Exam Day

It's been a couple days since the incident in hosu during those couple of days the classes work experience ended as everybody returned to ua. After they returned back to classes everybody was talking about the events at hosu as well as their own work experience. all the girls were gathered in a group talking to each other.

Mina: “wow you even got to fight villains? I'm so jealous!”

Jiro: “all i did was help with evacuations and provide logistic support, so i didn't get to do any actual fighting”

Mina: “it's still amazing”

Tsu: “all i did was train and go on patrols, too. Well there was that one time when we caught some smugglers from a neighboring country”

Most of the girls look at her like she was crazy

Mina & toru: “ That's crazy!!”

Tsu: “how about you ochako? How was your week?”

Uraraka: “it was worthwhile i was able to add to my fighting repertoire”

Jiro: “that’s good”

Toru: “now the big question is have you heard about what happened at hosu”

Momo: “it's all over the news for the past few days i think everyone has at least heard what happened”

Jiro: “those two there at hosu when the hero killer was their”

She says while pointing towards shoto and Izumi

Momo: “yeah i saw so worried”

Mina gives her a devilish smile

Mina: “yeah but i bet you where a lot more worried about him then her”

This comment made momo turn away from the group with a blush across her face

After a while the girls joined the rest of the class where they talked about the events of hosu this was until kaminari spoke up

Kaminari: “i mean he is scary but did anyone see the video”

Ojiro: “You mean the one of the hero killer?”

Kaminari: “yeah. I mean watching that you can see how he's really single-minded and tenacious. I mean docent it almost make you think he’s kinda cool”

1-a: “KAMINARI!!!”

Kaminari: “huh?...oh lida i'm sorry i di~”

Lida: “No. It's fine, it's true he was tenacious. I could understand how some people could think he’s cool but he chose purging as a result of his beliefs no matter what he thinks that part is definitely wrong…in order to keep anyone from turning out like me”

Before he does anything else he extended his arm in a dramatic way before continuing

Lida: “I will once again walk on the path to become a hero!”

Izuku: “that's the spirit lida”

Lida: “Now, it's time to commence class! Everyone, take your seats!”

Everyone starts walking to their seats. Before Uraraka takes her seat she’s stopped by a hand lightly grabbing her shoulder when she turns only for her eyes to be met with Izuku standing there.

Izuku: “h-hey”

Uraraka: “h-hi”

Izuku: “is it ok if we talk there's something i want to tell you”

Uraraka: “yeah sure but not now…come by my dorm after class we'll talk then”

Izuku: “thank you”

They both go to their seats after a couple of seconds Aizawa opened the door to the class room and walked in as he entered he walked to the front of the room facing the class.

Aizawa: “this week every student will be taking tests”

Most the class complained until aizawa continued

Aizawa: “i said every student that includes other courses”

Kaminari: “so this is like an exam week”

Aizawa: “in part yes every course will undergo an exam the only one we are telling you about apart from the hero exams is the support course”

Mina put her hand up getting aizawa attention

Mina: “not to mean or anything but why should we care”

Aizawa: “the support course is planning to put on a support festival tomorrow i am telling you this so that you go to it tomorrow this is optional but i highly recommend you all attend the event sooner or later most of you will ever need a support item or have your hero suits changed or upgrades but for now get changed and head to hero training to get yourself warmed up for. Later today you all will be taking you exam”

After aizawa said this the class got up from their seats and collected their hero suits and headed to hero training

After a while 

The class made it to a fake factory city full of metal pipes heading every direction they were standing in front of entrance to the fake city all might was in front of the class

All might: “good morning class ready for a heroic warm up for you exams today we will be doing a rescue race

Lida: “if we are doing some sort of rescue training shouldn't we do it at the usj?”

All might: “that place is for disaster training

Lida: “yes sorry for my interruption”

All might: “without any further adobe wellcome to ground city gamma for this race you will be separated into two 5-person groups and two 6-person groups and go through the cit one group at a time i will send a distress signal from somewhere in the city you will all start at once from the outskirts of the city all your goals is to reach me first. Of course you will have to keep damage to the city to a minimum”

He says the last part as he slowly points in the direction of the bakugou twins”

Katsuki & katsumi: “don’t point at us!”

All might: “all right first person get into position”

After saying this the first group heads into the city this group contains Izuku, Izumi, lida, ojiro, sero and Tsu

With the rest of the class

The class was watching the screen waiting for the race to start

Kirishima: “lida hasn't recovered yet, right?”

Kaminari: “he should just sit out and watch”

Momo: “this group has a lot of people with good mobility. Hmm perhaps the male yagi twin is at a disadvantage”

Jiro: “That's true. But honestly he could have a chance and with some of those gadgets”

Kirishima looks to the bakugou twins before speaking

Kirishima: “Who do you two think is going to win? I’m betting on sero’ll be first”

Katsuki: “Then you're an idiot, Izumi will be first!!”

