A New Begining

As izuku stud there broken from what the hero in front of him 

izuku: "i-i....im sorry for wasting your time" 

he said quietly and in a broken tone 

all might: "think nothing of it, young one. Well, I'll be on my way now!"

all might leaped away, leaving Izuku on his own. his tears hit the floor. He didn't even realize that the tears were his at first. He stood there until all the pain came out. He stood there weeping uncontrollably until he couldn't any more. As he began to walk home broken. When he passed by an alleyway he heard the sound of struggling. He looked towards the sound and saw 4 thugs cornering an old man. the old man was slouched down clenching his gut like he got punched. seeing this Izuku immediately ran at the thugs.

Izuku: "hey leave him alone!!"

Izuku leaped at the thug throwing a punch directly at him. as it collided with the first thugs face however the remaining thugs over power him and drag him to the ground.

thug 1: "hold that little shit i'm going to teach him to mind his own business" 

thug 3: "show him what happens when you try to play hero"

As the thugs were surrounding Izuku ready to hurt him. they began to start kicking and punching all around his body until


The 4 thugs turn around to see the old man they were beating on earlier glaring at them.

thug 1: "just hang on well get back to you soon"

thug 2: "ah forget the old geezer"

The man then quickly swung his cane at the 2nd thug knocking him out with a thud. The other 3 thugs look at the man surprised.

???: "I may be an old man but I can still beat you pathetic low lives.

This comment angered the other 3 thugs 

thug 4: "kill the geezer"

The 3rd thug ran at the old man ready to punch him. the old man though just used his cane to block the punch and then hit him with the cane knocking him out with it. Izuku was just on the ground watching in amazement at his moves. thug 1 created a knife and lunged at the old man only to be disarmed and struck across the head knocking him out. Then the 4th thug started to walk up to the old man. The old man was about to take him out until he started to clench his chest suddenly and fell to the ground. 

thug 4: "huh? looks like your times up old timer"

The thug pulled out a gun and was about to shoot the old man point blank in the head. Seeing this Izuku immediately ran to the thug and punched him in the face causing him to hit his head on the wall knocking him out. Izuku stood there looking at his fist in shock before all his attention was drawn to the groans of pain coming from the old man.

Izuku: "Oh crap. sir"

Izuku than ran over to the old man and started to help him up 

Izuku: "sir are you ok? Do you need help?"

???: "*groan* I'm fine. i need *groan* I need my medicine”

Izuku started to help the old man walk 

Izuku: "where is it"

???: "my house. it's just down the street 

Izuku then started to help the old man to his house. After about 15-minutes of walking they finally made it there. Izuku was in complete shock. It was a hotel penthouse. The building was amazing.

Izuku: "uh what floor"

???: " top floor"

Izuku helped the man to the elevator and pressed for the top floor soon after the elevator reached the top floor. when the door opened they were met with a door to a penthouse 

Izuku: "do you have the key"

???: "open. passcode Thomas and Matha wayne

AI: passcode accepted

Once the AI stopped speaking the door to the penthouse door opened. When they walked in they were met with a dark but huge room. Izuku carried the man to a chair and laid him down.

???:*groan* My medication is in the kitchen. *groan*the bottle on the side with the blue cap

Izuke quickly went to the kitchen to retrieve the pills. He got the pills and a glass of water and went back to the old man.

Izuku: "here you go"

he hands the pills and water to the man 

???: "*groun* thank you"

Izuku: "dont worry about it"

???: " if it wasn't for you I would have been shot. That was a pretty heroic thing you did there"

hearing this made Izuku smile for the first time all day.

Izuku: " T-Thank you....im Izuku yagi"

he says as he puts his hand out. only to be shaken by the man

bruce: "bruce.bruce wayne.

