The key

No ones pov: Aonung and neteyam made it to their first hour Aonung was heavily trying to breath and collect air personally cursing out neteyam he was running with all of his might completely leaving Aonung in the dust i mean least that's what aonung thought it was so hard for him to even keep but to be fair cause of all the introductions they had like 6 min to get all the way to the other side  of the school

Neteyam: are you okay Aonung?

Aonung: yeah I'm good just thirsty as fuck and next time if you're gonna run like that let me get on your back or sum damn man ain't you tired

Neteyam: noted haha where you from though ?

Aonung: nunya

Neteyam: what's nunya

Aounung: nunya blue ass business

Neteyam just gave him a be fucking for real kinda look

Neteyam: have fun finding next period.

Aonung: wait no I'm sorry please

Neteyam just listened to aonung constantly beg until the teacher came in making him stop but whenever they made eye contact he'd put his hands together to show his begging at the end neteyam grabbed his hand dragging the two to their next class

Aonung took a nap in class that hour neteyam taking many notes he was a strait a student who held very high standards for himself I mean you'd be a fool to expect anything less from him he looked to his side their was aonung  sleeping peacefully neteyam kicked his shin causing the boy to jump but only a tiny bit thanks to neteyam holding him down firmly with a hand across his lap

Aonung: ow asshole

Neteyam: it's your first day in a new school and you fell asleep not paying attention to shit around you come on man don't be such a skawng

Aonung knew he had a point though he looked around almost everyone taking notes he looked at the bored and froze in his seat what the fuck why they mixing letters with numbers on the first day!??

He looked to the side seeing neteyam looking at the board as he was writing down every single thing

Aonung: now that's a talent how are you doing that?

Neteyam: doing what.

Aonung: your not even looking at your paper your looking straight ahead at the board yet your writing everything down perfectly like a navi printer

Neteyam: what do you mean I'm not even listing.

Neteyam wasn't listing ?

He wasn't. at all he was staring off into space he kinda just picked up this skill

Aonung: I call ilushit literally your notes are perfectly written yet you weren't paying attention

Neteyam: it's a skill I picked up from multitasking a lot balancing my siblings grades track planning events a lot of things to be honest

Aonung understood the siblings part he personally looked after tsireya even though he ain't need too

Aonung: I get the sibling part

Neteyam: you don't I'm sorry that came out wrong I'm saying you might not exactly know or understand what I go through for my siblings that still sounds shity lem-

Aonung: if you ain't see I was legit with my little sister rude ass and I'd say I might even do more for her than you do your siblings when we first met you legit didn't acknowledge anyone until that girl had to take your earbud out

that PISSED  neteyam off you know just a little bit he was cranky as hell today he ain't eat breakfast or sleep much last night

Neteyam: are both your parents in the war so you wake up start your week day at 3:30?


Neteyam: Do you get up checking chores and making sure everything is prepared for the day I'm the oldest and I have to have three of my siblings together and out the door by 6:30

Aonung- I didn't know that..

Neteyam: You know my 6 year old sister i gotta drive and  drop her off in kindergarten gotta drive my siblings to school with me
even had to pick up a job cause they don't pay half enough of what we need my mom has to personally send money back home cause she knows it's hard being a child raising children not to talk about after school having to pick up tuk and havin stop get groceries for dinner fighting with my two siblings who's gonna help me cook after that i go help tuk with her home work  help loak with his home work stay up till 2 in the morning finishing mine this is a day to day cycle for me and the weekends are crazier than the weekdays cause everyone wants to go out and be driven all over

And the gas in the car always costs so much yet no one wanna help with that but kiri

But you get that right aonung haha?

Aonung looked at the boy seeing a small smile he was just stuned he was about to say something a apology but neteyam interrupted him

Neteyam: I wouldn't give this life up for anything though I love my place in the family big bro the protecter i wear that name with pride but go ahead and tell me do you also go through that?

Aonung: no I apologize for my words I didn't know anything about you and downplayed you and what you would do for them

Neteyam: no need to apologize like I said I'd never want anything to change about this life I mean I do miss my mother and father thinking about them makes my heart heavy but I gotta be strong

Aounung: your a great big brother

Neteyam : thank you aonung by the way please keep that to yourself I just spilled damn near my whole life story to you haha I'm sorry about that

Aonung: my lips are ziped locked an I'm  putting the key in my back pocket

Neteyam: give me the key I don't trust you haha

Aounung laughed with him

Neteyam: seriously give me the key .


Yall I'm saving up for q camera right why ain't no one tell me saying is so hard😭🤚🏾

