River Hangout ( g.c.)

A/n: chaotic groupchat mess ahead, lol. you've been warned

Highland Bitches GroupChat💞💘

RueRue: y'all need to decide for real.

Lexiross: aren't we going to Crystal River?

RueRue: i thought so too but I don't think this bitch wants to go

Lexiross: who?

RueRue: your sister 💀

Maddybratz is online

Maddybratz: you better be joking. We already decided that we're going over there!

RueRue: I know but Cassie idk man she doesn't wanna go

Cassiebloom is online

Cassiebloom: people have spotted crocodiles on that river! can we go to the beach instead?

fairyJules is online

fairyJules: I kinda wanna go to the beach too 👀

Cassiebloom: thank you Jules!

RueRue: isn't the beach the same tho? sharks, coral reef snakes, jellyfishes??

Maddybratz: exactly!

Maddybratz: you two can go if that's what you guys want. but we are heading to the river 💁‍♀️

Cassiebloom: ok fine! I'll go to the river then

Cassiebloom: but I'm not getting in

RueRue: what about you Jules? you coming?

fairyJules: I guess 😬

Lexiross: so...who's bringing what ?

fairyJules: I'll bring cupcakes 🧁 🧚‍♀️

RueRue: I'm bringing the drugs 👀

Lexiross: please don't Rue!

RueRue: kiddin! been clean for two months now be proud 🥲

Lexiross: really? Awwww

Lexiross: I'm super proud ❤️

fairyJules: 😘 so happy for u bby

Maddybratz: that's my girl! let's keep it that way💞

Maddybratz: anyways

Maddybratz: I'll pick you guys up tomorrow

Maddybratz: I'm bringing the grill and hot dogs to cook 🌭

RueRue: ok. I'll bring the cooler with some drinks

RueRue: ( not alcoholic beverages fyi ) 🥴

Lexiross: I'll get the beef patties and buns

Cassiebloom: i don't know what to bring 🥲

Maddybratz: get plastic cups and plates Cass

Cassiebloom: ok!

MeowKat is now online

MeowKat: what did I miss?!

RueRue: not much. what you bringing for tomorrow's hangout?

MeowKat: i don't know. what can I bring?

Maddybratz: bring candy 🍭 🍬 😛

MeowKat: hahaha okay then

sweetdisposition is now online

sweetdisposition : hi babies ❤️ are we still going to the river?

Lexiross: Y/n!!🥰 yes! We still are

RueRue: yep!

Maddybratz: hi baby 💞 we are! what can you bring for tomorrow?

sweetdisposition: mmm

sweetdisposition: i can stop by Fezco's store and get some tequila ?

Lexiross: oh.. no alcohol allowed! 😅

sweetdisposition: why not? 👀

Cassiebloom: Rue been sober and free from drugs . is a way to support her ☺️

fairyJules: ^^^

sweetdisposition: oh really? that's awesome Rue :) I'm happy for you

RueRue: thanks 🙏🏻 but I mean.....I can drink a little if y'all let me ? 👀

Maddybratz: No!

fairyJules: no!

MeowKat: no!

Lexiross: absolutely not Rue! you should continue with your streak 🚫🙏🏻

RueRue: ok ok! y'all relax I won't do it promise 💀🤣

sweetdisposition: 😂😂

sweetdisposition: I'll bring chips

Lexiross: great ! 😊 I guess we're ready then?

MeowKat: think so

RueRue: yoooo can we bring a guest? 👀

Maddybratz: who ?

RueRue: Elliot 😬

sweetdisposition: 👎 please don't

fairyJules: why you wanna bring him?

RueRue: I dunno. he's chill

Cassiebloom: he's bad news.

