Hawks knew he had to do something, he had to expose Nakamura for what he had done and what he had been doing. Of course that also meant he needed a plan "dont even think about it dumbass" Miruko stated knowing he was thinking of doing something stupid. Dabi and Toga had gone to get supplies and left the newly pronounced dead heros alone. "I didnt say anything" Hawks protested knowing exactly what his best friend was talking about "but you were thinking it, I dont need to be psychic to know you're thinking something stupid and dangerous"

"What? Me? Dangerous and stupid? I would never" Hawks replied sarcastically as he layq back down secretly planning how he would do what he needed to. Once Miruko had fallen asleep he had tried to go again only to be stopped by the sound of the door opening and Toga talking at Dabi "just put shit away, I'm gonna check on Kei" Dabi stated as he put the supplies he had been carrying down. "Up and about already, you really are too busy for your own good" he half joked.

"I have to do something, Rumi would never let me do it, cover for me?" He asked hoping Dabi would let him do what he needed to do. "No, Toga will cover for us and I'm not letting you go alone" Dabi could tell that whatever Hawks was planning it couldnt be good, not if Rumi wouldnt let him do it. "Deal, we'll just tell her we're going for some air"

Just as Toga had finished putting their newly acquired supplies away Dabi told her that he and Hawks were going to get some air. They left shortly after and Dabi followed where the other was leading him.

It wasnt long before Hawks had stopped walking, Dabi wasn't sure where they were but he had guessed it was probably where the guy who had stabbed Hawks was. "I just wanna talk to him, just wait here and big I get into trouble I'll call you okay" Dabi agreed but only under the condition that should anything seem off at all Hawks would shout for him. He watched as Hawks entered the building, hoping that Hawks really did want to 'just talk' and for once not get into trouble.

Hawks on the other hand had other plans, he hated having to lie to Dabi but he also knew if he told the truth Dabi would never let him go in there alone. He carefully entered the building and sent out a couple feathers to scout around and find Nakamura. "Keigo, nice to see you remember this place" Nakamura stated from somewhere Hawks couldn't see.

"Yeah, how could I forget, oh right you wiped my memories didn't you" Hawks replied sarcastically. He suddenly stopped when he sensed someone nearby, only to be confused when he sensed someone else "you're not alone" he stated as he hardened one of his larger feathers. Trying to keep an eye out he went to back up and get out, he could come back when Nakamura was alone.

Hawks backed away towards the door when he sensed someone behind him, he quickly turned around "Dabi?" He half asked half stated confused as to why the villain had come inside. Before Hawks had chance to ask anything else he felt a sharp pain, looking down he saw a dagger that had been plunged into him. Dabi smirked before slowly changing, revealing it to be another member of the commission. Hawks couldnt believe he forgot that they had a shapeshifter. Nakamura stepped out of the darkness and dismissed the shifter and held onto the dagger himself, twisting it he smirked "see, you can't get away from this, from me" Hawks groaned as the dagger was removed "Da... bi!" He attempted to call through the pain.

Dabi blasted the doors open to get in instantly noticing then man who was a little too close to Hawks. He stormed over grabbing Nakamura as he went past Hawks, not noticing the blood pouring from the wound Hawks had. "Is this what you had planned Kei?" He asked fury clear in his voice "Kei?" He asked again when the other disnt respond
