

The next several days were quite interesting. He had to change his schedule slightly so that he had enough time to study, but also to get to the college campus so that he could take his mid-term proctored exam. He had hoped that it would end up being online, though it had been noted that it would possibly be on campus, but luck hadn't been on his side in that matter. The next day he'd given Zachary a ride to the school to take his own exams. Most of the time when studying, Zach had helped him with his math, while Orion had returned the gesture by helping Zachary's reading improve. Of course, the book they tended to read was the small one he'd given Zach about BDSM, but he could tell that his sweetheart was getting more and more comfortable with the idea of it in general.

Not that we've had much time to try anything again recently. He mumbled to himself in his thoughts as he leaned back, stretching out on their bed. He'll be back soon from his parent's house... Thank god his father is home from the hospital.

Zachary had been much more open with him on that matter recently, which made him much more relaxed about it. Of course, Orion still didn't like the fact that Zachary was using his hard earned money on parents that had pushed him away for being truthful, but he wouldn't intervene again. Zachary was an adult and his choices were his own.


There's my boy.

Sitting up, Orion opened his arms as Zachary darted through the door and after kicking his shoes off, jumped into his open arms. Squeezing him tightly, Orion chuckled, rubbing his back.

"Hey there, Sweetheart." He whispered against Zach's hair, sighing as he smelled his familiar scent.

"Missed you these past few days. Too much work and studying, too little Zachary."

Of course they always slept in the same bed, Zachary cuddled in his arms, but he had missed the young man's smiles and cheerful attitude all the time.

"I've missed you too, Master Orion." Zachary said before looking up and pecking him lightly on the lips.

"I have paid my parent's hospital bill and before I left, I told them not to ask for anything again. That I have my own life and if I wanted to spend my money on anyone that wasn't me, it would be on my boyfriend."

Orion's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"What did they say in response, Sweetheart?" He murmured as he began to run his fingers through Zachary's hair while still holding him close with his free hand.

"Dad got really mad, saying that it was my responsibility while he was in the hospital, to pay for it. Mom just kind of frowned and blushed. I don't know why she did either, or if she agreed with me or dad, but she had made her choice when her and dad had kicked me out."

Orion nodded and leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to Zach's cheek before leaning back again.

"Yes, she did."

When Zachary just snuggled in against him, Orion allowed his hands to roam along his boyfriend's body. When his fingers settled over his ribs, he frowned and tilted his head slightly. "Zachary? Have you not eaten recently?"

He rarely allowed Zach to go without food, even if he wasn't hungry. The past few days, however, college had taken most of his concentration and time, possibly allowing him to forget to ask or miss seeing him eat. When he felt Zachary tense slightly in his arms, he knew that he had guessed correctly.

"I'm sorry, Master. When I get stressed and eat, my stomach hurts really badly. Dealing with my parents, I didn't want to get a stomach ache or be sick."

That was a normal reaction when under a lot of stress, but Orion wished Zachary had said something, or he had at least noticed it. Worrying about it right then wouldn't help either of them, though.

"It's okay, Sweetheart. Please let me know the next time you decide to stop eating, though. If you are stressed and think you will be sick, I will not make you eat. Are okay to have a small meal right now?" He asked as he got himself up, easily lifting Zachary before setting him down on his feet.

"Yes Master," Zachary said, smiling. He was quite energetic considering it was ten at night, but he did have almost ten years on Orion. The thought of their age gap surprisingly didn't bother him much. When he looked down into Zachary's bright eyes, Orion couldn't help but smile as his heart sped up in his chest.

"Let's go get something before bed then, since we both have off tonight." He said as he settled a hand against Zachary's back and gently guided him from the room. David was in the kitchen when they slipped inside... and his tongue was shoved down George's throat.

"Uh, evening." Orion said as he slid his hand into Zachary's and tugged him past the other two as they disconnected, both panting as their faces got red. Not wanting to embarrass them any further, Orion opened the refrigerator and quickly found what he was looking for.

Taking out a tupperware container, he opened the lid and grinned, seeing that it was full of leftover vegetable soup from the day before. Surely it wouldn't upset Zachary's stomach, and there was easily enough for them to share. Without bothering to ask if he could have it, since most of the extra food in the fridge was up for grabs to whoever wanted it, he tossed it in the microwave, then turned to lean against the counter as he pulled Zachary against him. When he felt eyes on him, he looked over and noticed David sending him a deadly glare, Goerge nowhere in sight.