Uraraka: “i don't know who’ll win i mean lida does have a good chance even with his injuries but Izu does have some good stamina and gadgets”

Mina smirked at her

Mina: “good stamina huh”

Uraraka: “.....ummm yeah”

Mina: “Now how would you know that huh?”

Immediately uraraka started imagining things before she started blushing and waving her hands in front of her face with a heavy blush on her face

Uraraka: “T-that's not what I meant!!”

With the group in the city

All might: “ok here we go!

After saying this he presses a button sounding an alarm signaling them to start the race. Immediately they started making their way to all might sero using his quirk to swing from pipe to pipe while ojiro used his tail to bounce about. Tsu used her tongue to swing off pips as well as jumping off pips and walls keeping her momentum. Lida ran across the city, and Izumi used her own quirk to fly to all mights location. While this was going on Izuku was running and using his grapple while he was going through the city.

Izuku: (this would be so much easier with the suit)

After thinking this he remembered something stain said

Stain: “You wear the mask and use the mantel of a true hero but without them you would be nothing”

Izuku: (am i nothing without the suit and gadgets)

After thinking this he continues the training.This training took only a few minutes to complete unfortunately Izumi made it there first while Izuku made it there second as they were standing at all mights location.

All might: “thank you! And congratulation young Izumi yagi

Izumi: “thank you so much!”

All might: “Now she may have come in first but as I watched all of you I saw how much you all have improved with your quirks!...and gadgets…you all should head back to your class and have a little break ready for the exam later today!”

The group: “yes sir!”

As they were leaving all might places his hand on Izuku’s shoulder causing him to look at him he waits for the rest of the class to leave before her spoke to Izuku

All might: “Izumi may have come in first but i am still proud of how far you’ve came

Izuku just shoves his hand off before walking to the railing

Izuku: “i never asked”

After saying this he jumped over the railing all might runs to the railing with a worried face only to see him using his grapple to swing through the city.

All might: “you shouldn't have to

The Rest of the groups took their turns. After the groups did their races they changed back into their uniformes and went back to their class room where they had to take some written exams and have their lunch after they had their lunch they changed back into their hero suits and made it to the practical exam area as they made it they were met with a group of teachers standing in front of the building 

Aizawa: “now we will begin the practical exam of course you can fail this exam but if you want to go to the training camp then don’t make any stupid mistakes”

Nezu: “for your practical exam you will be having two students fighting a teacher”

The class all gave shocked looks 

Nezu: “in addition the pairs and who each pair will be up against have already been decided this is who will be paired and who they'll be versing…first is todoroki and yaoyorozu”

Aizawa: “and they'll be fighting me”

After this he proceeds to list off all the pairs and who they will be versing

Kirishima & sato vs cementoss

Tsu & Tokoyami vs ectoplasm

Lida & ojiro vs power loader

Shoto & momo vs aizawa

Uraraka & aoyama vs thirteen

Denki & mina vs nezu

Jiro & koda vs present mic

Toru & shoji vs snipe

Sero & mineta vs midnight

Katsumi & katsuki vs magnetic

As nezu was talking he got to the end of the list 

Nezu: “and finally Izuku and Izumi will be versing~”

Before he could say anything else they heard a voice coming from the sky as everyone looked up they saw all might drop from the sky as he landed in front of the class.

All might: “me

Nezu: “the time limit for this exam is thirty minutes the objective is to ever capture them with these cuffs or escape from the stage to make everything fair all the teachers will be wearing weighted bracelets now with everything sorted let's head in and get the first match started”

The class walks into the building most of them separated into their groups to start strategizing with each other apart from Izuku and Izumi

After a while

uraraka and aoyama holding onto a railing trying to resist being pulled by thirteens quirk

Uraraka: (ok. Ok think we have to get out of here come on thick what would batman do what would Izuku do)

While she was thinking ayama looked at her

Aoyama: “hey”

Uraraka: “not now! I’m thinking!”

Aoyama: “about Izuku yagi your thinking about what he would do weren't you”

Uraraka looks at him

Aoyama: “is it because…you like him”

After hearing this made her freak out causing her to let go off the railing making her be pulled towards thirteen as she got close thirteen stopped using her quirk. Uraraka was mid air only inches away from thirteen before she did anything all the training she received from Izuku and gunhead quickly flashed through her head only for her to throw a punch at thirteens head which she dodged only for uraraka to grab her shoulder and pushing her to the ground before thirteen did anything uraraka slapped the cuffs on her winning the match.

After a while

Izuku was standing in the observation room watching Katsuki and Katsumi fight inko she was floating in the middle of the air while the twins constantly jumped at her trying to knock her to the ground only to be stopped and thrown to the floor. As he was watching this go on the door to the room opened revealing Uraraka. She walked up to Izuku and stood next to him watching the screen.


