Training Camp Part 1

It was early in the morning Izuku had just woken up and was heading down to the common room as he entered the room he saw uraraka sitting on the couch with ace lying beside her seeing this he walks up behind her when he got close enough he saw she was writing on a notepad

Izuku: “morning ocha”

After he said this she jumped and immediately turned towards him

Uraraka: “Izu don't sneak up on me!!!”

Izuku: “sorry force of habit”

After saying this he heads to the kitchin

Uraraka: “is alright but now that you're here”

She gets up and follows him into the kitchin

Uraraka: “Now I have several questions”

Izuku: “about me being well you know”

Uraraka: “yeah…so can i ask”

Izuku: “of course go ahead”

Uraraka: “well first can i drive the batmobile”

He smirks at her before responding

Izuku: “maybe when you pass your driving test but until then not a chance”

Uraraka: “well can i atleast see the batcave”

Izuku: “well actually you have already been there”

Uraraka: “really when?”

Izuku: “well it was when you were…um”

Uraraka: “when i was what?”

Izuku: “a…vampire”

Uraraka: “a vampire like a blood sucking vampire”

Izuku: “yeah”

Uraraka: “i didn't drink anyone's blood did i”

He didn't say anything and just tuck a sip of his coffee

Uraraka: “ok on second thought i fine not knowing”

Izuku: “Is that all you want to ask?”

There was a breath moment of silence as uraraka thinks. The silence was broken when a question came to her.

Uraraka: “Were you ever going to tell me?”

Izuku: “i…i wanted to but its not really something you can just tell someone”

Uraraka: “i guess that's fair”

Izuku: “now i have a question for you”

Uraraka: “and what's that”

Izuku: “it’s about what you said when we were at spellbinders hideout…”

Uraraka: “a-about the d-dream world”

Izuku: “y-yeah”

Uraraka: “w-well we were t-togeth…”

Izuku: “together?”

Uraraka: “y-yeah”

Before Izuku could say anything uraraka started speaking out of panic with a bright blush on her face

Uraraka: “I-i-i'm sorry i know you would only think of me as a friend and i don't want this to make things weird between us please don't make things weird!!!!”

Izuku tried to interrupt several times only to be ignored by Uraraka's panic as she looked directly at him

Uraraka: “I know you would never want to be with me, never mind marry me!!!”

Hearing this made Izuku blush before she could say anything else he quickly kissed her stopping her

Uraraka: “huh!?!”

Izuku: “who said i wouldn't want to be with you but we should probably wait a bit before the whole you know marriage thing”

Uraraka had a face full of shock

Izuku: “a-are you ok w-was the k-kiss too much?”

She shook her head no before speaking again

Uraraka: “d-does this mean we are …you know”

Izuku: “if you want too i fine with it”

She immediately hugged him

Uraraka: “Of course I do!!!” 

They spent the next few minutes talking about random things as they did this while the rest of the class made their way down to the common room. The class spent a couple of minutes just talking amused themselves until the door of the dorms opened and Aizawa walked in.

Aizawa: “gather round”

The class did as they were told and stood in front of him waiting for him to continue

Aizawa: “now u.a high has finished its first semester and has now started summer vacation. However, Those of you trying to be heroes will not receive days of rest at the summer training camp well have you aiming and achieving greater heights plus ultra”

1-a: “yes sir!!”

Aizawa: “collect your things and hed to the bus in front of ua”

1-a: “yes sir!!”

The class left to collect their belongings and head towards the buss after a couple of minutes the class stood outside of the bus waiting to be let on

Aizawa: “when we make it to the camp i expect every one of you to be on you best behavior or else”

After hearing this the class decided not to question the or else part of his sentence. They began to get on the bus before Izuku and Uraraka got on the bus. Aizawa put his arm in his way stopping them.