Izuku: "If i may ask where is you family or carer"

bruce: "no it's ok my parents died when i was 8 and i don't have any other close family"

Izuku: "oh im sorry for bringing it up"

bruce: "it's fine what about you"

Izuku: "what do you mean"

bruce: "any family"

Izuku: "oh.....yeah you know mother, father, sister all that"

he says as he looks at the floor not wanting to look him in the eyes

bruce: "are you ok you paused before saying anything"

bruce says as he looks at Izuku curious at why he paused 

Izuku: "well...when i was 4 i was diagnosed Quirkless...and....things changed my parents stopped noticing more and more and my sister and who i thought were my friends...started to bully me everyday for the last 11 years"

bruce: "really"

Izuku "I'm sorry i didn't mean to dump my problems on you"

bruce: "it's perfectly fine"

Izuku: "Thank you for you time but i should probably get home....but is it ok if i use you bathroom please"

bruce: "*chuckle*sure it's down the hall"

Izuku got up from the couch and walked away he never asked where exactly the bathroom was so he aimlessly walked from room to room to find the bathroom 

Izuku: (how big is this place)

As he walks into a room that looks like an office or study room. with rows and rows of books he doesn't know why but he was drawn into the room as he was looking at the books on the shelfs he accidentally bumped into a head statue knocking its head open.

Izuku: "oh.god please don't be broken"

As he went to check if it was broken only to find out that the statue had a red button in it. being curious he pressed the button as he did this there were sounds of gears and machines where heard behind the wall as it went inwards and separated revealing.....

As soon as Izuku saw the suits in the case he recognised them immediately as the suits of the batfamily, nightwing, robin, batgirl and the bat suit itself. While he was taking in what he was seeing his eyes landed on the final suit. It was simple in design, all black with red for the symbol while the only other color on the suit was the silver for the belt.

Izuku: "T-T-This is the batsuit.....I-I can't believe this. wait......doesn't that mean that bruce has to be-AGH"

Before he could finish his sentence he was hit across the back of the head causing him to hit the ground. Izuku turned around to lock eyes with Bruce as he did so he noticed Bruce had an extremely angry look on his face.

bruce: "GET.OUT"  

Hearing this Izuku got up as quick as he could and speed walked his way out of the pent house as he was standing in front of the elevator doors. He looked back and saw Bruce walking towards him. In fear, he turned round and backed up to the point he was pressed up against the elevator doors.

Izuku: "I-Im s-sorry. i swear i was just looking for the bathroom"

Bruce just stared daggers at Izuku. he then took a step forward being only a foot away from him before saying.

bruce: "if you tell anyone about this. i will find you no matter you go am i clear"

Izuku just nodded his head fast. Then the door's to the elevator opened causing him to fall backwards into the elevator. As he watched the door's close he could still see Bruce looking at him until the door's fully closed. After this event Izuku was making his way home mentally freaking out about what happened.

Izuku: (I can't believe I just met batman. the batman)

Izuku was freaking out until a news report caught his attention. as he turned he saw a crowd of people watching the report. He walked to the back of the crowd to see what the report was about.

News reporter: "This just in a villian with a sludge quirk has broken into a home and taken a family hostage the heroes have created a border around the house ready to breach the home and it appears tha-....T-this just in the heroes have breached the home to find both parents have unfortunately been....killed. Fortunately their son and daughter can now be confirmed as alive and well. however the villain has not been apprehended currently.

Hearing this Izuku was in shock he mind was racing trying to figure out how the villain could have escaped the police and all might. as his mind went back to his encounter with all might. A wave of realization hit him as he remembered grabbing all mights leg. After the realization he grabbed his mouth in shock, only one thought was on his mind.

Izuku: (It's all my fault....those people....those children..i-im sorry)

After this he realized what he had to do he turned around and sprinted towards the penthouse. He ran through the lobby to the elevator and went to the top floor. As soon as the door's opened he ran to the door, unfortunately it wouldn't open.

AI: "unauthorized access"

Izuku: (dammit)

Izuku then looked to the side of the door and noticed a call button. He pressed the button and began to speak.

Izuku: "bruce?......bruce!? Please, I need your help.I know you said to leave and not come back. But I need your help.

There was no response 

Izuku: "please there is this villain, I need help finding him. It was my fault he got away from the police and pros....he.....he killed two people and made two kids into orphans. please help me stop him” 

After a few seconds there was still no response.Izuku grew frustrated.

Izuku: "FINE THEN.......i'll find and stop him myself. you're no hero. you're no batman you wacked out old fraud!!"

