Ch 6

An alarm went off in a dark room. A hand reaches over and shuts it off. It was early in the morning, long before anyone was awake. Then the figure that the hand belongs to gets out of his bed and turns on the lights. There we see who it is, it was Izuku getting up to start his daily training.
Izuku makes his way out of the dorms and starts to do some light stretching. After that he takes off for a quick 5 mile run. As he is doing this he is listening to an ebook on the workings of the criminal mind.

Izuku mind: so the criminal is a superstitious, cowardly lot, according to this book. Of course this book was written before quirks were even a thing. But even so if I can make my opponent believe I am more then some ordinary man, I might be able to use that to my advantage.

Izuku keep on running till he finished his jog and got to the school gym. When he arrived at the gym he started to prepare to do so weightlifting to build his strength. After an hour of that he did a quick 5 rounds on the punching bag to end the training for today.
By the time Izuku started to walk back the the dorms, after finishing his training, the sun had already risen. Once Izuku got back to the dorms he, went to his room and got into the shower to get the stench of sweat from training off of him. The shower didn't take long and he was out pretty quickly. As he was doing other morning routines such as brushing his teeth and flossing, he stared at himself in the mirror.

Izuku: maybe I should cut my hair and shave, so people will stop mistaking me for ether a homeless person, an intruder, or even both.

After coming to the decision to cut his hair and shave, Izuku got a pair of clippers sand his razor and went to town.

Izuku: I'm glad knuckle duster taught me how to do this when I was staying with him or this would probably go horribly wrong.

With class 1A

All of class 1A was up and about in the dorms, with the majority of them in the kitchen and the common room. They were talking to each about all sorts of things like hobbies and games. As they all decided to sit down and have lunch together they noticed some who the hadn't seen come down yet. Everyone was seen at least once so far this morning, but they hadn't seen him since the incident yesterday.

Denki: hay where's the new guy at.

Momo: I haven't seen him yet.

Toru: maybe he likes to sleep in.

Lida: an aspiring new hero should not have such bad habits.

Tsuyu: you should relax Lida.

Fumikage: he could be upset with us for attacking him yesterday too.

Ochako: that is true.

They all stopped there conversation when they heard someone coming down the hall from the direction from the stares. The all turned and looked to see who was coming. They were all shocked when said person turned the corner to reveal that it was Izuku. But the reason they were shocked was because he looked completely different then when they last saw him. Izuku was wearing a rather tight white undershirt with black shorts. This outfit showed off his lean and toned muscular physique, which the boys were jealous of. Izuku also cut his hair short and had it slicked back, and completely shaved his beard. With his beard gone it better showed his chiseled, good looking face, which caused all the girls at the dining table to blush.
When Izuku finally looked up once he got down stairs he noticed everyone looking at him. So he gave them all a polite good morning with a smile that made the girls blush even more. After that Izuku continued to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Mina: dame he hot.

Momo mind: she's not wrong.

Lida: he dose look more presentable, like a hero should.

Eijirou: his muscles are so manly.

After Izuku got his breakfast made he decided to head back to the table to eat. When he got to the table he walked to the seat next to Toru.

Izuku: excuse me but is anyone sitting in this spot.

Toru couldn't answer at first for to reasons. 1 hot guy was talking to her, and 2 he is one of the first people to actually notice her without her making herself known.

Izuku: um hello.

Toru: s-sorry, you can sit there.

Izuku: thank you.

When Izuku sat down and started eating, it was quite for a few minutes. Then the silence was broken by some questions from Mina.

Mina: hay so do you have any hobbies.

Izuku: l like to read.

Mina: what about?

Izuku: nothing in particular. I like to read about all sorts of things.

Eijirou: what kind of training do you do.

Izuku: I do a mix of a fighters style of training for my martial arts, and Olympic style weightlifting to build explosive strength for my punches and kicks.

Ochako: that's so cool.

Lida: yes it is quite impressive.