Aizawa: “I'm sorry but I need to have a word with you yagi. But you can get on uraraka”

Uraraka: “i save you a spot”

Uraraka heads onto the bus while Izuku and aizawa walk a bit away from the bus

Izuku: “what's this about aizawa”

Aizawa: “what's your plan if they light the signal”

Izuku: “the batmobile is fast enough to get me there and back before anyone notices plus the boss will tell me if there's something wrong”

Aizawa: “as long as you know what you doing let's head to the bus before they leave us behind”

Izuku just nodded before they make their way to the bus when Izuku got on he started making his way down the bus looking for a seat katsumi was about to speak up only for Izuku to walk past her not giving her any mind as he made his way next to uraraka. Katsumi slumps in her seat after watching Izuku sit next to uraraka

Katsuki: “Ignored by the nerd that's gotta hurt”

This comment got him elbowed by Izumi who was sting next to him

Izumi: “you ok katsumi”

Katsumi: “yeah fine why wouldn't i be”

Katsuki: “because for some stupid reason you have feeling for the nerd which he obviously doesn't”

Izumi: “katsuki be nice”

Katsuki just scoffs as he slouches in his seat

Izumi: “i think it's time we start thinking realistically Izuku doesn't want anything to do with us if we try and force him the more he’ll hate us”

Katsumi: “what are you trying to say”

Izumi: “i think it's time we leave him alone for a while at least”

Katsumi didn't say anything as the bus heads off 

After a while 

The bus stops near a cliff side; the only other thing there was a black car. The class got off the bus before anyone could say anything. The doors to the black are swung open revealing two women in cat outfits and a little boy wearing a red hat with gold horn on it.

???: “hello i'm Mandalay and this is Pixie-Bob and my nephew kota 

The boy gives the class a dirty look

Aizawa: “these are the pro heroes who will be working with us during the camp the wild wild pussycats”

Mandalay: “it’s very nice to meet you”

Pixie-bob: “alright newbies let's get to training!!”

The class look round before bringing there attention back to mandalay

Mandalay: “you all will be staying at the foot of the mountain”

As she says this she points to the distance. Immediately the class had a sinking feeling in their stomachs

Uraraka: “Then why did we stop here?”

Tsu: “could this mean…?”

Sato: “no way”

Sero: “why don't we get back on the bus, huh?”

Mina: “fast”

Kaminari: “yeah. Let's do that”

Mandalay has a devilish smile on her face as she speaks

Mandalay: “it’s 9:30 a.m right now if your fast you might make it there by noon”

The class start slowly backing up towards the bus 

Kirishima: “no way…guys…”

Mina: “Let's get back!”

Kirishima: “get back to the bus!”

Sero: “hurry!”

Mandalay: “oh my kittens if you don't get there by 12:30 you wont get any dinner”

The class started running to the bus as Izuku was running he looked towards Aizawa whe gave him a smile before the class could get the bus pixie-bob jumped and landed in front of them stopping them. 

Pixie-bob: “sorry ladie and gentlemen but training camp has already begun”

At that moment she placed both her hands on the floor and activated her quirk causing the ground to rise and create a wave of dirt that pushed the class of the cliff side.

Masalay: “hey this is private land so you can use your quirks as you wish!!”

Pixie-bob: “you have three hours, good luck kids!”

The class looked up at her before turning to the forest 

Izumi: “u.a does stuff like this way to much”

Izuku: “stop complaining come on we might as well get moving”

Izuku started walking ahead with the class following behind him as they made it into the forest a loud thud was heard immediately the class was on guard as they slowly walked further into the forest only for a creature to emerge from some trees. Koda ran up to it trying to communicate with it

Koda: “calm down kind beast!”

The creature raised its arm ready to attack koda

Izuku: “stay back!”

Izuku quickly tackled koda out of the way of the attack as he did this the rest of the class leaped into action attacking the beast shoto froze the beasts legs as katsuki and katsumi combined there explosions to destroy the beast’s top half immediately after this Izumi used her telekinesis to destroy the bottom half.

Sato: “you guys destroyed that thing instantly”

Izuku: “it’s not over yet”

Kirishima: “what do you mean yagi-bro”

Izuku points at a group of those beasts walking towards them 

Izuku: “shoji, jiro how many are there”

Shoji: “im counting seven”

Jiro: “same here, there coming!”