Izuku slammed the button before walking to the elevator until he heard the door behind him unlock. Izuku looked at the door and just smiled.As he turned around and walked in the penthouse going directly to the office he was in before. Bruce was on a computer while Izuku was looking at the bat suits.

bruce: "Hmmm..."

Izuku: "what's wrong"

bruce: "with what happened and how many heroes are coming after him for what he did he is probably trying to get out of the country. Judging by the direction he was heading as well as security cameras and traffic cameras across the city. It's safe to say that he is heading to the docks.

Izuku: "so what are we going to do"

bruce: " we?....i can't do anything"

Izuku: "but you're batman"

bruce looks at his original bat suit with tired eyes

bruce: ".........i was batman”

Izuku: "so...what can we do"

bruce: "*sigh*I can give an anonymous tip to the police and pro's but the likelihood of them seeing it is slim. but it's better than nothing. i'm sorry i did all i could"

After saying this Bruce walks out of the room to get his phone to make a phone call. When Bruce left Izuku slumped on the side of the desk and looked at the bat suit before standing up and looking directly at the suit. After a few minutes Bruce walked back into the room.

bruce: "i've made the call so i think it time for you to lea-"

As Bruce looked up he saw that Izuku was missing as well as his latest suit. Bruce gave an unamused look with a hint of anger.

Izuku stole the bat suit. Currently  he was trying to glide through the city the best he could, trying to avoid hitting every building near him. while the suit is in glide there are retractable wings shaped like bat wings that come out of the suit they are black on the outside and red on the inside. As he was gliding he was zig zagging back and forth trying desperately not to hit into a building.

batman: "this is a lot harder than i thought it would be"

Izuku then started to fly towards the top of a building. He retracted his wings and clumsily rolled on the roof of the building.

batman: "that was graceful" 

He picked himself up off the ground and walked over to the edge of the building. and looked at the docks with a determined look he jumped off the building and began to glide in the direction of the docks.

batman: "how did bruce stop any crimes going this slow"

All of a sudden he had rocket boosters coming from his boots accelerating him faster.

batman: "Ok ok gotta focus. i can't let that villan get away with what he did"

Izuku landed on the roof of a warehouse and started looking around the dock.

batman: "if i was a big snot ball where would i hide"

As he was scanning the dock he looked at a cargo ship. He smirked and began to head towards the ship. Izuku entered the ship and started to look around going from room to room until he found a room with gas tanks in it as he walked up to each one of the tanks until he saw a small piece of slime on the edge of the tankers hatch Izuku takes a few steps away from the tanker before going thru his belt until he finds a bat shaped device.

He then got into a stance ready to throw the device at the tanker. As he was about to throw it a green slime tentacle struck him across the face sending Izuku to the other side of the room into a wall of wooden boxes while also making him drop the device to the ground. As Izuku got out from under the boxes he saw the sludge villain form in front of him.

sludge villain: "who the hell are you supposed to be?" 

???: "yagi"

batman: "Who said that?"

The villain looked at Izuku like he was crazy

sludge villain: "who do you think freak"

???: "It's wayne there's a radio reserved in the cowl"

batman: "that's pretty cool"

sludge villain: "WHAT'S COOL!!"

The sludge villain was getting frustrated about being ignored 

bruce comlink: "get back here and return that suit now"

batman: "now isn't a good time"

He says as he noticed the sludge villain approaching him

bruce comlink: "that suit doesn't belong to you"

The sludge villain sent a slime tendril at izuku. Izuku quickly grabbed a batarang and cut the tendril off the villain before throwing it at the batarang on the floor causing it to blow up. as it was exploding Izuku ran and dove behind the boxes protecting him from the Explosion while the sludge villain was caught in the Explosion. As the explosion died down, Izuku hopped out from behind the box.

batman: "that was easier than i thought"

bruce comlink: "good now get back here the heroes are on there way leave catching the villain to them"

batman: "sorry mr.wayne i can't do that not after what do did"

bruce comlink: "this isn't you responsibility"

batman: "im sorry but thats where you wrong he got loose because of me i'm just as culpable as him for making those kid orphans.....i have to make it right"

Unaware to him the sludge villain was reforming behind him 

bruce comlink: "you're untrained, impulsive and letting your emotions cloud your actions. you could get hurt if not killed"

batman: "i understand and i will give return the suit after this guy is put away for what he did"

With bruce at his penthouse tower in his office 

bruce: "Fine then. you give me no choice"

Bruce then types a command into his computer a small piece of the desk opens up and a red button comes out. Bruce pressed the red button.

