Swimming Lessons

Feng Jiu happily skipped towards the swimming pool area. She placed her backpack on a chair nearby. Then she took out her swimming suit and walked towards the changing rooms to get changed for her swimming class.

Out of nowhere, it started to rain heavily. Feng Jiu quickly grabbed her bags and stood in a sheltered area. She then held her palm out to feel the rain, and she thought to herself, "What a pity. I thought swimming would be quite fun. Now we have to head into the indoor stadium, and I'm sure our beastly teacher would torture us there."

As expected, their sports teacher told them to proceed to the indoor stadium. "Don't think you can slack off because it's raining." He shouted at them sternly and pushed everyone to run to the indoor stadium

"Not running again! My legs were still quite sore from yesterday. And I still need to 'swim' tonight." Feng Jiu thought to herself. She sighed and continued to run before the teacher shouts at her.

After they reached the indoor stadium, all of the girls started to crowd together and looked in the same direction.

"What are they looking at?" Feng Jiu thought to herself, and she slowly walked over to check it out. After she realized that it was Wen Chang, she just turned her back and walked away. Then she thought to herself, "I shouldn't be looking at guys. What's more, my Di Jun is way more handsome. I am already starting to miss him..."

Xue Shan then walked over to Feng Jiu, and she excitedly exclaimed, "It's Senior Wen Chang! He's so charming! Look at him playing soccer!"

Wen Li then replied coldly, "You call that charming? He's just okay, not very good."

Xue Shan then turned over to Wen Li and countered, "You think you're better than him?" Then he snickered and replied, "You have not seen me play soccer before then."

The beastly teacher then blew his whistle, but everyone ignored him as they were too focused on watching Wen Chang play soccer. Then he blew a few more times, but everyone still ignored him. The teacher got mad and transformed into a wolf, and then he made a loud howl.

Everyone then turned their backs to see what was going on. The teacher then transformed back to his human form and said sternly, "Now that I have all of your attention, immediately gather over here now!"

Then they started to move back and stood in front of the teacher. "So today, you'll be competing against the year 2 class in a friendly match of soccer. But I want to see everyone giving it their best shot, and there shouldn't be any losers on our team. If their team won today, you guys would have to run five rounds around the stadium before going home. Everyone heard me?!"

Everyone started to whine, and the teacher shouted, "I just said, did everyone heard me?!"

"Yes, teacher." Everyone sighed and then walked over to the benches to prepare for the match.

Wen Chang kept looking over to where Feng Jiu was sitting, and he waved at her when she looked up. Feng Jiu then gave a light smile and continued tying her shoelaces.

A few girls got jealous when they saw Wen Chang doing that to Feng Jiu, and they started to gossip among themselves. It seemed that Feng Jiu was making more enemies than friends.

Xue Shan also noticed Wen Chang looking and waving at Feng Jiu, and she said to her, "I know you have a boyfriend, but it seems like Senior Wen Chang has taken an interest in you." Feng Jiu then brushed it off and replied, "Nah. He's just being friendly. I mean, we did talk twice, so it's not weird that he waved to me."

Xue Shan then replied, "I guess so. Let's get ready for our match! I really don't want to run five rounds!" Then she looked over at Wen Li, who was already doing his warm-up stretches. She slowly walked over to him and said, "Wow. So enthusiastic, huh? You won't beat Senior Wen Chang for sure, so just relax."

"Oh? You think so? Just watch." Wen Li replied calmly, and then he continued doing stretches.

Feng Jiu and Xue Shan then started to do their warm-up stretches. At this time, Feng Jiu noticed that Wen Chang kept looking over at her, and she avoided eye-contact with him. Then she silently thought to herself, "Oh no. If Di Jun found out about this, I'll definitely get extra lessons. I'm too tired from school, so I won't have any energy to focus on his lessons. I hope he doesn't find out about it."

Wen Li was voted captain of the team, while Wen Chang was the captain of the other team. They shook their hands before starting the match.