"Don't give me that look, David. You know Xena would have skinned you if she saw you trying to suck George's face off before the midnight rush." He said, getting an eye roll from David as he turned and stirred a pot of something.

"I would have sucked something else if he wasn't worried about people coming back here."

Orion inwardly winced.

"We do have wait staff that come back here, too, David." Orion added, making the guy suddenly blush bright red.

"Shit. Forgot."

They were quiet for another moment before David gestured to Zachary. "Come taste this," David said with a small smile. Stepping out of Orion's arms, Zachary walked over, only to be pulled into the man's arms and kissed!

"Hey!" Orion snarled loudly as he yanked Zachary away from David and up into his arms. Any other person would have run and hidden from his glare as he carried Zach out of the kitchen, but David just chuckled and stuck his tongue out.

"Um, Master?" Zachary tried, hoping to get his attention while he stormed through the dark room as music began to play louder. Orion waited until they were outside before he finally stopped moving and set Zachary down. Only, he picked him right back up since the guy only had socks on and there was snow on the ground.

"Good evening, Master!" Someone called, drawing Orion's attention to the line of patrons George was working on getting inside. Looking over, he nodded, then turned and walked over to his car. He hadn't originally intended to go outside, let alone drive somewhere, but at least he had his keys and wallet on him.

Once they were both settled in the car and buckled in, he decided where he would go. It took about twenty minutes to arrive, and when he stepped out of the car and walked around, opening the door for Zachary, he could see the guy staring up at the sign that read LEATHER in all capital letters. What it was, was pretty clear.

He thought Zachary might be hesitant to go in, but he already had his seatbelt off and was reaching up to him eagerly. Such a sweetheart. Orion thought to himself as he leaned over and easily lifted Zachary into his arms, shut the door, then locked the car before walking inside the BDSM club. Sure there were plenty of clubs near their own general one, but he didn't want to deal with the loud music and obnoxious pricks. Of course, there were always going to be annoying people at clubs, but the owner of LEATHER didn't normally let things get nearly as far as other places did. Also, the music was more classical, or at least quieter than every other place. It didn't hurt that he'd done some work with the owner when they were both in between boyfriends, either.

"Oh my god, Orion! Long time no see, man!"

Smiling, Orion shifted Zachary to his left arm so that he could reach out and shake the man's hand with his right one. "Hey Jameson."

The man seemed distracted by Zachary, so Orion figured he'd best introduce him.

"This is my boyfriend, Zachary. Zachary, this is Jameson, the owner of this nice place."

Zachary hesitantly reached out and shook the man's hand before tucking himself back against Orion.

"Please tell me you two are here for a group play session? He's absolutely adorable and I know Mendel and Liod would love to get to know him better!"

A strong wave of possessiveness ran through Orion as he shook his head. "No. Zachary is strictly mine." He said, watching as his friend frowned, but then realization hit him.

"Oh shit, I didn't even notice the collar! Sorry Orion, I'll be sure to tell anyone who asks about him that he's off limits."

"Thank you," Orion replied before starting to walk back toward a hallway off to the right by the bar. "I assume the back room is open, Jameson?"

"All yours, Orion! Enjoy yourselves!" The man called back.

As he carried Zachary into the back room and turned to shut and lock the door, Orion could feel his body tense against him slightly. Immediately he wrapped Zach in a tight hug, only setting him down once he was relaxed again.

"I'm sorry that I took you here so abruptly, Sweetheart. I..." He bit his lip, not liking the feelings that he'd had when David had kissed his boyfriend. He sighed when Zachary pressed his cold palms to either side of his face and leaned up, pressing a kiss to his lips.

"Would you like to play with me, Master?" He asked quietly, his eyes warm and welcoming. All of the jealousy Orion had been feeling drained away as he took his boyfriend into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Yes please, Sweetheart." He responded before releasing Zachary and walking over to a large dresser near a metal bar secured along the far wall. The bed took up most of the room, but there was still a good amount open if anyone wanted to use the floor or walls, where several different areas were set up with fasteners or other metal bars. There was also a closed door that lead to a large bathroom.