Momo: “hey yagi here”

Izuku looked at her only for her to throw him a pair of escrima sticks

Izuku: “thanks”

The class stair the beasts down before they all ran at them

Back at the top of the cliff

The heroes where watching the class fight the beasts while pixie-bob was controlling the beasts 

Pixie-bob: “hi-ya is that how you want to play it?!”

Mandalay looked towards Kota who was staring down at the class with a look of not only disgust but anger as well.

Kota: “this is pointless”

He said in a quiet monotone voice 

Kota: (are they stupid? Saying they want to be heroes…)

Mandalay: “come on kota where going”

Back with the class

The class was finishing off the last of the beasts. Izuku was in the air thanks to uraraka’s quirk. As soon as she released him he used both his escrima sticks to break the head of the last beasts. Causing it to revert back into a pile of dirt when he got to his feet he headed toward the rest of the class.

Momo: “do you think that’s all of them”

Izuku: “I don't know shoji, jiro?”

Shoji: “i can't see any more”

Jiro: “me never i think where in the clear”

Izuku: “ok with the great gone we should start heading to the camp”

The class nodded before they started making their way to the camp. Izuku and Uraraka were a little bit ahead of the class enough that the class couldn't hear what they were talking about.

Uraraka: “what are you thinking about?”

Izuku: “how im really missing the batmobile right now”

Uraraka: “i mean we would be their by now but it is still a peaceful stroll through the forest”

He gives her a smile before responding 

Izuku: “you mean after being attacked by creatures made of dirt”

Uraraka: “well yeah but still”

She hugged his arm as they continued to walk towards the camp. This action did not go unnoticed by the class. Katsumi had a furious look on his face as she was glaring daggers at uraraka. She was pulled back to reality by Izumi.

Izumi: “you know glaring at her isn't going to make her disappear”

Katsumi: “maybe i can push her off a cliff”

Izumi: “with her quirk she’ll be fine”

Katsumi just groans in agreement 

Izumi: “can't you just be happy for him”

Katsumi didn't say anything as they continued to walk to the camp.

After a while

The class had made it to the other side of the forest where they were met with aizawa and the wild wild pussycats

Pixie-bob: “oh your finally here tuck you all long enough”

They walk up to the pros exhausted from the walk except for Izuku who only a little tired 

Mandalay: “to be honest i thought it was going to take longer”

Pixie-bob: “i was actually impressed with how you all handled my dirt monsters especially you three”

She points towards Izuku, katsuki and shoto

Pixie-bob: “I can't wait to see where you're going to be in three years! I call dibs!!”

She runs towards them before she could get any closer, Uraraka pulls izuku back and stands in front of him in a defensive manner trying to keep pixie-bob away from him.

Aizawa: “mandalay… was she always like that?”

Mandalay: “she’s a little desperate, since she’s about the suitable age for you know…”

Aizawa: “i'd rather not know just try and keep her off my students”

Izuku: “Well speaking of suitable age, who's the kid is that?”

He says this while pointing at kota who was still giving the class dirty looks

Mandalay: “oh he’s not one of our’s he’s my cousin’s kid”

Izuku manages to pry himself away from pixie-bob and heads towards kota

Izuku: “hey im Izuku yagi from u.a nice to meet you”

As he was talking, Kota pulled his arm back and tried to punch Izuku. Before his fist could hit him in a very painful place izuku managed to act quick enough to stop him

Izuku: “that’s not very nice”

Kota pulled his fist back

Kota: “i don’t intend to hang out with wanna be heroes”

Katsuki: “precocious brat”

Shoto: “he’s like a younger version of you”


Aizawa: “enough collect you stuff off the bus once you’ve put your bags in your rooms, you can head for dinner at the cafeteria after that bathe and go to sleep well start the real training tomorrow”

After saying this, Aizawa walks into the building leaving the class to collect their things.

After a while

The class had finished their trip to the hot spring. Izuku made his way to the fount of the building. When he gets their he pulled out his phone and called bruce after a couple seconds bruce picked up

Bruce: “there a problem”

Izuku: “that's what i was going to ask. is the city ok”

Bruce: “It's fine. But something does feel off”

Izuku: “what do you mean by that?”

Bruce: “there has less gangs activity the usual”

Izuku: “you think somethings up?”

