The color red


My last thought before I go to sleep is. What would I do if I can't escape from them in a few months, who could protect me from the mafia?



I'm in the red room again. Sir told me I needed to learn how to pleasure him and his friends so I had to learn how to dance. I also had to learn how to strip tease and do lap dances. That all happens in the red room. It's where he takes his business partners and friends. I hate it so much. I have to dance and I don't fight back. I should just fight back or struggle but I don't. If I just fought back maybe this wouldn't happen to me?

I have no more time to think as him and his friends start to pool in. I start dancing my routine and as I dance I strip my clothes down to the red lingerie I'm wearing. Red is sirs favorite color. Which is why this whole room is red themed. He says it's the color of sexiness. I continue dancing until my routine is over and sit tells me to come over to him. "Give a lap dance to each of us princess," he says. I do it to each of them and then I have to give them all blow jobs. I hate whatever that sticky stuff is. My "dads" friends always called it ice cream. It's obviously not. And sir doesn't want people telling me what things are called. Like when the lady who taught me how to strip dance told me what a blow job is sir almost killed her. Saying he wants his princess to stay innocent.

After all the men leave I'm lead back to my room. It just has a bed and a chair. All clothes are provided to me when I can wear them so there isn't a closet or anything. If I have to go to the bathroom I have to knock on the door of my room to be lead to it. Sir says it's because he doesn't want me running away again. I have to stay in my room all day unless sir comes in or I have to go to my classes. Like dancing class. 

End of nightmare

I wake up in a cold sweat once again. Another nightmare. Can I ever catch a break? Lately I haven't been able to get away from the memories of my past. Specifically about sir. He did things to me that I never want to say out loud. It's all awful. He treated me like a baby and like an adult at the same time. He wanted to protect my innocence yet he took away what was left of it. I saw him a few times after the time he took me but it was never as long as those six months. It would be for a few days or weeks. And after the first time I knew what to expect. After what he did I was never the same. It took me awhile to even wear red. Everytime I wore it I just thought about the Red room. Which now I'm older I know it was a stripper room but I always just called it the red room. Because the entire thing was decorated in red. I used to see red as something I shouldn't wear because it was sexy. And I thought if I wore it I would get raped again. Even though I still got raped wether I wore it or not. The thing that made me get over my fear of red though was when I was 13 and I got into fighting. The gym was red. No just in the color scheme. But also the blood. I see red as not only as the color of sexiness but as the color of blood, anger, and revenge. The color of violence. Some people will say it's a dark spin on the color but I don't care.

I learned to love red but something I will never learn to love is waking up early. I hate it so much. I checked the time a few minutes ago. 4:00. Well now a few minutes after 4:00 but that doesn't make me any less tired. After awhile a roll of my bed and make my way to my closet and then to my bathroom locking the door behind me so I can take a shower in peace. After I'm done covering my visible scars I walk out of the bathroom. I decided to wear red today.

Just the jacket.

Her outfit.

I'm bored out of my mind. My 3rd period class is so boring. Sociology. Like who even invited this? I want to talk to them. As the teacher keeps droning on and on and I just space out. I hope 4th period comes soon. It has Adonis in it but at least it's not boring.

Her full schedule for anyone wondering.

First Period- Language Arts (English)
Second Period- Art
Third Period- Sociology
Fourth Period- Biology
Fifth Period- Geometry
Sixth Period- History
Seventh Period- Study Hall
Eighth Period- PE

The bell finally rings. And I jet out of there and go straight to biology. I don't necessarily enjoy biology but I like it enough to not want to throw myself out a window. As soon as I enter I sit in the back of the room. I choose my seat purposely to piss of Adonis if he shows up. He wasn't here for first period but he has a tendency to be late  and show up randomly. In biology we usually don't have problems because we have our respective tables in the back. He's in the left table with his friend and I'm on the right. The English room is set up differently so we don't have two tables in the back. I know sitting in his spot will piss him off. And I want to. I haven't had any fun today because much like sociology my morning was boring and uneventful. I need some action.

And like I planned I did piss him off.

Adonis walked in about 30 minutes into class. I was starting to loose hope on having my fun. He walks over and notices me. I expected him to show anger instead he smirked and sat down next to me. He doesn't talk to me just listens to the teacher as he continues to lecture. Even he's boring today. Suddenly I feel a hand on my thigh. It's Adonis's. I look at him and he smirks again. Sliding his hand up a bit. I should feel uncomfortable and push him away. But I don't surprisingly. He leans over and in a hushed voice says. "You really want to piss me off this badly μωρό." (Baby) I don't know Greek. Did he just insult me? "It's definitely working, you accomplished what you wanted to now why don't you leave. If you don't there will be a harsh punishment waiting for you later," he says. Why does a threat sound so hot coming from him? "I'm not scared of you Adonis, try to punish me," I taunt him. He releases his hand from my thigh and turns back to the board like nothing happened. I definitely can't forget. That fucker turned me on. I hate him.

The bell finally rings and all I can think about now is food. I'm starving. As I walk to lunch someone grabs me from behind and into a classroom. What the fuck?


I almost forgot to update today, I'm sorry. It's been such a crazy week for me but I want to continue updating and I have a lot of chapters ready to release. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you think!

Also I have published my new book, Lost, so if you guys want to read something else from me than check that out. It would mean a lot and help a lot if you did but no pressure <3

Ily all <3
