the bathroom.

" You think so?," You asked confused. " Hailee has never said anything about being in love with me, Lizzie."

" Well, obviously not. She's probably afraid of losing the friendship you two have created. But I've seen all the gestures she's done for you. It's so obvious. but somehow, you're too slow to catch on it," She chuckled, before stepping inside the restroom, and closing the door shut.

Was Hailee seeing you more than just friends?

Now, Elizabeth, really left you thinking.