Bruce: “possibly stay alert they attacked ua once they could try again”

Izuku: “great here i thought i was going to have a few days off”

Bruce “days off right”

As they were talking Izuku saw kota walking into the forest

Izuku: “could you do me a favor”

Bruce: “depends on what your about to ask me for”

Izuku: “could you look up some people for me by the last name of Izumi they have a son called by kota”

Bruce: “give me a second”

There was a few minutes of silence until bruce spoke up again 

Bruce: “apparently they were heroes the Water Hose heroes to be exact”

Izuku: “were?”

Bruce: “they were killed two year ago in the line of duty”

Izuku: “...ok thanks for the help”

Bruce: “can i ask why the sudden interest”

Izuku: “I met their son and the kids got a chip on his shoulder. I just wanted to know why. I should probably go keep me posted if im needed”

Bruce: “will do”

Izuku proceeds to hang up the phone and head back into the building for the night.

The next morning

The class was standing outside in there gym uniform looking exhausted

Aizawa: “Good morning today we will begin your training, the goal of this training is to increase everyone’s strength and with that, for everyone to obtain their provisional license, it is to prepare you for hostilities and dangers that are becoming more real by the minute proceed carefully for our stay here we will be training to improve you quirks this training will be tough you will feel like you want to die, try not to now let’s get started”

The class proceed to start training their quirks after a while class 1-b walk through the forest

Vlad king: “last semester class 1-a got all the attention so next semester it’ll be class 1-b’s turn. Got it?”

1-b: “yes sir!!”

Vlad king: “good now let's get out there and show 1-a what true heroes look like!!”

1-b: “yeah!!!”

1-b exerts the forest only to see 1-a doing extremely hard and brutal training they saw the bakugou twins dunking there hand in a barrel of water before firing off large explosions in the air, Izumi using her telekinesis quirk lift as many boulders as she can and hold them in the air, Shoto quickly switching from his fire to his ice rapidly, sero producing as much tape he can continuously, lida running round the mounting as fast as he can using his quirk, kirishima using his quirk to block ojiro tail, kaminari using his quirk continuously charging and draining a generator, koda trying to call for animals deep in the forest, aoyama firing his laser rapidly and wider, tokoyami trying to control dark shadow in a dark cave, uraraka turning rapidly in zero gravity, tsu climbing up a cliff side using her tongue, sato working out while eating sweets, momo creating objects continuously while eating, jiro stabbing rocks with her earphone jacks while mina was trying to melt some rocks with her acid, mineta pulling off his purple balls as much as he can, toru trying to sneak round while shoji uses his quirk to try and find her, Izuku was sparring with tiger 

Vlad king: “those of you who are operative type will have to raise your maximum limits, heteromorphic types and other composite types need to train the part of their body related to their quirks, normally this would occur as your body grows but we don't have that time”

Aizawa: “class 1-b your late we started a hour ago hurry up”

Vlad king: “ok class b let's get started and show class a what where made of”

1-b: “yeah!!!”

A couple hours later

All the students had finished their training for the day they had made their way back to the main building as soon as they made it their they saw pixie-bob and ragdoll placing ingredients on a big table

Ragdoll: “now it's time for you all to learn how to make you own meals we have provided you all with some ingredients whatever you want to make is entirely up to you”

Every student has a depressed look on their faces before replying to them 

1-a & 1-b: “ yessir”

Ragdoll: “aww look at all of you look exhausted!! Even so you can't just make any old slop we expect you all to work together and make a proper meal” 

The classes spent a couple of minutes debating about what they were going to make before deciding on making a curry. It took them several minutes to make but Once they did most of the students started devouring their portion as fast as they could. Izuku was about to grab his portion until he saw Kota start heading into the forest again. He was about to grab an extra bowl to take up to kota until he saw Izumi following him while holding onto a bowl of curry. Giving it a couple of seconds Izuku followed behind them. He continues to follow them until they stop at a cliff top; he hides behind a tree close enough to hear what they say but not to be noticed.

Izumi: “you've got to be hungry”

Upon hearing this kota turners his head towards her with a extremely angry look on his face

Izumi: “you can have this curry”

Kota: “you…! How did you find this place”

Izumi: “oh sorry i followed your footsteps i thought you might want something to eat and…”

Kota: “and what!?!”

