Meeting with God

I got this idea from family guy. specifically the episode where Peter is stuck in the elevator with God. (Season 16 Episode 20)


Maddy's P.O.V

Day of Incident

I said my goodbyes to BB and Kat as Lexi and I rushed out of the school. We hopped into my truck that Y/N bought me and I quickly started it up, rushing to put my seatbelt on.

Lexi started giving me the directions to Fez's place. The closer we were getting the more anxious I got.

This is so unusual for Y/N to not text or call. By now I would've heard something from her. Every time we're not together she'll at least text me.

It was something that I love about her. She always made an effort to talk to me. Didn't matter how busy she was or what she was doing.

Lexi pointed at a house telling me that it was the one. Y/N's truck was still parked in the front. I pulled next to the curb and quickly got out.

There was caution tape everywhere like it was a crime scene. There was glass everywhere from the broken windows. The front door was knocked off the hinges.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Lexi says from behind me.

So did I. When I called her the very first time she said she was coming. What could've happened between that time?

We entered the house ignoring the do not cross tape. The walls were damaged with bullet holes and gun shells were everywhere across the floor.

The further we walked inside the more I felt like something bad happened to Y/N and Fez. I spotted Y/N's phone on the couch but jumped in fear when I seen a giant blood stain on it.

Lexi followed the damages on the wall that led down the hall. I seen her pick up some crumbled paper that also had blood stains on it.

There was just blood everywhere. The couch, the floors, it honestly made me feel sick.

I knew about her thug activities and it had me thinking. Did her and Fez get into a shootout? That's the only thing I could think of right now.

I prayed that they were okay. Wherever they may be that they're safe. I can't lose Y/N.

I got a call and answered it after seeing Rue's name. "Hey Rue."

"I need you and Lexi to come to the hospital. Y/N and Fez are here and they're in terrible condition." She says.

I ask her which hospital before telling Lexi. We rushed out the house and I sped all the way there.

God, do not let me lose Y/N.


1 Month Later

Y/N's P.O.V

I opened my eyes but quickly closed them because it was too fucking bright. I opened them again slowly and let them adjust to the brightness.

I looked at my surroundings and realized that I'm in a fucking elevator. How the fuck did I get here? Where the hell am I?

"You're in a elevator. You just told yourself that." A deep voice said.

I looked to the side and seen a man with long hair and Jesus sandals. Tell me it ain't so.

"God?" I asked in shock.

"That's me." He replies.

"What am I doing here? Is this real? Are you real? Did I die?" I ask somewhat paranoid.

I started patting myself in fear. I could still feel my heart beating. So I can't be dead right?

"You aren't dead. Not exactly, anyway. You lost too much blood from your incident. Not enough to kill you right away but just enough to slip you into a coma." He explained.

"A coma? So why am I here in a non-moving elevator?" I question.

"I haven't decided where to take you." God answered.

"And that means?" I wonder.

"You see the elevator only has three buttons. Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. I could send you off to my world, Satan's world, or the in-between. In purgatory you correct your sins and get a chance to go to Heaven." He responds.

I didn't care about where I ended up once I died. I mean my entire life is a sin. It'll take a lot for me to correct that.

"So what you're saying is that I'm gonna die no matter what? I don't want to die. Not now anyway. I have a baby that I want to be there for." I say.

"Baby isn't doing too well either. Maddy's been struggling to take care of herself which is effecting the child more than her. She'll have a miscarriage if she keeps it up." He says.

Me dying is one thing but don't let the baby die as well. That's all I have for when I'm gone.

"Hold on sir. I know you're a man of many miracles so I'm sure you could make this happen. I'm actually more than sure that you could cause you basically control everything. But if you wanna take me then go ahead. You can press Hell cause I'm sure that's where I belong for the things I did. But don't let the baby die."

"We can't both die. That's unfair to Maddy. She doesn't deserve that type of pain. I know you said she's like struggling and all but like how is she?" I ask.

"Not good. For the last month she's stayed by your side at the hospital. She refuses to go home but Rue, Lexi, Kat, Jules and even Alexa have been there to help her through it." God answered.

"Wait, I've been in a coma for a month? Why am I just meeting you?" I ask.

"There's been a lot of deaths lately. Despite what everyone thinks I can't be everywhere at once. I've been backed up." He says.

"Understandable." I mumble. "So are we just gonna sit here or what?"

"Well I'm still stuck on what I should do with you. I've never had this problem with anyone before." He replies.

I just nod at him. Since he knows all I might as well ask some questions.

"Okay well can you ask you a few things?" I say.

"Go ahead. This can pass the time." He responds.

"Is my mother actually being genuine about wanting to be back in my life?" I ask.

"Simple answer, yes. She regrets deeply not being there for you." God says.

"Is Alexa really my sister?" I ask.

He chuckled. "Of course not. You do share a mother but she's actually adopted. No blood relation whatsoever. When your father told you that she got pregnant again after you, she had a miscarriage. He doesn't know that. She adopted Alexa to make up for the pain." He answered.

"Oh, thank God. Or thank you." I say once I realized that I'm actually talking to the man himself.

"Are Alexa's intentions pure?" I question.

