Chapter 12

Above is the song suggested by physics_sucks

It's a Tamil song

I ɢʊɛss ɨռ tɦɨs sօռɢ tɦɛʏ աɛʀɛ tɛʟʟɨռɢ tɦat ʟօʋɛ ɨs ċʀɨċҡɛt aռɖ sօʍɛ աɨċҡɛts aռɖ ʀʊռs աɨʟʟ aʟsօ ɮɛ tɦɛʀɛ; ք
Nօt taʍɨʟɨaռ ɮʊt ċaռ ʊռɖɛʀstaռɖ sօʍɛ աօʀɖs ɮċʐ I'ʍ ʄʀօʍ sօʊtɦ !!

Quote of the day

"I love you more than I have ever found a way to say it"
- anonymous


John Manhattan's P.O.V

"Tell me the truth! you know Diana before right?" I asked him

"No, I don't know!" He told

"Come on Jose, I am seeing you from the day you were born. I can understand you are lying!" I told

"Yes! Yes, I know her. She was the wife of Ethan and I destroyed their relationship. I know that I had done it for revenge but I know one thing now he doesn't deserve her, not only her but her babies too!" He yelled

"Why does he don't deserve her? What about the babies! They deserve their father right?"

"If he was loyal to them, will he get engaged again as if nothing happened! Will he threw his kids out of his life like they are tissue papers, will he believe all the fake rumors about his wife!"

"I know that Jose but what you did was unforgivable! Does Diana know that you did all this?"

"No. She was not even knowing me until last week. She only knows a Jose whom her husband had accused with her!"

"Jose I am actually disappointed with you. The Jose I knew won't do like these things! " I walked out of his office.

My princess doesn't deserve her life to be this. She deserves better.

Jose Manhattan's P.O.V

I am regretting all these things. I know I hate Ethan but what I did destroy the lives of three innocents, not Ethan's.

How can I be so deep to do revenge and greedy for money? I have to find a way.

30 minutes later at Manhattan mansion

"Hey, Di!" I called her

"Hey, Jose!" She replied but her eyes were so red that means she was crying.

"Di you were crying?" I asked

"No no it's just some dust! " she lied

"No, I can understand you are crying!"

Suddenly she breaks down in front of me. Seeing her crying and sobbing made my heart clench. I did this, I am the reason why she is crying

I went to her and hugged her. She hugged me back

"Di what made you cry?" I asked

"I-- Ethhaa'an gott married this day," she told between her sobs

"Ohhh you love him?" I asked. I know she loves him but because of me everything became upside down

"Mmm, I love him!" With that, she cried hard

"Di you want some space. Cry every pain out I'm going to fix all these problems " I told her

She nods

Anastasia's ( Diana) P.O.V

When Jose left and I cried. I cried all the pain out

I love Ethan

I want him to be with me. I want him to hold my hand. I want him to kiss me and tell some soothing words when I'm sad. I want him to hold my angels.

I really miss Ethan. Will he be missing me?

No, he won't! he hates me like there is no tomorrow. He believed that I cheated on him. How can I?

Now he is going to get married to his P.A

Will he remember today was our wedding anniversary?

The day I became Mrs. Ethan Spencer.

The day I told I love you in front of the priest

The day I told my vows

The day he told the biggest lie " I won't leave you, I will love you till my last breath"

Old Ethan is no more. Now a new Ethan.

He doesn't even need me. He hates me.

He hates my angels

What would I say when my angels ask who is their daddy.

Did I have to point some stranger or I have to say them he had rejected us?

I don't want to face that day

Why I am loving him even he hates me and had hurt me a lot.

I know it's because he was my first

My first love

My first shelter

My first of everything

Moreover, he is my kids' father

*knock * *knock*

I wiped my tears and opened the door.

It was dad

"Princess we are having a guest they will be here within 30 minutes. Be ready. we are having dinner with them and Mom told she had already made the babies bath and changed their dress!" He told

"Yes, dad! I will be there!"

I walked to the bathroom and had a body bath.

I'm going to wear something good

Ha, what about the cocktail dress it would be better.

I put body lotion, my undergarments and then the beautiful dress

I put light make up. Little foundation to cover my dark circles under my eyes, eyeliner, mascara and red lipstick.

I checked in the mirror

Ha, I'm looking good.

I can hear the voice from downstairs

They came I guess

While going down I notice a familiar voice. It's Ethan's

"Really Ethan you are looking so happy! What happened?" Dad asked

"We are expecting a new member !" Ethan told

Whaat his P.A aka fiance is pregnant!

Well, he moved on so fast.

I have to pretend it won't affect me

I walked down the stairs

Suddenly his blue eyes caught mine

"What's she doing here John?" He asked dad

"Well, I would like to introduce my daughter Diana a.k.a Anastasia!"

He was glaring at me

"Well, would you allow me to talk to her for little time!" Ethan asked

Dad nods

He led me to our garden

"What are you doing here?" He asked angrily

"What am I doing? I'm with my parents"

" For money? I guess did the DNA proved you are their long lost child?"


'Mmm Anastasia if you are having any hope that I'm going to love you again then cut it. I hate you! Now I'm going to have a family with Cassidy and I don't want you to destroy us! "

Tears started to stroll down from my cheeks

"Waterworks! You are good for nothing slut!'

A sob escaped

"Do you think I would come behind you. Do you think I am behind money? Then you are wrong. I am having two kids which are more than everything to me. I and my kids are slut and bastards in your eyes. Do you know how much it hurts when a person you loved accused of something you never did when you are called as a slut? No! You don't know!!
I was never behind your money. I thought you would be there with me until my last breath. You would be there when my kids grow but I'm wrong I was only a slut for you. I even risked my kids' life by committing suicide but you didn't even allow me to run away from my fucking life!."

I cried. I break down in front of him

Ethan's P.O.V

She cried

Anastasia cried

I want to hold her and say don't cry but I didn't

Suddenly the maid comes with two babies

"Ms. Diana they are crying!" The maid told

She wiped her tears and told the maid to exit.

She took the babies and they stopped crying

I want to see the babies but I know she won't allow me

I went near her. She moved back

I stared at her eyes

"Mind if I see your bas- kids?" I don't know why I was going to say bastards but the emotion on her face is hurt. She is about to cry

"You mean this slut's bastards right?" She asked with a tear rolling down her cheeks

Shit I regret calling that

I went to her and took the baby. It's a girl

The baby is looking a lot like me.

Shit it's mine

"What is her name?" I asked her

"Meghan!" She replied

I kissed Meghan's forehead

Then I took the baby boy

This is the junior version of me

"His name is Shawn!" She told

I kissed his forehead

They are my babies. I called them bastards what kind of dad am I?

I regret everything

Anastasia took the babies and walked away.

I noticed her face when I was holding the babies it was a mixed emotion. Sad, happy hope etc.

I want to find out the truth.

I want to be in my kids' life

Not only mine and Cassidy's child deserves a dad but my these two angels also need it.


Hey guys,

Today big update! Some truths are out. Ethan finally got the brain to find out the truth. I hate to say that Cassidy is pregnant but wait and see

What do you guys think about my story? Is it good or bad?

Please comment your opinions.

With lots of love,
