Cooking Lessons

"Xiao Bai. What classes do you have today?" Dong Hua asked Feng Jiu while they were having breakfast. Feng Jiu looked up at Dong Hua with her mouth full of food."Hmm... Just cooking class and sports class."

Dong Hua then took a sip of coffee and asked casually, "Oh? So when will you have your Modern Love and Dating Culture class?"

"I think it's next week. I need to check my timetable again. Why are you asking?" Feng Jiu replied curiously.

"Oh. Maybe I'll join you in your class next week."

"You are?! Why?! I mean, I'm glad that you're joining me, but I'm just curious." Feng Jiu smiled brightly.

"So I can spend more time with my Xiao Bai." Dong Hua then kissed her gently on her forehead. Feng Jiu then kissed Dong Hua on his lips and replied lovingly, "Di Jun, everyone would be so shocked when they found out that you're my husband. But we have to keep it low profile and not let my classmates know about it, okay?"

"Oh? So you're not afraid that your husband would be snatched away by other girls?" Dong Hua replied sarcastically. Feng Jiu immediately pouted and replied, "No! You're mine!" Then she sat on his lap and started kissing him all over his face.

Dong Hua then hugged her waist tightly and kissed her on the lips. "I'll never allow another girl to come near to me." Feng Jiu then hugged him tightly, "My Di Jun is the best!"

Then Feng Jiu got up, walked towards the kitchen and opened the fridge. She thought to herself, "Hmm... What should I cook for Dong Hua tonight?"

Then she yelled out to Dong Hua, who was still sitting at the dining table. "Di Jun. You prefer chicken breast or thigh meat?"

Dong Hua walked into the kitchen, carried Feng Jiu up and put her on the kitchen table. Then he stared lovingly into her eyes and said, "I prefer yours."

Feng Jiu giggled and replied shyly, "I'm asking a serious question."

"I'm giving you a serious answer too." Then he kissed her passionately. Feng Jiu then pushed him away gently and said, "We will be late for school if we continue like this."

Dong Hua then replied, "Wish you don't have to go to school today, Xiao Bai. I don't even have any classes today."

"I can't wait for the cooking class! But I'm dreading the sports class because I can't keep up with it. I think I need to exercise more and eat some protein-rich food to keep fit." She pouted.

"Oh? I know a quick way for you to get some exercise, protein, and vitamin D at the same time." Dong Hua smirked. Feng Jiu blushed and replied shyly, "Okay. Just a quick one before we are late to school."

Then they started 'cooking breast and thigh meat'  in the kitchen.


Dong Hua and Feng Jiu arrived at school late. Initially, they only planned for a '5 minutes quick instant noodle' cooking session. But in the end, the kitchen almost burned down because of how smokin' hot it was in there.

"I'll meet you at lunch, Xiao Bai. Behave in class. I love you." Dong Hua said to her when they arrived at school.

"Okay! I'm late now, so I need to run! I love you too." Feng Jiu blew flying kisses to Dong Hua, and then she sprinted towards her classroom.

Dong Hua then walked slowly to the staff office. Then he called for a teachers' meeting excluding Si Ming since he doesn't have any lessons today as well.

Dong Hua then announced that he was going to take over the cooking lessons for today since he wanted the students to learn how to cook his signature dish, Sweet and Sour Fish.

The cooking teacher was pleased to know that she would have the day off, and she eagerly agreed to let Dong Hua take over her class.

Dong Hua then dismissed the meeting after that, and he walked into Si Ming's office. "I need a small favour from you, Si Ming." Dong Hua said coldly.

Si Ming greeted Dong Hua politely and thought to himself, "Oh? The almighty Di Jun needs my help? Wow. It must be something important, and I can't let him down." Then he replied confidently, "It's my honor to serve you, Your Majesty. Just let me know what to do, and I would even give my life up for you."