Back with Izuku at the ship.

The bat suit suddenly started to short out making him unable to move.

batman: "H-hey w-what did you do"

bruce comlink: "It's a failsafe it paralyzes the suit if the wrong person gets into it. i gave you a choice to stop"

batman: "y-you can't"

bruce conlink: "i just did"

Izuku was completely unable to move when the sludge villain reformed; he grabbed Izuku and threw him in the air and slammed him to the ground.

batman: "*groan*"

sludge villain: "Well, well, well the wanna be hero isn't as tough as he seems"

Izuku struggled to move while the villain was standing over him getting ready to kill him.

batman: "please he's going to kill me"

sludge villain: "you got that right kid!!"

He saws as he starts to beat Izuku with his tendrils

Back with bruce

Bruce gave in and pressed the button again giving Izuku control again

With izuku

As the sludge villain was about to hit Izuku again the suit became less tense. Not wasting a second Izuku flipped out of the way of the attack and got in a fighting stance.

bruce comlink: "Now bring that suit back"

batman: "after i take this guy down"

sludge villain: "who the hell are you talking to"

bruce comlink: " aim you fists at his eyes"

batman: "why?"

bruce comlink: "JUST. do it"

Izuku did what he was told and aimed his fists at the villain. before he could think the suit shot out a small bat shaped disc projectile. The villain acted quick enough to protect his eyes. while he was blinded Izuku ran to a deeper part of the ship. When the sludge villain looked back to where Izuku was he noticed he was gone enraged he started looking for him. in the other room Izuku was squatting behind a large canister.

batman: "what's next boss"

bruce comlink: "now you get out of there and coming back here and giving back the suit"

batman: "and let him get away"

bruce comlink: " the police and pros are on there way they'll take it from here"

batman: "i can do it"

bruce comlink: "i'll shut down the suit again and this time permanently"

Bruce was about to press the button until Izuku started to speak.

batman: "i've heard about what happens to your family i know how you lost your parents the guy who turned two children into orphans is in the other room this is our one chance to nail him........i know the person who took them from you was never caught and i know stopping him want truly take the pain away from them.....but can you truly tell me you hadn't wished that someone found and brought him in"

Izuku slumps down to the ground. there was a few seconds of silence before 

bruce comlink: "what do you see around you"

Izuku just smiled before hopping to his feet and looking around.

batman: "there are a lot of canisters of liquid nitrogen"

bruce comlink: "his quirk makes him a liquid right"

batman: "and liquid freezes"

With the slime villain 

sludge villain: "WHERE ARE YOU!!!"

Before the villain could do anything a batarang flew in front of him. The villain looked to where it came from to see Izuku standing on the railing before jumping off and running into the other room. as Izuku did this the villain chased after him as soon as he made it to the other room the door behind him shut.

sludge villain: "WHAT THE HELL"

As he looked back at the door there was no one there. Suddenly there was a noise behind him he turned and attacked where he thought the noise came from only to hit a box. getting a little scared the villain started to freak out.

sludge villain: "WHO ARE YOU. WHAT DO YOU WANT"

There was a slight moment of silence before a voice could be heard echoing thru the room 

batman: "you killed two people"


The villain yelled as he was looking for Izuku

batman: "no....i'm doing this for the two children you made into orphans tonight"

The villain started to back up until he hit a canister. As soon as he hit the canister tow batarangs struck the canister behind him causing it to break and pore on the villain. As soon as the liquid nitrogen hit him his body began to freeze.

sludge villain: "w-w-what h-have you done to m-me?"

While the villain was freezing he looked up and saw Izuku walking out of the shadows. with his remaining strength he asked one question.

sludge villain: " w-who are you?"

batman: "...........im batman"

He says before punching the villain, shattering him into pieces. 