People always said that Wen Li was bad luck because his dad was Wen Shen (瘟神) God of Plague. But it was just a rumour, and nobody actually got unlucky because of him.

Unfortunately, this time his 'bad luck' passed on to Wen Chang after they shook hands.

While walking back to his team, he accidentally tripped over his own feet and almost sprained his ankle. Wen Chang then patted his chest lightly and murmured, "Oh. Thank god I didn't sprain my ankle."

Right at this moment, the sole on one shoe came off. He immediately ran back to the seating area and changed into another pair of shoes. "Luckily, I have another pair of shoes." He thought to himself.

Then he quickly ran back onto the court, and the match started.

Wen Li scored the first goal, and Xue Shan's jaw dropped. Then he proudly strutted over to her and said, "See that? Now you believe I'm better than him, right?"

Xue Shan pondered, "Well... He did look handsome when he's playing soccer. I have never seen this side of him." Then she blushed and replied, "Wait till you win, then I'll answer your question."

Wen Li then smiled brightly and replied, "Just wait and see." And he happily ran after the ball as the match had started again.

Feng Jiu and Xue Shan were just basically 'useless' in the team, and they just stood at the corner watching them chase after the ball.

"What's so nice about so many guys chasing a single ball?" Feng Jiu said.

"Well, that's exactly the same as mating behaviour. A few guys are chasing after a single girl. Maybe that's why guys enjoy this sport. It's in their instincts."

Feng Jiu then nodded her head, and then they continued watching them play while slacking off at the side. Luckily their teacher was busy flirting with the female teacher from the year 2 class.

Xue Shan kept staring at Wen Li while he was playing, and she realized that he was really good at it. Then she thought to herself, "He looks charming. Why didn't I notice that before? He even looked more charming than Senior Wen Chang." Then she smiled to herself.

As Wen Li was a pro at soccer, the other team wasn't scoring at all, and the game was about to end. Feng Jiu anxiously watched the time and started to countdown to zero.

When there were 30 seconds left, Wen Chang managed to get hold of the ball and sprinted towards their goal-post. He was about to give it a good kick before his shoes laced untied, and he tripped on it. He accidentally kicked it in the wrong direction, and he fell on his knees too.

The ball then fell towards Feng Jiu's face, and she fell back onto the ground. She laid on the floor as her vision was blurry. Then she felt something wet coming down her nose, and she touched it. Blood came rushing down her nose, and it ran down the side of her face.

Wen Chang then got up and lightly brushed his scraped knees and ran towards Feng Jiu. "Oh my gosh, Xiao Jiu. I'm so sorry! You're bleeding, and you need to sit up now." Then Xue Shan helped Feng Jiu sit up, and Wen Li also gave her some tissue paper for her nose bleed.

The teacher then came walking over after noticing everyone surrounding Feng Jiu. "What's happening here?" He asked sternly.

Then he saw her bleeding nose and then told the crowd to scatter. "Since Wen Li won the game by 1-0 score, everyone can proceed to head home now. Nothing interesting to look here. Everyone leave now unless you want to run five rounds around the stadium." Everyone then quickly took their bags and left. But Xue Shan, Wen Li, and Wen Chang stayed behind.

The teacher then told Wen Chang to send her to the nurse's office, and then he also left the stadium to chase after the female teacher.


"Come, I'll bring you to the nurse's office." Wen Chang said.

"No, no. I'm fine now, so don't worry. I can head to the nurse's office alone." She replied to Wen Chang, then she turned over to Xue Shan and Wen Li and told them to go home first.

"Are you sure that you're okay, Xiao Jiu?"

"Yes. Don't worry and quickly head home! I'll see you both tomorrow. Goodbye."

Xue Shan and Wen Li then went home together. While they were walking out, Wen Li also pestered her for an answer about who was better, Wen Chang or him.

"Yeah, yeah. It's you." She replied to him and brushed it off like it was no big deal, but deep inside, her heart was pounding. Wen Li's heart also started beating really hard after hearing what she said, and he smiled widely to him. Feng Jiu then watched them leave the stadium.

