Let's save Danny

I'm back and alive! I'm sorry for the near month wait so I hope I can make it up to you by this longer chapter.

Also, important note. We are slowly approaching the end of this story (about 5-8 chapters left) and I was thinking about writing a short story sequel (won't spoil it yet), would you be interested?
Write in the comments:

👍🏻: Yes, I'd like to
👎🏻:no, please don't


"I don't care if he isn't there! I need to search the place at least!" Jason shouted at his younger brother for the millionth time today. They were currently situated in Tim's bedroom, trying to figure out Danny's position and a possible plan of rescue.

"Just calm down Jason, we can start by searching the League of Shadows if you want, but we can't be sure if he really is there." Tim calmed his tempered brother before he could alarm the whole manor. It was a sleepless night for everyone, the worry for Tim's twin slowly eating upon their sanity.

"I... I just can't cope with him not being here. I mean I may have been a part of the reason why he had left, but I miss him." The older vigilante mumbled. He stayed quiet after his statement, quietly watching his brother type something rapidly on a computer. Out of nowhere, the computer genius shook as if he was cold and stood up from his chair. "I think I need some coffee."

"Wait!" Jason stopped him. "You are a genius Timmy! I know his exact location, you figured it out!" he exclaimed excitedly while rapidly standing up from his sitting position. "Not a good idea." Jason mumbled as his vision darkened for a while.

"Umm... care to explain?" Tim looked at his brother annoyed, having no idea what he was talking about.

"It's simple, really. Do you remember our first encounter with Dan? The sudden drop in temperature." Jason looked at his brother with expectancy in his eyes. "Cold..." he repeated.

"Yes! The ghost occupying Danny's body prefers cold weather. The League of Shadows headquarters are in Himalayas."

"It isn't just a ghost Tim. Dan may be evil but he's a person too." Jason whisper yelled, getting defensive.

"Oh yeah? Then Joker is sane." Drake replied angrily. He might be a big fan of Danny, but not his counterpart.

"You idiot!" Jason cursed. "See, this is the reason why Danny left. We didn't hurt him directly, but we hurt Dan and if you haven't heard, he's his future self."

"So now you're blaming me?" Tim puffed his chest out with an angry expression. Jason stepped closer, anger evident in his posture. When he stepped in front of Tim, the younger boy didn't look so threatening anymore.

"I'm starting to think that I have made a mistake. A really big one."

"Fine." Tim spat. "I'll help you look for Danny but don't expect me to be all friendly when his friend shows up."

"I don't." The anti-hero pinched the bridge of his nose, breaking all of his tough guy walls. "Just go away Tim..."

"You know, this is my room."

"Guess I'll leave then" the older brother slouched into his room, ignoring anyone who passed by. The anyone happened to be the oldest child, the most caring one so it wasn't a surprise when Dick stopped his brother.

"Jay, is everything okay?" Dick asked concerned. "Is Danny ok?" He added when he saw his brothers expression. This type of frown was reserved only for their newest addition to their family, who seemed to be in some kind of trouble.

"Yes, he's ok." Jason lied through gritted teeth, snapping out of his brothers tight grasp. Being the second tallest one in the whole family had its perks.

"Just asking..." the vigilante said with hurt face. It pained Jason to see his older brother like this, but there was no other way, he couldn't find out about Danny. Under no circumstances or at least not from him.

"By the way, B was asking for you. He's waiting in his office." Dick said without turning around. The younger vigilante shook off his guilt and changed his direction towards Bruce's office. B's office looked like any other older office. Walls were lined up with bookshelves stocked with old books, a dark wooden table with a comfy looking leather chair and piles of papers.

"Jason." Bruce acknowledged his son's presence with a small nod. "I've noticed, well didn't notice Danny around here. Do you know where he is? I'd like to speak with him."

"I've been wondering the same thing, I haven't seen him either." Jason lied. His father scanned him with his blue calculative eyes before releasing a sigh.

"Well, If you see him, tell him I was looking for him." Bruce sighed and returned to his unfinished paperwork.

"Yes! He bought it." Jason whispered to himself victoriously. It didn't happen often that someone lied to Bruce and got away with it unnoticed. Before he reached his bedroom, he spun in his heel and returned to his father's office.

"By the way, I need to pay a visit to Ra's. Also, Tim's going with me." Jason announced. He was about to leave, this time for real, when Bruce stopped him. He was curious about why his sons needed to go to the Himalayas.

"And why's that?"

"I need to talk to him about Phantom." Jason's tone darkened, telling everyone around to leave him alone.

"When you return, I expect a report of the situation." Jason only nodded, shutting the door leading to Bruce's office. At his third attempt, he managed to get to his bedroom without any interruptions.

"I'm coming for you Danny, just wait a little longer." Jason mumbled as he was packing a medium sized backpack with a spare uniform, guns, munition and some food from the kitchen.

The anti-hero knocked lightly on his brothers wooden doors and entered. Tim was still working on his computer, but with newfound energy the coffee had given to him.

"Are you coming?" Jason asked with a raised eyebrow. "I thought you wanted to help Danny."

"You are really going now? Like right now? At this moment?" The detective stuttered, something he didn't do often. "I haven't finalized my plans yet and I haven't packed anything. We can't leave now." Tim was now typing frantically something into his computer, thanking only to the miracle that the keyboard didn't break.

"Does Bruce know?" He asked as he stuffed his laptop into a bag.

"Yeah, I told him. I'll be waiting for you in the cave." The door closed behind the vigilante with a small bang. He headed soundlessly into the Batcave, preparing the Batwing for their departure.

The checking procedure took few minutes. He had to check the engines, wheels, electronics and parachute before he could take to jet onto the runway. By the time he checked everything, Tim stumbles into the batcave in his full Red Robin uniform, holding a bag in his hand.

