Chapter 8

Morning came, and Rossi drove down to the church. He got out of the truck and observed the ranch as he picked up a box with supplies and food. He walked up the church stairs and knocked on the door, coming face to-face with Cyrus.

"Dave?" he asked.

Rossi nodded.

"I'm Ben," he said, letting him pass. "Come in."

Rossi gave the box to one of his men while another searched for it. Rossi saw many men with guns, and he let out a breath.

Cyrus led the way, motioning to the kids. "The children."

They both walked down the aisle slowly once Rossi was cleared and Cyrus motioned towards them.

"And our guests."

They all made eye contact, and Rossi looked around to not make it obvious. He walked with Cyrus, turning to him.

"I'd hope you'd let me take the children," Rossi said.

Cyrus shook his head. "No, they are our protection."

Cyrus looked at Rossi, and he was thinking. A few more words were exchanged, but Rossi was not budging.

"I remember Waco. We all do."

Rossi shook his head at him. "This isn't Waco."

Cyrus sighed. "They stay for now."

He leaned over to grab the bible from a child, and Rossi noticed Daniella leaning against the wall as she made eye contact with him. She was ready to attack if anything, and Rossi cleared his throat as if saying no.

Cyrus leaned back up, and Rossi turned his attention to him immediately.

"While I pray for God's guidance, please don't try to force us out."

Rossi looked at him. "No one's going to try to force you out, trust me."

"Trust is earned."

"You're right," Rossi says, giving him a small nod. "It is."

They began to walk towards the door.

"Tell them I'm not crazy, tell them I'm just a man living by God's law." Cyrus said, holding the bible to his chest.

Rossi offered his hand. "I will."

They shook hands, and Cyrus closed the door after Rossi walked out. His entire expression changed, and he turned to his men.

"Prepare the wine."

Cyrus poured wine into all the cups for the men, the women, and the children. They were passed out in all the rows, Daniella not getting one and neither Prentiss nor Reid.

"Tonight, everyone drinks, everyone rejoices. Because today we are one day closer to being with him. "

Reid sat beside Daniella and Prentiss and looked at the children.

"Look at Jessica's body language," Prentiss points out. "The way she looks at him."

Reid crossed his arms. "She literally worships him. There's no way she made that 9-1-1 call. "

"After all, he is her husband," Daniella sighed. "What if..."

She groaned a bit, and Reid turned to look at her as she placed her hands on the sides of her head. She was never one for headaches, but this was one of the worst kinds. She ignored Prentiss's stare and she looked at Cyrus and his men.

"Did you sleep at all?" Prentiss asked.

Daniella sighed and showed them the palms of her hands. Reid gasped at her and he grabbed her hands softly. She had slight cuts from where she was digging her nails into her skin.

"I did sleep, but I panicked a bit, okay?" She said, moving her hands from Reid's. "He kept checking up on us."

Prentiss looked at her sadly. "Daniella."

"I don't have insomnia," she said, knowing what she was getting at. "My doctor confirmed that."

"Trust in God with all your heart. Lean not on your own understandings. "

"You heard that?" Daniella asked, annoyed. "Trust in God."

Prentiss nudged her and nodded towards Jessica's mother. Jessica's mom moved seats, and Jessica kept moving around to see Cyrus.

She nodded towards them. "Look at how she comes between Cyrus and her daughter. She's inserted herself between them. "

"Acknowledge him and he will guide our way."

Everyone drinks the wine as Rossi walks into the trailer.

"They're fine," Rossi said. "Daniella's ready to attack if anything."

Derek nodded. "What about Cyrus?"

Rossi sighed. "He's too calm. It's like he was expecting this to happen and now that it has, he feels vindicated. "

One of the technical analysts put on his headphones. "I got a signal."

They all walked over to him and put their headphones on, listening to Cyrus.

"We will be with him soon as we have all drank the poison together."

Most people were calm, while others gasped quietly. Some of the men turned to their wives and children, fear evident in their eyes.

Daniella stood up; Reid and Prentiss turned to each other, not knowing what to do.

"What do you mean, poison?" Daniella called out. "You have children in here!"

One of Cryus's men pointed a gun at her, and Cyrus brushed it off. He narrowed his eyes, lowering his gun as Daniella sat back down.

"You're going to get yourself killed," Reid hissed quietly. "What are you thinking?"

"What the hell do we do?"