"Come here, Zachary," Orion said as he got out two long strips of leather. The one other reason he also preferred the club they were in over others was because the back room, which you actually had to pay to use unless you personally knew the owner, was always stocked with brand new items. Nothing was ever reused.

When Zach appeared in front of him he gently guided him over to a small silver bar fastened to the wall. Reading his mind, Zachary reached up, gripping the bar with his hands, which made him stretch just a little to reach. Watching his sweetheart do as he'd wanted him to right away felt good, and seeing his T-shirt ride up slightly to reveal smooth skin that he loved running his hands over every night spurred Orion to move.

He gently began wrapping one of the long pieces of leather around the bar, but left it hanging once it was fastened adequately. He then turned his attention to his gorgeous boy. Without an ounce of hesitation he settled his hands on Zachary's lower torso, right above where his pants rested on his perfect hips. His thumbs immediately began to massage small circles along the warm skin, adding pressure until he felt his boyfriend slowly moving with the action. It wasn't exactly sexual, but it was sensual. The movement had his own hips moving slowly forward and back as he began to move his hands up along Zachary's body.

He felt him begin to warm beneath his fingertips as they inched their way further and further up. When Orion had the shirt almost to his shoulder Zachary lifted his hands off of the bar, obediently waiting for it to be removed. "No." Orion whispered to him a moment later, his lips pressed against Zachary's right ear. Zach immediately returned his hands to the bar, though Orion could tell that he was confused.

So cute. He thought to himself as he moved the shirt up and over his boyfriend's head, then carefully but skillfully tied the shirt at Zachary's wrists. It took awhile to learn how to do it, but when he was finished he was satisfied that it would hold nicely and was glad to have mastered the skill.

Now that Zachary's upper body was naked, Orion took a moment to stare before turning his attention to Zach's hands. He took the leather already tied between them and used it to bind his wrists to the metal bar tightly. "Is it too tight, Sweetheart?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around Zachary's front and rested his palms on his belly.

"No Master." Zachary replied, just a hint breathless.

"Good boy, thank you for telling me. If I tie anything to tightly, you let me know." Orion stated, getting a nod from Zachary. Frowning, he leaned over and pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's cheek. "Words only, please. They are very important in this."

Zachary gasped quietly and hurried to amend his mistake. "Yes, Master. I will tell you if anything is uncomfortable."

"Thank you, Sweetheart." Orion replied as he removed the other length of leather that he'd settled over his shoulder and began wrapping it around Zachary's middle and upper torso before tying it. When he had finished, he hurried back over to the dresser and returned a moment later with two things.

"Are you comfortable enough here to allow me to blindfold you, Zachary?"

He seemed to be about to nod, but then quickly spoke. "Yes, Master."

Orion smiled and carefully placed the black cloth he'd retrieved in front of Zachary's eyes, then tied it securely behind his head. "Is that alright?" He asked, needing reassurance that his love was okay.

"Yes, Master." Zachary replied, his tone of voice beginning to sound stronger. Less worried or hesitant.

Orion pressed his forehead between Zachary's shoulderblades and nodded as he sighed out a relieved breath, making sure that his boyfriend could feel the gesture. Now that he had the young man secured with the leather ropes and blindfolded, Orion felt relief course through him. He knew that it wasn't normal for most people to need so much control over another, but he also knew that there were those that craved much worse. He would never hit his sweetheart or intentionally cause him harm, like a good amount of dominants he knew. Not that he looked down on them for what they and their subs partook in, but he refused. He needed the control part of the lifestyle to feel secure, which sometimes made him feel shallow or depressed.


Zachary's words cut through his thoughts, making Orion look up at him. "Yes, Sweetheart?" He replied, his voice slightly rough from the feelings he'd begun to let inside his head.

"I love you."

The three simple words caught him off guard. Not that he didn't expect to hear them, he had. It was more the fact that they were exactly what he had needed to hear right then. His whole body relaxed as he straightened and wrapped his arms tighter around his boyfriend.

"I love you, too, Zachary." He paused for a moment as his lips pressed against the warm pulse in his sweetheart's neck, then he whispered against the soft skin. "Would you like to try making love again?"