Wen Chang then said to Feng Jiu, "Come, Xiao Jiu. I'll accompany you to go to the nurse's office now."

Feng Jiu then brushed it off by saying, "No, no. I'm fine." Wen Chang then frowned and replied, "No, please let me accompany you there. It's my fault that you got injured, and that's the only thing that I can do to make it up to you. I need to make sure that you're okay. If not, I'll feel extremely guilty."

"Alright, sorry to trouble you then." Feng Jiu then accepted Wen Chang's help, and they both left for the nurse's office.

"We are almost at the nurse's office." Wen Chang said, and he smiled sweetly at Feng Jiu.

"Thank you, Senior Wen Chang. I'm sorry to trouble you! Once we reach there, you should just head back first." Feng Jiu replied politely.

"Just call me Wen Chang, it's too formal. No trouble at all. It's my duty to help out new students too."

Feng Jiu hastens her footsteps so that she could quickly go to the nurse's office, and then find Dong Hua after that. She knew Dong Hua would be worried if he waited too long for her.

At this moment, Feng Jiu suddenly felt a little dizzy due to the loss of blood. She almost lost her balance, and Wen Chang caught her in time, saving her from falling.

"Hey, slow down. You're injured, so you need to take it slow." Wen Chang said concernedly. He helped her stand properly and walked closely beside her, as he was worried that she would lose her balance again.

"Thanks, Wen Chang. But it's fine, and I can walk on my own." Feng Jiu replied politely, and she kept her distance. She thought to herself, "Oh gosh, please don't let Dong Hua see this. If not, both of us would be 'dead' instantly."


On the other side, Dong Hua just finished marking his papers. He stretched himself and got up to look at the time. "Oh, it's already 4 PM. I should get going now so that Xiao Bai wouldn't wait too long for me."

He left the office and started walking towards the private car park, where they would meet up to go home together. The private car park was only opened to the school's staff so nobody would see them together.

On the way to the car park, he overheard some girls gossiping.

Girl 1: Did you see Senior Wen Chang sending a girl to the nurse's office just now?

Girl 2: Yes! I wonder who she is? They looked pretty close too. Maybe it's his girlfriend?

Girl 1: No, I don't think they are dating. If I'm not wrong, that girl seems to be from the year one class. I think her name is Xiao Jiu? Not too sure.

Girl 2: Xiao Jiu? I think I know who she is. A few guys in my class said that she was beautiful.

Girl 1: Oh, no wonder the most popular guy in the school is interested in her. How nice it is to be born with good looks.

Then the two girls walked away.

"My Xiao Bai?! Who is this guy, and why is he so close to my Xiao Bai?" Dong Hua immediately got jealous, and he instantly used his powers to appear at the nurse's office.


At the nurse's office, Dong Hua used his powers to make the nurse go to sleep temporarily, and he drew the curtains over the sleeping nurse, thus hiding her from view. Afterwards, Dong Hua wore a lab coat, and he disguised himself as the nurse. Dong Hua then sat on the office chair and waited in anticipation for them to arrive at the nurse's office.

As expected, Wen Chang brought Feng Jiu into the nurse's office. "Hi, we need some help here. She fell during sports class, and she also had a bad nosebleed."

Dong Hua then spun his chair around slowly and smiled at them, and Feng Jiu froze when she saw Dong Hua. She nervously thought to herself, "Why is Di Jun here?!" But she tried to remain calm so she won't expose her identity.

Wen Chang realized that it was a different nurse from the usual one, and he asked politely, "Where's the usual nurse?" Dong Hua then replied calmly, "Oh, she's on leave, so I'm taking over for today."

Wen Chang felt that Dong Hua looked familiar, and he said, "You look a little familiar. It feels like I have seen you somewhere before, but I can't recall where it was." Dong Hua replied calmly, "Oh? I have never seen you around. So what's your name?"