Uraraka: “hey”

They both look at the screen until he looked at her

Izuku: “about what i’m going to tell you tonight”

Uraraka: “just leave it till tonight you should go and make a plan with your sister”

Izuku: “emm yeah i-i’ll go and do that”

He leaves the room to find and talk to Izumi. As he leaves the room tsu walked past him and entered the room and walked up to uraraka

tsu: “how are you and yagi *kero*”

Uraraka: “where fine”

tsu: “really? *kero*”

Uraraka: “yes…maybe…i don’t know”

tsu: “why what's going on *kero*”

Uraraka:”he wants to tell me something tonight and…it’s just that the thing he's going to tell me if it's the same as what i'm thinking then why did he tell aizawa before me”

Tsu: “before i say anything i'm on your side *kero*

Uraraka: “ok”

Tsu: “it’s just did you ever consider that maybe aizawa found out by himself and maybe he didn’t tell you because it’s not something good and he doesn't want you to think less of him for it *kero*” 

Uraraka: “maybe you're right”

They look at the screen seeing Izuku and Izumi walk into the fake city

At the city

Izuku and Izumi walks through the city as they do this Izumi looks towards him before speaking

Izumi: “so what should we do”

Izuku: “i'm going to take him down and your not going to get in my way”

Izumi: “what! Izuku don’t be stupid we should fight together”

While she was talking he hears something coming from the end of the street

Izuku: “shut up”

Izumi: “no im not letting my brother fight the number one her by him sel~”

Izuku: “no i'm being serious shut up”

Izumi: ”why?”

Izuku: “Do you hear that?”

Before they could do anything, an incredibly strong wind pressure knocked them both to the ground while also creating a cloud of dust they start getting up only to hear heavy footsteps heading towards them they both look toward the direct only for all might to walk out of the dust

All might: “if you think this is an exam you'll be sorry. I am a villain, heroes. Come at me with everything you've got!

Immediately Izuku throws a flash bang grenade at him blinding him trying to take advantage of this he runs up to him and jumps ready to punch him in the head only all might to grab him by the face stopping him and holding him in the air. While he was in the air he grabbed some bombs and detonated them into all mights face. This didn't do anything but make him hold his face. Izuku tried to get loose from his grasp without success only for Izumi to use her quirk to grab some rocks and throw them at all might accidentally hitting his injury causing im to let go off Izuku Izumi grabbed him before running down an ally as they got a fair distance away she let him go as he walked to the hearst wall

Izumi: “well that didn’t work huh”

Izuku: “....”

Izumi: “maybe we should work together”

He starts walking towards the main street

Izumi: “hey where are you going? We could work together and we might be able to beat him together”

After hearing this he stops where he was

Izuku: “I have never needed your help and after everything you did I'M NOT ABOUT TO ASK FOR IT NOW!!”

She just looks down before replying with some tears in her eyes

Izumi: “I've tried everything to make it up to you please tell me…why won’t you accept my apology”

He turns to her with an angry look

Izuku: “because they're just words you have done nothing to prove to me that you've changed!!”

They didn't say anything for a couple of seconds

Izumi: “i’ll prove that i'm not the person you think i am”

Izuku: “sure…look i’ll work for you for now so listen up”

After a while with all might

He was running through the city until Izumi appeared out of an ally where she quickly used her quirk to propel him him back without wasting a second she activates one for all and runs to him she tries to punch im only for him to grab her wrist and slam her into the ground he pulls her up and looks her in the eye

All might: “i have to say that wasn't a impreeve plan attacking a appointment head on

Izumi : “oh we know”

All might: “huh?

All might: “then what were you doing?

Izumi: “the plan i was distracting you”

He was about to move only to feel something connect to his wrist when he look down he sees one of the cuffs attached to him after seeing this he puts Izumi down

All might: “ha i knew you two would make a great hero team

After hearing this Izuku watches the other end of the cuff to Izumi before leaving the city

After a while

The class went back to their dorms after a while. Izuku walked to Uraraka's room thinking of every possible outcome until he made it to the door to her room. He takes a deep breath before knocking on the door after a few moment the door opened revealing uraraka

Izuku: “hey is this a good time”

She gives him a small smile

Uraraka: “yeah come in”

She steps aside letting him in. after he entered the room she closed the door and proceeded to sit on her bed while he leaned against her desk

Uraraka: “So what do you want to tell me?”

Izuku: “well i”

Izuku: (i can't tell her)

Izuku: “i just want to get things back to how they were before so would you like to emm~”

Izuku: (come on think think)

Izuku: “go to the support festival with me tomorrow”

Uraraka: “yeah sure”

She was about to ask about his secret but before she did she remembered the conversation she had with tsu and stopped

Izuku: “sorry to cut this short but it's late i should go”

He walks to the door before turning back to her

Uraraka: “yeah i guess i’ll see you tomorrow”

Izuku: “night”

Uraraka: “night”

After saying this he leaves the room letting her think about everything while Izuku changes into his suit and heads out for patrol.