Most people would think that having sex, especially for the first time as a couple should be in a special place, but Orion's special place was Zachary. As long as he was with him, he felt happy. Like he was needed by someone, and that they actually wanted him, even with his odd habits and quirks, in return.

"Yes please, Master Orion." Zachary said with a cheerful tone in his slightly quivering voice.

Removing his arms from around him, Orion moved around to the small space between Zachary and the wall and, kneeling there, slowly began to undo the young man's pants. They easily slid to the floor when Orion gave a slight tug. I need to remember to get him a big dinner after this. He reminded himself before turning his attention to Zachary's boxers. Instead of removing them right away, he carefully leaned forward and began to nuzzle above the waistband. He felt the skin beneath his nose tighten and shiver several times, making him smile at how he affected his love.


Orion pressed a soft kiss to the spot just beneath Zachary's naval before glancing up with a content smile, loving the sight he got. "Yes, Sweetheart?"

When Zachary just stuttered again, Orion gently grasped his legs in his hands and began rubbing them soothingly. He would wait, because nothing was more important to him than his love's words.

"C-can I um. Can I wear your shirt...?"

It was an odd request for Zachary, but just hearing that he wanted something of his made Orion hurry to comply with the request. He stood quickly and began unbuttoning the soft plaid shirt that he'd shrugged on earlier in the day. He was just undoing the final button when he heard Zachary speak again.

"I-I'm sorry. I forgot I can't put it on when I'm tied up. I don't want to have to make you retie everything." He hurried to say, but Orion just shook his head as he set the shirt over his shoulder and began undoing the knots.

"Sweetheart, you made me so happy by asking for my shirt. Please, accept it and take comfort in wearing it." He said as he freed Zachary from the metal bar, then unfastened his hands and removed the shirt he'd used to tie them. He left the blindfold on though, not feeling a need to remove it as he helped Zachary into the shirt, then buttoned it meticulously.

"How does that feel?" He asked with an excited smile as he began retying Zachary's wrists with his shirt.

"Perfect, Master." Zachary replied, a smile on his lips as Orion finished tying him to the bar.

"I'm glad. You look adorable in it, too." Orion added, grinning as he noticed the blush that quickly covered the young man's cheeks. Turning his attention to the other item he'd brought over, Orion knelt down and picked up the small tube of lube and popped the lid. Knowing that Zachary had trouble and needed a lot of it, he didn't hesitate to squeeze a large amount into his palm before dropping the tube back to the carpet.

"This isn't the kind of lube I used last time that's for sensitivity, but I'll do my best to make sure that you're comfortable and I use as much as needed." He said as he carefully began to stretch his boyfriend. Orion remained kneeling on the carpet as he carefully inserted first one finger, then two, then three. Each time he heard Zachary gasp or saw him wince, he'd pause what he was doing until his love told him to continue.

When he finally stood, the tube of lube was back in his hand, along with a condom he'd removed from his back pocket before removing his pants and boxers. He easily unwrapped the smaller item, the obvious sound drawing Zachary's attention.

"I don't want you to use a condom. You're clean..." He said, frowning.

"I know, Sweetheart, but I bought this specifically for when you wanted to try again. It's made specially to be slick and together with the lubricant, should help with the pain."

Orion could tell that Zachary still wasn't very happy about it, but after he slid the condom on himself, he quickly wrapped the young man in a strong hug and kissed his neck. "I love you, Zachary. I know you want me bare, and believe me, Sweetheart, I crave that too, but I can't stand hurting the one I love when it can be prevented. I promise that if this works, we try without again as soon as you're ready, alright?"

"Okay..." Zachary said, his voice not quite as excited as it had been before.

Orion pursed his lips, contemplating removing the condom. It didn't take him long to decide against it. Instead, he added a healthy portion of lubricant to the outside of it before carefully lining himself up.

"I promise that I'll make it feel amazing for you, Zachary. Trust me, please?"

He hadn't really meant to ask it as a question, but the tone of his voice, and the unsure feeling in his chest, made it come out that way. He wasn't expecting a response as he wrapped one of his arms around Zachary's neck while the other moved around his waist and gently grasped his stiff length.

"I will always trust you, Orion. Even when I act like a fool or make a mistake. Even when you are angry with me. You make me feel wanted and safe, even when restrained and blind."