Momo: that explains your strength and ability to keep up with multiple opponents.

Tsuyu: I have a question.

Izuku: yes.

Tsuyu: why didn't you start school with us a month ago?

Izuku: (without skipping a beat) I was in jail.

Everyone was quite for a second after that. Then all at once.

Class 1A: WHAT!!!!!

Lida: you're saying your a criminal.

Denki: what crime did you pull.

Momo: how did you even get in ua with a criminal record.

Izuku: a police detective gave me a recommendation.

Class 1A: WHAT!!!!!

Tsuyu: what did you do to get arrested?

Izuku: here's what happened.

Izuku then went on to explain how he studied detective skills under Tsukauchi, then ask to be put in prison to study criminals, and the fight that got him extra prison time so he missed the first day. Because of the story, Lida admired Izuku's commitment to becoming a hero. Denki that he was cool. Eijirou thought Izuku was so manly for taking on 20 prisoners at once. And the girls started to like him even more after hearing that he risked more prison time to save a friend. They all finished eating and went to sit in the common room. After talking for a little longer, Izuku look at the clock a saw that it was nearly noon and he needed to go see mai about his gear.

Izuku: well it was nice talking to you guys but I need to head out.

Toru: where are you going.

Izuku: I need to head to the support department to finish getting my stuff for the hero class this Monday.

After Izuku said his good byes he made his way to his room, and got dressed to go see Mai.

At the support department

After Izuku got to the support department he went up and knock on the big metal door. After a few seconds of waiting the door slide open reveling Mei on the other side.

Mei: Izuku, good your here. I just finished getting all of my babies ready for you.

Izuku: all. That most have taken all night.

Mei: what's missing one nights sleep. Now I was thanking about what you said about scaring your opponents.

Izuku: yes, and.

Mei: well I thought about what scared me as a kid and I came up with this.

Izuku: Bats

Mai: yup.

Izuku mind: I did say I need to become more then just a man.

Mei: well what do you think?

Izuku: it's perfect.

Mei: good, now for the rest of your stuff.

Mei lead Izuku to a box and opened it up. Inside was an assortment of tools for him to use.

Mei: this is a gases powered grapple gun so you can scale buildings and stuff like it. These little guys are mine explosives to get threw walls or doors in your way. But they do have there limit. These are your standard smoke bombs. Lock picks and shurikens shaped lick bats. I like to call those batarangs.

Izuku: ha clever.

Mei: thank you. Now I now that it isn't much but...

Izuku: Mei it's perfect thank you.

Izuku then hugs Mei and causes here to blush.

Izuku: now I'm going to going to go and leave you alone and your going to get some sleep.

Mei: I'm fine.

Izuku: Mei, please get some sleep.

Mei: (yawns) I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a quick nap.

Izuku: good. Allow me to walk you to your dorm.

Mei: (blushes) um ok.

Izuku and Mei began to make there way out of the support department and to Mei's dorm when something out of the corner of Izuku's eye cout his attention. He stopped and looked over at the mean looking hunk of steel. Mei noticed that Izuku stopped and turned to look at him to see what was going on.

Mei: hey what are you doing, I thought we were leaving.

Izuku: Mei, what is that right there?

Mei looked at were Izuku was pointing and saw what he was looking at.

Mei: oh that. That's just another one of my babies. It's an urban assault vehicle ment for hero's who don't have speed or transport quirks to chase and capture villains that do. But I haven't gotten it up and running yet.

Izuku: cool.

Mei: now come on and walk me to my dorm before I just go and start working again.

Izuku: I'm coming.

As Izuku left the support department to take Mei the her dorm, he took one last look at the vehicle before shutting of the lights and closing the door. Izuku then drops off Mei at her dorm while getting stairs from the other girls in the support department. He then left to head back to his dorm to lay down and rest himself, all the while thinking about his test he will have to take in the hero class Monday.

Izuku: time to see how far I can go.