"I'm Wen Chang, and I'm from the year two class." He replied politely.

Dong Hua then thought to himself, "Oh, his name is Wen Chang." I guess it's safe to say that Wen Chang received 'bad luck' from Wen Li, and he met Dong Hua.

"Oh, I see. You can leave the patient to me now, and you can go off first." Dong Hua replied coldly. Feng Jiu also nudged him to leave first.

"Okay, I'll leave now. Thank you for your help." Wen Chang then bowed slightly and took his leave.

After Wen Chang left, Dong Hua turned over to Feng Jiu and said coldly, "Come here."

Feng Jiu didn't dare to move, and she thought to herself, "Oh no, is Dong Hua going to divorce me now? Xue Shan said that it's easy to divorce someone now. If Dong Hua gets angry, he will divorce me. What should I do?"

Feng Jiu then broke down, and her tears came running down her cheeks. She wailed, "I don't want a divorce, Di Jun!"

Dong Hua instantly softens up and promptly pulled her into his chest and hugged her tightly. Feng Jiu also hugged him back tightly, and she cried even louder. Dong Hua tried to calm her down by caressing her hair gently, and he also whispered to her ears, "Don't cry anymore. Who said that I would divorce you?"

Feng Jiu then lifted her head and looked at Dong Hua with her watery eyes. "Di Jun, are you mad at me? Are you sure that you won't divorce me?" Dong Hua then patted her head and smiled sweetly to her. "When did I say I was going to divorce you? And yes, I was mad."

Feng Jiu then buried her head into his chest, and she whined, "I knew you were mad at me. But I really didn't do anything with Wen Chang. He only helped me because I was injured. My nose still hurts now!"

Dong Hua then gently lifted her chin up and kissed her on the lips and replied lovingly, "How can I stay mad at my Xiao bai if she's this adorable? Where does it hurt? Let me take a look."

Feng Jiu then pouted and pointed to her nose, "It's here. I had a nosebleed because a ball hit me in my face." Dong Hua then gently kissed her on the nose and replied, "Now, does it still hurt? I'll kiss it more to help ease the pain."

Feng Jiu smiled sweetly and hugged Dong Hua again. "No, it doesn't hurt anymore. My husband is the best!" Dong Hua then hugged her back tightly and replied, "My Xiao Bai is the best too. Should we go home now?"

"Yes! I want to go back home now." Then she held on tightly to his hand, and they left the nurse's office together. As it was already quite late, most students have already left the campus and nobody saw them together.


After they arrived home, Dong Hua dragged Feng Jiu to the shower. "We need to take a shower now. Look at all these bloodstains on your shirt."

"Okay, let's go now! I'll cook for you sweet and sour fish for dinner tonight." Feng Jiu smiled sweetly at Dong Hua.

Dong Hua saw some bloodstains on her neck area while they were showering, and he gently washed it off for her. "Xiao Bai, you need to be more careful during sports class. It hurts me to see you injured." Feng Jiu then hooked her arms around Dong Hua's neck and replied lovingly, "It's okay if I get injured because you will come to save me, right?"

Dong Hua then kissed her and replied, "Of course. I will always come to save you even if my life is at stake. I won't be able to continue living if something bad happens to you."

Feng Jiu then tip-toed and kissed Dong Hua on the cheek. "I love you, Di Jun. I hope we will always remain this sweet and never have to part again." Dong Hua then kissed her lips and replied, "I love you even more, Xiao Bai. I promise you that I won't ever let you go again."

Then they started to kiss passionately. Feng Jiu then said shyly, "Save it for the swimming lesson later tonight. I still need to cook dinner for you."

Dong Hua then smiled and replied, "You don't have to cook tonight since you're injured too. Do it another day."

"Oh no! I still have another ten chapters to complete tonight. I don't know if I could finish in time. If I don't finish it, people would know that you did it for me." Feng Jiu frowned. Then she added on, "It seems like my classmates dislike me..."