"They are. She actually loves and cares for you very much. The moment she heard about what happened she quit the red team. She doesn't want to go against you anymore." He said.

Wow. Would've never seen that coming. That actually makes me feel differently about her.

"And what about Fez and Ash? What happened to them?" I ask.

"Well after Ash escaped the incident he went straight to your house and been there ever since. Fez made it through surgery and is in recovery." He replies.

"He's not locked up?" I wonder.

"Nope, they labeled the case as a suicide. With the help from Faye of course. You're welcome by the way." He says.

"You interfered with that didn't you?" I ask.

"Of course. I bless people. That's literally my job." He said.

I look at him seriously. "So why won't you bless me? Why do I have to die? Why can't I just wake up and see the love of my life? Be there for her and our child. Actually build a relationship with my mother? I know I've done a lot of wrongs. I'm sure you've met tons of people that died because of me, cause I killed them. I do a lot of things that are considered sins."

"Sex before marriage. Getting tattoos. Smoking and drinking. Selling drugs. Gun violence and gang banging. I am not no child of God. No offense. I just feel like I have so much more to get done in life. I feel a decent amount of remorse for what I did wrong."

"And I do thank you greatly cause I've now been shot eight times and you've spared me each time. Even if I don't make it this time. I ain't die right away which still counts to me as being spared. I have relationships to repair. I have the greatest girlfriend in the world."

"Well not really. We never even made it official which actually makes it worse. I should've been asked her that question. I just feel like I need another chance to do right. I only ended up in this situation to protect Ash. And honestly I'd do it again. Just in a smarter way." I finish.

God looks at me and starts clapping his hands.

"Why are you clapping?" I ask.

"Because you realized how important life is. I was never gonna send you to Heaven or Hell. At least not now anyway. I wanted you to realize what you have and to appreciate it. You don't get multiple chances at life." God responds.

"But you've literally given me multiple chances." I say.

"I still have the option to press one of these buttons." He warns.

"Nah you good man. I appreciate it." I quickly say.

With a snap of his fingers everything goes back to black.


I heard machines beeping and someone talking as everything started to come back to me. I felt a pair of hands on me but they were cold.

"I don't know who's touching me but yo hands bout cold as fuck." I say as my eyes flutter open.

I seen Alexa, my mother, and Chloe in the room. What a weird group of people to see fresh out of a coma.

"Oh my God, you're awake. I have to get Maddy." My mom says rushing out the room.

"I thought you fucking died on me. You made me transfer to this hospital just to watch over your ass." Chloe says.

"You know I can't die. I'm immortal. We've been over this." I chuckle.

"Welcome back from the dead loser." Alexa says.

"Good to see you too former sister." I reply.

"Former? Damn so you can hear shit in a coma. I told you this like three weeks ago. Talking to an almost lifeless body is weird but I still wanted you to know." She says.

I mean I heard it from God but okay. "Uh, right."

"You're really lucky that the case got ruled as a suicide. They wanted to lock you and Fez up for forty years." Chloe says.

"So you heard what happened?" I ask.

"Everyone did. The story made the news." She answers.

"Where is Maddy anyway?" I question.

"She's down in the cafeteria with Rue, Lexi, and Gia. They're making her eat something." Alexa answers.

As if on cue Maddy walks through the door. Her belly was a little bigger. Her face was stained with tears. Her hair is a literal mess. I've seen her without her nails done for the first time. She had on one of my hoodies that looked a little big on her.

And that's how I know that this effected her the most. She'd never go anywhere looking like this. It hurt me to see her like this.

"Okay let's go." Chloe says to Alexa and they left the room leaving Maddy and I alone.

"I thought I was gonna lose you. You really scared me." Maddy said.

Her voice was quiet. I opened up my arms signaling for her to come here. She climbed into the bed and in my arms. I securely wrapped my arms around her not wanting to let go.

"You can never lose me. I literally begged God for another chance just to be here with you." I say.

"You talked to God?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah. Crazy interaction." I respond.

She snuggles up to me closer as if that was even possible. There was still one thing that was bothering me. Something that I told the man upstairs.

"Mads?" I say.

"Yeah." She replies looking up at me.

"I know this probably doesn't matter to you at this point cause where kind of like way past it but it matters to me. I even expressed my frustration to God about it. It's just that if I don't ask you this question then I feel like it isn't real."

"And I need to know that it's real. I've always called you my girl but I never asked you to be my girl. It sounds crazy but like you make me want to do shit the proper and respectful way. Ya know like dates and stuff like that."

"The way I feel about you I've never felt for anyone. Chloe, Alexa, whoever in between. They not you and they can't do it like you. Basically I'm tryna say that I want you to be mines forever officially. Maddy, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask.

Her eyes got watery like she's about to cry again. There was a huge smile on her face that made my heart flutter.

"I thought you'd never ask. I'd love to be your girlfriend." She responds.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you more." Maddy replies and smashes her lips on mine.

I got another chance at life. Now all I gotta do is play the cards that I'm dealt correctly. That can't be hard, right?


Imagine meeting God. Knowing that he knows everything, past, present, and future. What would you ask him?

Not Proofread.

Until Next Time.