Maddybratz: no! no boys allowed on this trip. 🤢

Lexiross: it'll be an only girls hangout, Rue ❤️

RueRue: alright alright bet! 🤣

sweetdisposition: soo that means I can bring Kate....? 👀

RueRue: bro 💀🤣

RueRue: Y/n... why did you have to bring this up 🤣

Maddybratz has left the chat

RueRue: yep! There we have it 🤪

MeowKat: seriously Y/n :/

sweetdisposition: what?! is not like I said anything bad

MeowKat: well you do know about Maddy's foolish crush on you so..

sweetdisposition: she was drunk when she said that lol. she doesn't have a crush on me


Cassiebloom: way to ruin the trip Y/n

sweetdisposition: I'm sorry!

sweetdisposition: I'll call Maddy

sweetdisposition: the trip is not cancelled!

RueRue: from now on is prohibit to mention the Miss Everdeen girl, aight?

RueRue: that's a sensitive subject for Maddy

Cassiebloom: and to answer your question, she is not coming to this trip

Cassiebloom: don't bring her

RueRue: though I wouldn't mind seeing a cat fight

Lexiross: Rue!

RueRue: I'm kiddin!!!!😂

Cassiebloom: Y/n, call Maddy

RueRue: 🏹🏹🏹🏹

sweetdisposition: ok... I mean, I honestly don't even know what to say to her

sweetdisposition: does she really have a crush on me?

MeowKat: she literally just left the chat, Y/n


Cassiebloom: it's quite obvious Y/n

Lexiross: poor Maddy :( I'll call her, don't worry Y/n

sweetdisposition: no, it's fine

sweetdisposition: I'll do it

sweetdisposition: but next time, you guys need to let me know. i didn't know she was feeling this way towards me

RueRue: bitchhhh you just slow

fairyJules: Rue I have a question for you

RueRue: hey you been quiet! What's up boo?

fairyJules: I don't wanna bring more drama to this groupchat but

fairyJules: why you wanted to bring Elliot?

fairyJules: do you like him?


RueRue: im a homosexual

Cassiebloom: 😂😂😂

fairyJules: yeah I know

fairyJules: sorry.. I don't even know why I asked

RueRue: is okay boo

RueRue: but I just wanted to bring him because the dude is pretty good at singing 

RueRue: chilling with him at the bonfire would be lit 🔥

sweetdisposition: I'm just going to ignore you just said that


RueRue: you just jealous because you can't sing 🤪

sweetdisposition: pretty sure im better

sweetdisposition: and I can prove it to you

RueRue: bet! I'll bring the guitar tomorrow

RueRue: let's see how " good " you really are lmao

Lexiross: I've heard Y/n sing 💘 I like it

RueRue: sureeeeeee let's see about that tomorrow

RueRue: and why did you wanted to bring Kate to the river ?

sweetdisposition: didn't you say earlier to avoid mentioning Kate's name?

RueRue: Maddy ain't in the groupchat!

RueRue: just spill it and then I won't ask you about  Everdeen no more 🥰

sweetdisposition: well, idk... I guess I just wanted to hang out with her?

RueRue: to a trip where Maddy is tagged along?

RueRue: Maddy detest her! don't you see the death stares Maddy gives her at school?

MeowKat: true 👀

sweetdisposition: I've never noticed 🤷‍♀️

sweetdisposition : and  like I say again, I didn't know she had a crush on me !


RueRue: yeah just call Maddy and tell her you were kidding about bringing her to the river or somethin

Lexiross: But Rue, Maddy needs to understand that Y/n is allowed to have a crush on someone

Lexiross: I get that she's our friend, but wasn't she dating Nate like a month ago?

Lexiross: I feel bad for Maddy, but is  kinda unfair of her to be doing this tantrum

RueRue: fair point Lex but I dunno ok. i just know about what she told us about Y/n. remember? guess shes indecisive

sweetdisposition: what she say about me?

RueRue: ugh! about having a crush on you 💀

sweetdisposition: ok ok!

sweetdisposition: i totally agree with you Lexi, but I'll call her

sweetdisposition: I'll see what's going on

MeowKat: tomorrow will be awkward 😬

Cassiebloom: that's only if Maddy doesn't cancel it

RueRue: let us know how it goes

RueRue: hopefully it goes all well because I really wanna go to the river

