Ch 67

It was quite. All of the Scarecrow's and Mad Hatter's men just stood there. None daring to take their eyes off of the figure standing in front of them that was The Batman. All of them were told by the Scarecrow that Batman was quirkless. That information alone made them confident about going up against him. That was until right in front of there eyes they watched as Batman in one motion snapped the chains that held one of his arms and knocked out Hatter.
Now they all wondered if Batman being quirkless was true. Now they had the idea that there boss might have been lying to them going through their heads. But it didn't matter now as even if the Batman was quirkless it was obvious that it didn't mean he was defenseless. In fact to the goons it looked as if Batman was confident in his chances at winning the fight that he was clearly out numbered in.
The silence in the room didn't help anyone either. Well anyone except for Batman who used the silence to unnerve the Scarecrow's men. And he could easily see that it was working. The thing is that the scarecrow could see it too and knew he had to do something.

Scarecrow: what are you idiots waiting for!?! Kill him!!!

The Scarecrow yelling at his men was enough to somewhat pull them from their funk. Listening to there bosses orders the goons activated there quirks. But as soon as the men came at Batman said hero seemed to just disappear from sight.

Goon 1: what the hell just happened!?!

Goon 2: where'd he go!?!

Goon 7: don't know, can't see him!

The scarecrow seeing how things were going was really starting to get mad now. All he wanted was revenge for the sports festival, a revenge that would also take out the one man who seemed to be able to link him with his fear drug sales. But that plain now seems to be falling apart. What makes everything worse though is his mens lack of understanding on what to do in this situation.

Scarecrow: what are you morons doing!?! Stop standing around and find him damnit!

Goon 5: how do you know he's still here boss?

Scarecrow: because he won't leave without the girl you idiot now find him!

Listening to there employer who scares them just as much as Batman the goons spread out and began their search.

Goon 4: boss is right the guy couldn't have gone far we just needed to find him.

The goons began splitting up and going floor to floor searching for Batman. Two of the goons were on the second floor searching together. The first goon had a quirk that allows him to shoot streams of fire from his finger tips. The second goon was a guy who's quirk gave him similar features that a tiger has. The first goon was in front with a small flame lit on his finger tip as he had his hand in the shape of a finger pistol. The second goon had his claws out read to rip Batman apart.

Goon 1: where do you think the guy is?

The first goon asked his partner but didn't get an answer back.

Goon 1: you know you could say something when I ask........

The goon stopped what he was saying when he saw his partner laying on the ground out cold. Knowing it was the Batman who did it he began to slowly back away while taking in all of his surroundings. As he was backing up though he ran into something, at least that's what he thought at first. It soon became perfectly clear to the criminal that he didn't run into something but someone. The goon went to quickly turn around for an attack but before he could, he just like his partner was knocked out cold.
Back up on the top floor Scarecrow with the still mind controlled Mei by his side monitored what was going on with his men searching the building. What he saw he didn't like one bit. Slowly but surely each and everyone of his men were easily taken out by Batman. It was getting close to the point that there would be no one left to stop the hero from making his way back up to the top floor.

Scarecrow: all my men taken out.

Scarecrow then looks down at the still knocked out Mad Hatter.

Scarecrow: that idiot of no use to me.

Scarecrow then looks back up at the computer screen.

Scarecrow: and the so called Batman on his way. (Sigh) I need to think of something before he gets here. But what?

Scarecrow then looked over at Mei and a devilish smile hidden by his mask appears on his face.

Scarecrow: that could work.

After taking out the last of Scarecrows men Batman began making his way back up to the top floor of the building. That's where his suit was telling him Mei, Scarecrow, and the Mad Hatter where so that's where he was going. It was time to put a stop to all of this and he was going to do that tonight.
It didn't take Batman long to reach the top floor. Once there he saw that scarecrow was in fact waiting for him and beside the villain was Mei with the same wrench in her hand as before. Batman just stood there and looked between the two of them. He knew that scarecrow was up to something but didn't know what.

Scarecrow: glad you could finally join us Batman.

Batman: it's over Scarecrow. I took care of your men and your partner. Give up now and you won't end up like he did.

Scarecrow: how You may have taken care of everyone else Batman but it is far from over.

Scarecrow then stepped behind Mei while leaning over to talk to her.

Scarecrow: you now what to do.

With that Mei readied her wrench and charged at Batman. Batman not wanting to get hit again but also not wanting to hurt Mei just began dodging while doing nothing else. This is exactly what Scarecrow wanted and began to position himself for his part of the plan. Mei kept on swinging her wrench at Batman, one of these swings forced Batman to roll under. As he did Batman failed to notice that he had rolled towards Scarecrow. Seeing this as his opportunity Scarecrow rushed at Batman and hit him with his fear toxin.

Scarecrow: you should try some of my medicine Batman.

Batman: you forgotten Crane that I can fight your fear gas.

Scarecrow: oh I didn't forget. That's why I made this batch specially for you.

Batman began to stumble around starting to succumb to the new gas.

Scarecrow: combining science with my quirk aloud me to make an even stronger toxin.

Batman then collapsed to the floor while breathing heavier.

Scarecrow: sweet nightmares Batman.