Izumi: “nothing…its nothing”

Kota: “either way i'm fine i don't need any so get out of my secret hideout!”

Izumi: “secret hideout huh?”

Kota: “all you getting into trying to improve your quirks it's disgusting, all you want to do is show off your power not caring who gets hurt in the process!!!”

Izumi: “that's not true”

Kota: “How so!”

Izumi: “because thinking and acting like that cost me my brother!!”

After saying this Izumi walks over to the edge of the cliff and sits on the ground hanging her legs over the edge. She places the curry next to her before looking at Kota and patting the ground next to her signaling for him to come and sit next to her. After a couple of seconds Kota reluctantly walks over and takes a seat next to her they remain quiet until kota decided to break the silence

Kota: “what happened to your brother?”

Izumi: “in a way i lost him”

Kota: “is he…dead?”

Izumi: “oh no no remember that green haired boy”

Kota: “yeah”

Izumi: “well he's my brother”

Kota: “So you didn't actually lose him, at least not like how I lost my parents!!”

Their was complete silence until kota spoke up again 

Kota: “just continue with what you were going to say!”

Izumi: “ok…well a while back me and my friend used to use our quirks on him we were just doing what you said trying to show how much more power we had then him… we hurt him alot”

Kota: “why?”

Izumi: “it’s stupid but he's quirkless and in our own way we wanted to protect him we thought if he see how much being a hero would hurt him he would stop trying we even turned a entire school against him”

Kota: “that's just ideotic”

Izumi: “yeah i guess it was”

Kota: “what made him continue trying to be a hero?”

Izumi: “i don't know determination, stubernes a need to help people…or maybe a-after everything that's all h-he had left”

Kota didn’t say anything, he just looked at her waiting for her to continue. He could see that some of her tears threatened to fall. He could see that talking about this was hurting her. This fact didn't go unnoticed by Izuku. She quickly wiped her eyes before speaking again.

Izumi: “If there is one thing I can say is that I'm proud..proud of what he's done, how he overcame everything…and i'm proud to call myself his sister and i’ll always be there for him when he needs me even if he hates me with everything he has”

Kota didn't say anything he just looks away

Izumi: “oh i'm sorry if i dumped all this on you i just wanted you to know that i know how it feels to lose someone”


Izumi just nodded before getting up and walking back to the main camp. Izuku moved out of the way, keeping himself hidden from Izumi as she walked past. After she left Izuku looked back at Kota who was looking at the curry. Izumi left without a second thought. He left his hiding spot and walked up to him.

Kota: “I thought I told you to leave!!”

As soon as he looks he saw it was Izuku walking up to him

Kota: “oh it's you, what are you doing here!!”

Izuku: “ i came to talk”

Kota: “i've heard enough about your and your sisters problems”

Izuku: “good because i'm not here to talk about that i'm here to talk about you and you hatred of heroes”

Kota: “what do you know you know just as little as you sister does!!”

Izuku: “i know your parents were heroes and i know they died in the line of duty”

Kota clenched his fists before looking away from Izuku

Kota: “everyons crazy calling each other stupid names like hero and villain and killing each other talking about quirks and stuff it's because there showing off that it ended up like that”

Izuku: “kota not every hero does what they do to show off or to show their power… some do it because they can't stand the sight of people in pain or sad, some do it because they feel a need to help no matter what happens to them and some heroes do it because they experience pain that they don't want anyone else to feel”

After saying this Izuku turns and heads back to the main camp leaving kota to think on his own

Kota: (shut up, why won't everyone stop talking about heroes!?!!)

On Top of another cliff

A group of seven gathered. A man with black hair and several burns across his body walked up to the middle of the group before speaking

???: “that makes seven”

Before he could say anything els a larger man in a cloak and a white mask interrupted him

???: “i don’t care, just let me at em”

The burnt man spoke again

???: “you getting to pumped up, so shut up you crazy bastard well move when all of us are here”

They looked toward the camp where all the students were laughing and joking about. The group looked away from the camp as a purple portal opened behind them.