Blinking back tears, Orion nuzzled into Zachary's warm neck and pressed a soft kiss there as he gave his hips a slight thrust forward.

"You're my anchor, Sweetheart." He whispered as he ever-so-slowly nudged his hips forward a little more. "When I saw you standing outside of the club, my heart was already trying to reach out to you, even though my brain wasn't comprehending yet. I can't believe I believed the lies I was told about you begging for even a second, Zachary."

Zachary pressed his hips back abruptly, making Orion moan against his skin.

"I was afraid that you would yell at me again... in the alley," Zachary said, gasping and breaking his sentence into two when Orion thrust forward again.

Orion tightened his arms around Zachary's slightly shivering body as he growled, feeling a sudden surge of possessiveness flow through him.

"If I could go back and tell the fool that I was that night how close he came to losing something so incredible, I would. Then beat him up, for good measure."

Zachary chuckled, the action causing him to tighten around Orion to insight another moan and accidental hard thrust. Zach hissed out a breath and Orion forced himself to remain still, though it took a good deal of effort. When Zachary let his breath out a few moments later on a moan, Orion did the same. Looking down, he grinned as he noticed that he was more than halfway inside.

"Almost there, Sweetheart," he said excitedly as he moved his hands back between them after squeezing most of the bottle of lubricant into his free hand. Once he could get nothing else out of the small tube, he tossed it behind him and eagerly rubbed it between his hands before applying it to his length that still waited to be pushed inside.

After returning his arms to where they had been settled around Zachary, Orion leaned forward against him and slowly began to push. "Sweetheart... tilt your head back toward the sound of my voice, please," Orion said with a slight grunt as he felt himself sliding inside more and more. He couldn't believe how tight Zachary was, and honestly, he was glad that the poor guy hadn't gotten a dominant like Domino. He would have been torn apart.

Just thinking about that man touching his sweet Zachary made Orion tense. He relaxed quickly, however, when he saw Zachary tilt his head back and to the side, allowing Orion to connect their lips together. The kiss turned hungry fast, and so did his thrusting as he finally felt himself sink completely inside. Of course, he didn't pull out and then push in more than an inch or so each time, but both of them were clearly eager to finally have the chance to make love, as Zachary was meeting his small forward motions with backward ones of his own.

"More," Zachary panted after a minute of kissing and nipping at each others' lips. Orion obliged, pulling out a bit more than he had been before thrusting forward again. Zachary groaned, but after taking a moment to recover, he repeated his request for more, and Orion gladly did as told.

They were both getting to the end when Zachary's whimper caught Orion's attention. Neither of them stopped moving, but he did nip at Zachary's neck and growl out in a husky voice. "Tell me what you want, Zachary."

Orion had a feeling that Zachary was embarrassed to ask and would have likely taken a few moments to get the words out, but considering they were both about to climax, he hurried to speak.

"Please, I want to see... you. Please, Master." He gasped and groaned as Orion massaged his length with his right hand.

The request wasn't something Orion normally liked to do, having his submissives able to see him during sex if he could blindfold them, but he would do anything for Zachary. Reaching up with his left hand, his fingers shaky, he removed the blindfold. Everything in him took in the sight of his sweet Zachary's dark, love-filled eyes staring up at him. So much affection was clear as day in them. So much love... for him. Growling again, Orion turned Zachary's head and smashed their lips together as he felt himself release inside of his love. Zachary followed soon after, groaning into their kiss as they rocked together, enjoying the feelings that coursed through them.

When Orion finally untied Zachary, the younger man fell into his arms, exhausted. Lifting him easily, Orion set him down on the bed for a moment and used the phone by the nightstand to dial the kitchen. He knew the chef, and after ordering food for them, he hung up and carefully scooped his lover into his arms with a content smile.

"Let's go wash up, then I'm going to stuff you with food until you fall asleep in my arms." Orion said, already noticing that Zachary was beginning to drift off a little. Instead of trying to awaken him fully, he carried him into the bathroom and set him down in his lap after turning on the warm shower and removing his condom, throwing it in the small trashcan. He then grabbed a washcloth and lathered it with soap before he began to clean his beautiful sweetheart up.
