1: Big Hearts

A/N: a small author's note before we start. As you can tell this is chapter 1 and let me tell you the story has everything. It has already been rated Mature, so there's going to be violent scenes (though I'll try keep them as infrequent as possible if not avoid them) and there's probably sexually explicit material. And if you're easily triggered, leave now because there's probably going to be a lot of triggering material.

Read on...

High school.

The biggest form of torture. To parents it's the ultimate source of education. They're right. However, it's much more than that. It was home for rumors, bullying, and the most inhumane acts.

I think I could summarize high school with what I call The 5 D's.






Simple as that.

To me though, it wasn't that bad, if I'm being fair.

In my opinion, high school was a game. Just like football. You need to know where to stand, which position to keep, when to run and when to kick. And that's how you score.

Enough about my life. It doesn't really matter. It's not about me as much as it's about my twin brother, Raiden.

"You're up, this is new." I joked as I peeped through the cracked open door of Rai's bedroom. I was jealous of his bedroom because it was the biggest in the house, which was the attic.

He claimed immediately as we moved in. What bugged me though, is that it was as stripped and bare as his soul. He had nothing in it. The walls were beige, the floor empty (not counting the strewn clothes here and there), and he didn't have any pictures hung up or anything that says "This is my room and it describes me".

It scared me because if his bedroom doesn't describe him, then what does?

"I don't want mom in my ears again. She's been ringing my phone since unholy morning ours. Just because it's first day-which is only our first day because we're the new ones-doesn't mean I should be any interested."

Yeah mom has a habit of always calling even if she's not in the same country as ours.

I barged inside, already dressed up and my backpack slung over my shoulder. He wasn't remotely ready. Like I mentioned, I was surprised he was even up.

Something you should know about my brother: He doesn't get up voluntarily. Ever.

"Ah come on, cheer up bud. It's your first day at a new school, consider it as a fresh start"

"Is that supposed to make me feel any better? Because if anything it made me more anxious" It was impossible to get anywhere with him.

"I heard Rivertown High isn't half as bad as other high school-"

"Did mom put you up for this?"


"Then shut up and leave so I can get dressed" He huffed and got up from bed.

"You don't have anything that I haven't seen" I tried to amuse him but I think I just made it worse.

"Just because we're identical twins doesn't mean- actually- oh my god just leave my damn room already" He threw something from his bedside table so fast I saw it flash before my eyes and smash into the wall. Bits and shards flew everywhere.

It was his phone.

I left his room without saying any other words.

"Later guys" I told my friends and swept out of class following my twin as I saw him pass by my class.

They were rare the times we walked together in the hallways. I was sure some people thought we were just one copy. It's not that I avoid him or anything, but that kid gives me a feeling that he has a secret cloak of invisibility.

I slung my arm around my little bro's back and walked beside him.

I took a look at him and freaked out, my arm shooting back to my side. "Rai did you forget to dress up?"

"I'm wearing clothes Aiden"

"You're in your pajamas"

"Pajamas are clothes"

"whatever. I don't have football today, so I'm going home early" I spoke cheerfully. It was always nice to leave school early no matter what.

"How are you already on the team if it's your first day here?" Raiden grumbled.

"I had tryouts last week"


"How's Arts going? You doing alright?"

"It's not that great. I mean the teacher is nice, and Evan is teaching me basics and stuff"

"Wow, wow, wow, back the track. Evan? Evan Peterson?"

"Yeah Evan Peterson. How do you know him it's literally first day?"

"Why is he doing it? Scarlet said he's stuck up" my mind went back to lunch break where Scarlet was telling us how snobby Evan is. Oh and she said he's dating his stepbrother which I found very weird, if not disgusting.

"I don't know who that Scarlet is but she's a liar. He's the complete opposite"

"So he doesn't show off his art to the whole class?"

"No that happened-"


"You didn't let me finish! Ms. Parks, the art teacher was the one who insisted on showing the rest of us what a person is capable of achieving with just a piece of paper and a pencil"

We took a turn right then down the stairs one floor.

"Oh well. But why is he teaching you I don't understand?"

"Well since I never tried painting I was assigned Evan as a mentor. We're split into Picassos and DaVincis. DaVincis are better so we're paired Picasso/DaVinci"

"This is so weird what the hell?"

"Stop asking questions or I'll hurt you," Raiden threatened. However, I've never heard him talk about something like this. He'd always talk about things with a monotonous dullness. He was pretty animated while he spoke about art; well as animated as he can get. "I mean I do not even know how to hold a paint brush properly yet, but the whole class has this nice aura that makes you feel like you're capable of achieving something, and I like it. You should join it instead of football"

"Nah bro, football is much more interesting to me"

"Yeah because twenty boys chasing a ball while hurting themselves underneath the scorching sun is much more interesting" Raiden, ever so sarcastic.

"First of all, there's rarely sun in this town and you know it"

He nodded carelessly but I continued anyway. "Second of all, football is much more than that" I realized I missed my turn to the main doors.

"Gotta go bro" I patted his shoulder and left. I heard him mutter a "Whatever".

It didn't take me long to reach home, but I passed by Betsy's to get food. I got a takeout order for both Raiden and I, so I'd keep my brother's in the microwave for when he comes home.

We don't eat takeout all the time, though, but we're practically living by ourselves since mom is almost always abroad at work. Both Raiden and I learned how to cook. We spend a lot of time in the kitchen making food when we're not feeling like eating outside or ordering something. It's fun, and we get to eat something healthy for a change. Add to the fact that Raiden makes the best food ever.

I reached our home's divergence. Our two-story house came into view as I drove my car up the road. Each of us had a car, mom's sweet 16 gifts to us. She was still not over dad even if she says she was, so she tries to get us stuff that'll keep us occupied, especially Raiden. She always tries to get him to do what she quotes as 'normal people stuff', though Raiden doesn't drive his car.

What memories I had left of my dad were all nice memories. He didn't leave anything behind him but good memories and traces of how a role model father should be.

I opened the door and went to the kitchen, which was the first door to the right. Our house wasn't really that fancy or huge. It was slightly better than average.

I placed the food bags on the counter and decided that I'll take a shower first.

***Raiden's P.O.V***

You might think I'm very harsh with my attitude, but I've been told that I'm "very special" before, and the person who told me that, hurt me the most.

I had scars to prove it.

I'd really appreciate it if you guys vote as to get the story ranked. Also comments are most welcome x