Dong Hua smirked and thought to himself, "Yeah. This 'favour' would probably cost him half of his life." Then he smiled and replied, "Good to know. So, I'll need your help to be my assistant teacher for today."

Si Ming's eyes lit up, and he thought internally, "Wow. What an honour for me to join Di Jun's history class. Maybe I can brag a little about my own achievements too." Then he nodded his head eagerly, "Sure! I would love to. Should we head over to your class now?"

Dong Hua turned his back and smirked. "Sure. Let's go now. The students are waiting."

Si Ming then quickly packed up his stuff and ran after Dong Hua.

While they were walking towards the class, Si Ming felt a little strange that they weren't heading towards the classrooms. It seems like they were heading to the other side of the school, where the sports and cooking classes were.

"Hmm...? Are you teaching history lessons at the indoor sports hall today?" Si Ming asked curiously.

"Oh. You'll see it shortly. I just wanted a change of environment today, since it's boring in the classrooms." Dong Hua replied casually and continued his way.

Si Ming nodded his head lightly and thought to himself, "True. It's nice to have a change of environment sometimes. I wish I could teach my lessons right beside the swimming pool as well."

Then they arrived at 'Hell' where Si Ming would meet his fate.


"Cooking class?!" Si Ming's jaw dropped, and he blinked his eyes a few times to make sure he wasn't dreaming this.

Dong Hua smirked and said coldly to Si Ming, "Welcome to my new class."

Everyone was already seated in their allocated seats in the kitchen, all ready for their cooking class. Everyone loved cooking lessons because they get to eat all the delicious food that the teacher made for them. They would also get to try their classmates' cooking.

Feng Jiu widened her eyes with shock when she noticed Dong Hua walking into the class. "Di Jun is teaching us cooking?! What's going on?! Oh no, we will all suffer from food poisoning after this..." Right at this moment, Dong Hua turned and looked at her since he could read her mind.

Feng Jiu then gave a pouty face and mouthed the words, "I love you, Di Jun." Then she smiled sweetly at Dong Hua.

Dong Hua squinted his eyes and looked back at her. Somehow, their minds telepathed, and Dong Hua was thinking, "You'll get extra cooking lessons tonight, Xiao Bai." Feng Jiu then stuck her tongue out at him.

On the other hand, Si Ming was breaking out in cold sweat, and his shirt was drenched with his sweat too. Dong Hua then took his handkerchief out and passed it to Si Ming. "Here, take my handkerchief. I think you'll need it."

Si Ming then held out his shaky hands and bowed, "Yes... Yes... Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty." Then he thought to himself, "What did I do wrong?! Did I say something wrong?! Or did I taught Feng Jiu the wrong things? I think I need to study more and revise my lessons all over again. It must be my fault, and my lessons are bad."

Dong Hua instantly read his mind, and he nodded his head in approval. "Good. At least Si Ming realizes his mistakes, so I'll go light on him later on."

Dong Hua then stood in front of the class and said coldly, "Today, I'll be teaching everyone my signature dish, Sweet and Sour Fish. I'll show you how to do it once, and you will start doing it after that. When everyone is done cooking, we will place it on the kitchen table, and everyone can try each others' cooking."

Feng Jiu instantly thought to herself, "Finally, a class that I'm good at. The best part is that Di Jun is here too. I'm going to put all my heart into making this dish so he would feel my love after eating my fish later on."

Everyone then gathered around the main cooking area and watched how Dong Hua prepared his ingredients. He used his powers to make the knife move on its own, and everyone clapped when they saw how "cool" it was.

Feng Jiu chuckled and thought to herself, "Wait till they try Di Jun's cooking! It looks cool but it's all for show." Dong Hua immediately looked over to Feng Jiu, and she quickly looked away. "Ops. I love you, Di Jun." She thought to herself again.

Dong Hua looked like a professional cook while he was making his signature dish. When he put his fish into the frying pan, the sizzling sound of it made everyone felt hungry instantly.