The cop's and pro's have arrived on the ship. As the pro's entered the ship a wave of cold air flew past them when they got further into the ship they found where the chill originated from. being ready for whatever was behind the door they burst into the room to find......nothing but green ice arranged in a bizarre manner. seeing no threat the pro's called the police down to secure the area.

???: "what happened here?"

???: "didn't expect you to be her Tsukauchi"

Tsukauchi: "i am a police officer but why are you sill her Aizawa"

Aizawa: "does the position of the ice strike you as odd"

Tsukauchi: "a little but why is the ice green"

Aizawa: "it's the villain we were looking for"

Tsukauchi: "is he dead"

Aizawa: "as long as his eye are intact he'll be fine"

He says this as he looks up to the catwalk.

Aizawa: "follow me"

He says this as they walk out of the room and up the stairs to the catwalk. As soon as they made it above the ice they looked down at the ice.

Tsukauchi: "What's that a calling card or something?"

Aizawa: "it's a bat"

5 Minutes before this

Izuku was gliding through the city

batman: "Thank you for helping me stop that guy ill head back and return the suit"

bruce paused for a few seconds before responding

bruce comlink: "it's late how about you go home and return it tomorrow"

batman: "a-are you sure"

bruce comlink: "yeah...come by tomorrow and give the suit back"

batman: "o-ok thank you  mr wayne"

As Izuku made it back to his home he landed on the roof of his house getting ready to enter his room window before hearing something come from his sister's room.


all might: " yes izumi it is i all mig-agh"

All might reverts back into his small form 

Izumi: "dad.....are you ok"

Inko: "yeah honey your fathers perfectly fine"

Izumi: "I still can't believe it, my parents are two of the best pro heroes to ever live. wait till Izuku find out about this hell be so happy"

Inko and Toshi look at each other before deciding to speak

Inko: "Izumi we would like you to keep this a secret from Izuku for now"

Izumi: "why?"

Toshi: "we don't think Izuku will react well to finding this out at the moment"

Izumi: "really......o-ok i promise i won't tell him"

Inko: "thank you honey"

Izumi: "is there anything else you want to tell me"

Toshi: " there is actually"

he proceeds to explain the history of one for all

Izumi: "T-that's a lot to take in.....but why are you telling me this"

Toshi: "because i want you to be the 9th wielder of one for all and my successor"

Izumi thinks about this for a few seconds before replying

Izumi: "why....didn't you give izuku this offer"

Toshi: ".......the reason why we didn't offer Izuku this is because.....we seemore potential in you"

there was a moment before izumi responded

Izumi: "ok...i'll become your successor"

they all share a hug before Inko decides to speak

Inko: "let's go celebrate shall we"

toshi/Izumi: "yeah/lets go"

After hearing this Izuku left for his room to change and go to sleep for the night after hiding the bat suit in his room.

The next morning

Izuku was woken up from his sleep with a knock on his door. As he dragged himself out of bed he took a deep breath before facing the family which is lying to him about who they really are after crushing his dreams. After prospering himself he opened the door to see his mother.

Inko: "morning sweet heart hurry up and get ready we have a guest"

After saying this she walks down stairs to the living room. with a confused look he got changed into blue jeans and a black t-shirt and brown shoes. we walked in to the living room to see his family and-

Izuku: "mr wayne?" 

Inko ,toshi and Izumi where sitting on the opposite bruce having some tea

Izuku: "i don't mean to sound rude but...why are you here"

Toshi: "my boy Mr wayne is here to offer you a job"

Izuku: "a job....really?"

Inko: "oh, don't be rude mr wayne is being very generous"

bruce: oh no if anything i should be thanking him. he defended me against a bunch of hooligans i tried to reward him but he refused.

hearing this shocked the family on the couch

Izuku: "so what does this job entail"

bruce: "it's not much you will be doing little things that my age makes me unable to do. an errand boy if you will.... an ally if it where you would be interested.

Izuku: " sure"

bruce: "I must warn you. I can be a difficult taskmaster. I expect the utmost best from all who work for me.

Izuku: "i can handle it"

bruce: "Very good then mr yagi. welcome to my world"

As he was saying this he put his hand out for a shake while also giving a look with his eye showing that he is talking about something else. Without hesitation he takes his hand and shakes it while also giving the same look to bruce.