Dong Hua then rubbed her nose with his finger gently and replied, "Why would anyone dislike my cutest Xiao Bai? Maybe you're overthinking."

"Maybe." Feng Jiu frowned again. Dong Hua then told her to turn around, and he said, "Don't think about it anymore. I'll wash your hair for you now." Then he began washing her hair and also gave her a good head massage. Feng Jiu smiled and replied, "You're indeed my best husband! What would I do without you?"

"Glad that you know." Dong Hua continued washing her hair, and they finished up with their shower.


When they came out from the shower, Feng Jiu immediately took out her homework and began copying chapters. She told Dong Hua to settle his own dinner, and she buried her head into her schoolwork. Dong Hua went out to get dinner for the both of them while she's doing her homework.

He returned home after 30 minutes, and he said, "Come out to have your dinner, Xiao Bai. I bet you're hungry now."

Feng Jiu then yelled from the room, "No, I'm not hungry. I'm still busy here, and I have nine more chapters to go."

Dong Hua walked into the room while thinking to himself, "This is the first time I heard her say no to food." Then he peeped over her shoulder, trying to see what she's doing. Feng Jiu then turned around and replied, "I don't think we can swim tonight. I probably have to stay up all night too."

Dong Hua sadly thought to himself, "Not again... But I have never seen Xiao Bai so focused on doing something so seriously, as she usually only like to have fun. She must really like school then." What he didn't know was that she was actually suffering in school, and she only did it because she didn't want to get punished by the teacher.

Dong Hua told her to bring the homework to the dining table, and he will feed her while she's doing her homework. Feng Jiu quickly packed her stuff and headed out to the dining room because she was starting to feel hungry.

Feng Jiu continued to copy chapters while Dong Hua fed her food. She also didn't eat much because she was so focused on her homework, trying to complete as much as she could.

Dong Hua cleared the table after they were done eating. Feng Jiu then continued to copy her chapters on the dining table while Dong Hua sat down beside her and read his newspaper. He kept stealing glances at her and thought to himself, "She looks so cute. I wonder what time she would finish her homework so that we could start that swimming lesson."

Over the next two hours, he kept looking over to the clock to check the time. Then he stood up and leaned over to see how many chapters she did. He noticed that she was only halfway into chapter 3. He thought to himself, "At this rate that she's going, the swimming lesson would be cancelled like how it was cancelled this afternoon."

He bent down and hugged her from the back, "Xiao Bai. Could you take a break from your homework first?" Feng Jiu then turned around and whined, "I can't! I need to finish this by tonight! We would have to cancel the swimming lesson tonight."

"What? You're not cancelling the swimming lesson tonight." Dong Hua replied. Feng Jiu then pouted at him, "I know, I also want to attend the swimming lesson, but I can't finish my homework. Unless... You use your powers to help me finish it." She smirked.

"It's your homework, and you need to do it yourself, Xiao Bai." Dong Hua replied calmly. Feng Jiu then frowned and continued writing. Then she replied casually, "Guess swimming lesson is cancelled then."

Dong Hua pondered for a while, and he couldn't take it anymore. He carried her up in his arms and replied hastily, "Xiao Bai, I can't wait to swim anymore. I'll complete your homework later. Let's swim now." Then he walked towards the bedroom.

Feng Jiu then smiled, knowing that she won't have to worry about her homework anymore. Then she blushed and lovingly said, "I can't wait to learn swimming from you, Di Jun."

Dong Hua then threw her into the 'pool' and he also dived into the 'pool' immediately. Feng Jiu then showed off her breaststroke swimming pose, and Dong Hua taught her freestyle swimming pose. They swam a lot that night, and Feng Jiu fell asleep in Dong Hua's warm embrace.

Dong Hua looked down at her sweet sleeping face and kissed her forehead. "Sleep well, my Xiao Bai." Then he covered themselves with the blanket and hugged her tightly to sleep.

"Can't wait for Di Jun's history lesson tomorrow." - Feng Jiu