The students were singing praises for his fish while he was cooking. They clapped every time he did something, and Feng Jiu would try to hold back her laughter when that happens.

Finally, the Sweet and Sour Fish was ready to be served. Dong Hua took his apron off and set it aside. Then he gestured for Si Ming to come over.

"Si Ming has the honour to try my dish today since he's a very hardworking teacher, and I ought to reward him well. Unfortunately for the rest of the students, you won't get to try my fish today. All for Si Ming only." Dong Hua said calmly.

"No, no. Everyone should share this lovely and delicious dish of yours. Come, everyone, pick up your chopsticks. Let's eat it together." Si Ming smiled awkwardly.

Dong Hua then stared at Si Ming, "They will have their own share of fish later on after they finished cooking their own sweet and sour fish. You don't have to share your fish."

Feng Jiu hid behind Xue Shan so that they won't see her laughing. She couldn't hold in her laughter anymore, and she almost choked from her saliva while trying to hold it in.

Si Ming sighed and stared at the deadly fish. His hands were shaky, and he couldn't even pick up the chopsticks.

Dong Hua then said lovingly to him, "Your hands must be tired from teaching too much. Maybe I can feed you." Then he picked up a big piece of fish, covered with a lot of sauce and held it up to Si Ming's mouth.

"Enjoy." Dong Hua said calmly, with a smile on his face.

Si Ming prayed in his heart, "Please let me survive this. Please. I'm not married yet. I still haven't experienced true love. Why?! Why is life so cruel to me?!" Then he closed his eyes while Dong Hua feeds him the fish.

The moment the sauce touched his lips, he instantly fainted. Everyone gathered around him, and they said worriedly, "Mr Si Ming fainted. Someone call for help!"

Soon, a few male staff came in to carry Si Ming on the stretcher to the nurse's office. He even had white foam coming out from his mouth.

Feng Jiu stood at the door while they were carrying Si Ming out of the kitchen. Then she said worriedly, "Would Si Ming be okay?"

Dong Hua then walked up behind her and whispered, "Don't worry, Xiao Bai. He would be fine soon."

Dong Hua then told everyone to head back to their allocated stations and start cooking.

Feng Jiu proudly put her dish in front of Dong Hua after she was done cooking. As she was a great cook, she was the first to finish cooking. Then she nudged Dong Hua to try her food first. She whispered, "Di Jun, you have the honour to try my food first. I made it out of love for you."

Dong Hua immediately started eating her fish, and he finished the whole plate since he didn't want to share it with others. His wife's cooking was for him to eat only.

Feng Jiu smiled sweetly upon seeing Dong Hua enjoying her dish, and he even finished it all. Dong Hua then whispered to Feng Jiu, "I felt your love in this, Xiao Bai. Can't wait to eat your dinner today. Chicken breasts and thigh meat, right?"

Both of them then tried to wipe the smile off their faces, in order not to make it obvious that they knew each other.

Soon, a few students also brought their dishes out to the main kitchen table. They tried each other's dishes and gave compliments/ratings to their classmates. Everyone eventually finished cooking, and they all dragged their chairs over to the main table and started eating.

By the end of the lesson, everyone's stomach was filled, and they didn't even need to eat lunch. Feng Jiu then decided to head towards Dong Hua's personal office to take a quick 1-hour nap.


"Di Jun, I want to take a nap now since I have Sports Class later on." Feng Jiu yawned and laid on the sofa. Dong Hua used his powers to get a blanket, and he covered her with it.

Then he lovingly kissed her forehead and ran his fingers through her hair to coax her to sleep. "Sleep well, my Xiao Bai. I know you hate sports class, so maybe I'll drop by and visit you later, to show you some mental support."

Feng Jiu then closed her eyes and mumbled, "You're the best, Di Jun." Then she gently rubbed her face on his arm before falling asleep.

Dong Hua dimmed the lights in the room and used a small table lamp so that he won't disrupt her sleep. Then he continued marking his papers.