"Ready?" Jason asked his younger brother, giving him the last chance to back away.

"Let's save Danny." Tim replied with a small smile and took the backseat in the black jet.


The flight took quite some time, giving Tim the opportunity to finish his plans. With Bruce's preparation obsession, the young vigilante had a back-up plan for his back-up plans' back-up plan.

"So what's the plan?" Jason asked him from the cockpit.

"When you rushed me so much, I thought you had a plan in your mind already." Tim replied with a smirk.

"I'm glad you asked, just get inside unnoticed, search for Danny, find Danny and get the hell out of there."

"Have you thought about these options. One; Danny may not be there. Two; Danny might want to stay. Etc." Tim had a really good point. Jason had no solid proof that Danny was really in the Himalayas, he was just really hoping for his instincts to lead him the right way.

The longer he was separated from Danny, the harder it was for him to think straight. Constant images of evil or even tortured Danny were flooding Jason's mind, clouding his judgement. He didn't realize that while the plane was on autopilot, he was subconsciously playing with the firing button. When he unintentionally pressed the red button, a small but explosive missile parted from the plane, falling right on top of a barn. Loud explosion snapped Tim out of his slumber, totally freaking him out.

"What's happening!" He screeched while looking out of the window at the destruction.

"Sorry, my bad. My finger slipped." Jason sighed as he looked out of the window too. Burning cattle was frantically running around, being too scared of the flames.

"How could you accidentally fire a weapon? It even has a safe cap." Tim screeched in disbelief, shaking his head.

"I was just playing with the joystick." Jason tried to defend himself but failed miserably.

"On the way back, Im driving."

"You are what, 14? You can't pilot a machinery this complex." Jason joked, forgetting his worries for a while.

"And what's so complex? All I see you doing is sitting, checking if the autopilot is working and mistakenly firing missiles." Tim laughed hard. "It truly can't be that hard."

"You are mistaken young man." Jason impersonated their trusted butler, now cracking up laughing.

"If you want to know, this jet is a simple computer, I could hack it at any time now." Tim pointed out and for the fun, he took control over the jet.

"Hey!" Jason shouted. "Give me back the control!"

"Only if you promise to let me pilot this 'complex machinery' on the way home." The younger vigilante negotiated with his older brother.

"Fine." Jason sighed in defeat and at that moment, the control over the plane returned back to him. "When we come home, Bruce will have to make the program hacker-proof. Means you won't help him." The anti-hero snickered, finally returning to the controls. It felt genuinely nice to take their minds off of their current situation, but unfortunately, nothing lasts forever.

Just as they finished their debate, the Himalayas came into their view, it was only matter of minutes till they get to Nanda Parbat.

"So yeah, my plan was basically identical with yours, just add some more precautions." Tim chuckled lightly while stuffing his laptop into his bag.

"Estimated arrival - 18 minutes and 40 seconds." The autopilot announced, breaking the short silence. Their peace was soon cut again with a call from the batcave. Jason accepted the call and a small screen with his father's unamused face popped up.

"I never said you could borrow batwing." Bruce then turned away from the screen for a while, giving Jason a small window. He turned off the microphone and turned to Tim. "Can you make the plane hacker-proof, like right now?"

Tim looked at his brother weirdly, but complied. "Just in case Bruce tried anything." Jason said and then he turned back to the screen.

"You didn't have to secure the computer, I wasn't going to take control." Bruce chuckled lightly, wished them luck on their mission and turned off the communication.

"Estimated arrival - 14 minutes and 32 seconds." These 14,5 minutes were torture for the search party. No one knew what to say, dragging the silence along.

The black machinery landed on a plain, just behind a small hill behind the temple. It was already dark outside, playing into Jason's plan. With a well known hand signal, they crept around the hill.

"We can't get through here!" Jason whispered angrily at his brother, who was following closely.

"Well, if we can't get through here, there was a stone wall we could climb." Tim turned around and pointed at a wall, approximately 45 yards tall.

"Fucking perfect, the stones are wet!" Jason cursed as he looked upwards.

"We can do this," Tim reassured his brother and himself. Either way, they looked up at the tall mountain and braced themselves for the task they were about to undertake. As Tim grabbed for the first ledge to lift himself up, he heard Jason curse above him.  And it wasn't exactly the most encouraging thing in the world. Still, after taking another deep breath, he finally hoisted myself up. It wasn't long before both of them were climbing with greater speed than when they started.

"I don't understand why we didn't just take the jet to the top," Jason complained like a little kid, stopping for a second to catch his breath. Tim was now in the same high as his brother. They were more than halfway up by this point,

"Just climb." Tim replied annoyed, reaching for another hand hold. He was now higher than Jason, trying to get this over as soon as possible. That was a huge mistake. The rock Tim grabbed wasn't very stable so he slipped on his footing, falling for his death.

Gritting his teeth, Jason reached out a hand in time to catch his younger brother. He gripped Jason's hand tightly, making him cry out when he felt his weight.

"How much did you eat for breakfast?" Jason asked through gritted teeth, his hand feeling like on fire. Only one of his hands remained holding them up, and Jason was already exhausted from the climb to keep it up any longer.

Every last bit of strength he had in him, Jason swung his brother to the left where a strong branch was sticking out. When they separated, Tim grabbed into the piece of wood for his life and at the same time, he was looking for a better footing.

"That was close." The younger vigilante sighed as he renewed his grip on the stone wall. "Thanks Jason." The older vigilante looked down and sighed.

"Just lets get this over with." Pulling themselves over the top edge, they found themselves on an outskirts of a thick white forest, great for their stealth mission.

Don't forget to comment on the sequel!