After 45 minutes, Feng Jiu woke up from her nap. Dong Hua then walked over and sat on the edge of the sofa. "Did you have a nice nap, Xiao Bai?" He asked lovingly.

Feng Jiu immediately sat up and hugged Dong Hua tightly. "No! I had a nightmare of us splitting up! I don't like that at all, and it makes me upset." She pouted.

Dong Hua then lifted her chin and kissed her lips gently, "We won't ever split up again, Xiao Bai. I love you too much to let you go. Even if someday you broke my heart, I would still love you." Then he thought to himself, "I hope Xiao Bai feels the same way about me. But... How do I ask her about the dating app?"

Feng Jiu smiled sweetly and kissed Dong Hua back. "Me too! I don't ever want to be separated from you again, Di Jun." Dong Hua then pulled her onto his lap and started kissing her passionately. He ran his hands up and down her back, and he didn't want to let her go.

Feng Jiu hooked her arms around his shoulders and kissed him back. She ran her fingers through his hair, and it was getting intense.

Right at this moment, Feng Jiu 'turn off the stove' and said shyly, "Chicken Tenders." Then she started giggling and got off his lap. It was tender since they 'cooked' for a long time in the morning.

*Chicken Tenders - Chicken Fingers. A deep-fried strip of chicken without bones or skin.
*Tender - In medicine, tenderness is pain or discomfort when an affected area is touched.

Dong Hua then smiled and replied, "It's okay, Xiao Bai. We can continue 'cooking' tonight then." Feng Jiu nodded her head, and she took out her phone to check the time.

"Oh! I'm almost late for Sports Class. I need to go now. Remember to visit me later on, Di Jun! I already miss you." Feng Jiu kissed his face a few times before running out of the room. Dong Hua then continued marking his papers.


Feng Jiu got changed into sports attire, and she ran to find Xue Shan and Wen Li. It seemed like their beastly teacher changed all his class schedules to match the Year 2 classes since he had a huge crush on their female teacher.

Wen Chang then noticed Feng Jiu, and he walked over to her. "Hey, Feng Jiu! We met again. I heard our sports classes would be joining with each other from now on. Guess we will meet every sport class then." He smiled brightly.

Feng Jiu smiled politely and replied, "Oh! Hopefully, our beastly teacher would go easy on us from now on."

Wen Chang chuckled and replied, "He definitely will. I mean, it's pretty obvious that he's interested in our teacher and he's trying hard to impress her."

Xue Shan and Wen Li then laughed out loud, "Senior Wen Chang is right. He didn't even make us run five rounds around the stadium today for our warm-up exercises too. I hope it would stay this way forever."

As expected, the beastly teacher was 'kind' to them and told them to choose whatever they want to play. Feng Jiu, Xue Shan and Wen Li then decided to play basketball today. Wen Chang also decided to join them. They also decided to split up into groups of 2 to compete against each other. Wen Li immediately picked Xue Shan to be his partner and Feng Jiu was 'forced' to partner up with Wen Chang.

Feng Jiu stood there and thought to herself, "If only Di Jun is here. I want to be paired up with Di Jun." Wen Chang then walked over and whispered to her, "Don't worry, I'm quite good at basketball too, so we might not lose."

The match began, and the two guys were battling each other in basketball. They were equally good at basketball, and nobody was scoring. Feng Jiu and Xue Shan then stood aside like usual, watching them play. Feng Jiu then shook her head, "I used to be so good at sports, but now I'm basically just 'useless'."

Xue Shan snickered and replied, "You're not useless. They are just too competitive. It's supposed to be a 'friendly' match, but they are taking this as a competition. Who are they even trying to impress?"

Feng Jiu chuckled and replied, "I know Wen Li is trying to impress you for sure. So, any progress between the both of you?"

"Hmm... Not really. I mean, I'm starting to think that he's more charming than Senior Wen Chang. Oh well. Let's talk about yours instead. How is your boyfriend like?" Xue Shan changed the topic as she didn't want to overthink about it.

"Oh! He's the best! Sometimes, he can be a little scary, but he really dotes and loves me a lot." Feng Jiu had a huge smile on her face.

Xue Shan replied confusedly, "Huh? Scary?" Feng Jiu smirked and replied, "If you met him, you'd understand why."

"Oh. Hopefully, we will get to meet your boyfriend someday." Xue Shan smiled.

"I hope so. But I think it would be hard for that to happen." Feng Jiu shrugged her shoulders. Then she thought to herself, "If they knew Di Jun is my husband, they would have a heart attack. I can't 'murder' them like this."

Right at this moment, Dong Hua walked into the stadium. Everyone then dropped everything that they were doing and flocked together to check Dong Hua out. A few girls gushed over him, and their friends had to hold them since their knees went weak for Dong Hua. "Oh my gosh. The most handsome and most powerful immortal is here to visit us." A few of them said.

Feng Jiu immediately looked over at his direction and thought to herself, "Di Jun is here to visit me! He kept his promise!" Then she ran over towards him, along with Xue Shan.

Wen Li and Wen Chang then stopped playing and also followed them to check out the crowd. Dong Hua looked around, trying to spot his little fox but he couldn't see her as she was short.

Feng Jiu jumped up a few times and tried to wave to get his attention. But at the same time, she didn't want to make it obvious, so she pretended to be a fangirl too. Xue Shan noticed how excited Feng Jiu was, and she whispered to her, "I knew you were a fan of him too." Then Xue Shan started waving and jumping as well.

Finally, Dong Hua noticed Feng Jiu and he smiled at her. Everyone was shocked beyond words when they saw him smiling for the first time ever. Dong Hua was known to have no emotions, and there were rumours about him 'Smiling'. Whenever Dong Hua 'smile', it means something terrible was going to happen.

The female teacher from the Year 2 class also looked like she was interested in Dong Hua. Then she walked over to Dong Hua to say hi to him. The beastly teacher chased after her, and he said sternly to the students, "Everyone, go back to what you were doing and stop crowding over here. Unless you want to run ten rounds around the stadium."

Everyone dispersed and went back to what they were doing. Feng Jiu pouted and walked away. Wen Chang then ran up to Feng Jiu and patted her shoulder, "Hey! Are you okay? You look a little upset. Was it because our team was losing in basketball? I'll try harder." Wen Chang asked.

Feng Jiu shook her head and smiled, "No, no. I'm just feeling a little tired. Go ahead first, and I'll walk there slowly." Wen Chang then nodded his head and ran up to catch up with Xue Shan and Wen Li. Feng Jiu immediately turned around to see if Dong Hua saw Wen Chang touching her shoulder.

Dong Hua indeed saw what happened and he was about to walk over to confront him. Right at this moment, the female teacher rubbed her hands up and down his upper arm and greeted him lovingly. Feng Jiu instantly felt sour too, and she thought to herself, "Who is she? Why is she touching my Di Jun?!" Then Feng Jiu glowered at her and began walking towards them.

Dong Hua swept her hand away and said in a stern and cold voice, "Zhi He. Please respect yourself and don't touch me. I'm a married man now, and my wife wouldn't like that." Then he turned and walked out of the stadium.

Zhi He stormed away angrily, and the beastly teacher chased after her. "Zhi He, wait for me! You can touch me for all you want, and I wouldn't mind it. I'm not married too. Single and available for sure." Zhi He rolled her eyes and continued her way.

Feng Jiu stood there and thought to herself, "Di Jun said he was here to visit me, but he just left. Is he angry at me? But I'm angry too! Why is the female teacher touching him?!"

Dong Hua walked out of the stadium and angrily thought to himself, "Why is that Wen Chang touching my wife? She even smiled at him."

"He/She better have a good explanation for me tonight."
- Feng Jiu & Dong Hua.
