

"We should get ready to leave for dinner," I yell to my brothers before I enter my room.
"Ok," Jackson yelled back.


After I told Santo the plan he left to prepare. Apparently he has to work for the people coming tonight so he'll have to pull some strings and wait for the right time to help. I'm still upset with him but I know he had good intentions so I can't really be that angry. I hear a knock on the door then someone walk in. It's Allessandro. He didn't even wait for a response before walking in, what's the point of knocking then? "What do you want Allessandro?"
"Get dressed and come downstairs, some business partners are coming here soon so wear something pretty,"
"Whatever," I say and get up. He watches me as I go into the closet. After I'm inside I hear my door close.
Considering what Santo said I'm assuming I have to wear something cute or frilly like a dress. I hate dresses but I have to play the part.

I didn't realize the only dresses I have are sexy. Besides one. One that Allessandro bought me when I was in the hospital. I decided to wear it even though the color makes me sick. I also paired it with some white flower heels. I literally look like a child.

Her dress.

Her heels.

If I wasn't already in hell I'm definitely there now. I feel like a four year old in this. As soon as Allessandro's business partners leave I'm so going to burn this dress.

After I brush my hair I take a few deep breaths and walk downstairs. I have to remind myself to be submissive to get out of this hellhole. If they think I'm listening then they'll trust me. I also promised Santo I'd act like this in front of Allessandro's business partners so I have to be extra careful. I enter the kitchen and Allessandro smiles. "You look beautiful," he says. You have poor taste.
"Thank you," I say with a fake smile and sit down.
"My business partners with be here soon, you're right on time," he says and looks away. The rest of my brothers look at me for a little bit but eventually look away. Probably because of what I'm wearing. I hate my life. The sooner I can get out of here the better. After a few minutes of sitting Allessandro gets up and leaves the kitchen. The maids bring out the food as well. I guess the business partners are here. I look at Santo for a moment and he looks at me. He looks a bit worried.


Once we arrive at Allessandro's house Sam texts Allessandro. A few minutes later he opens the door and we walk into the kitchen. I noticed a girl sitting at the table as we sit down. That must be Keira. I can tell my brothers do as well. Jackson scoffs, "Do you see what she's wearing? She's not even pure."
"Well maybe it wasn't her choice to not be pure, she can dress like Eve."
"She's not like Eve, she's a slut. She should dress like one to," he says and laughs. I don't think she's a slut. She looks kinda pretty. The dress makes her look really young though. As I was looking at her face Allessandro starts talking.
"Gentlemen meet my sister Kiera," he says and points as he sits down. Kiera smiles and says hi before looking away. She doesn't act as disobedient as Allessandro made her sound. Even though she's not a virgin she could still have some value as a wife. "Nice to meet you Keira," Sam says. Ian and I nod in agreement.
"Ok let's start eating," Allessandro says. Once everyone starts eating Allessandro and Sam start talking business as well as eating between conversation. I tune it out and focus on the food. I don't really care about the business.


I listen as Allessandro and Samuel talk. Halfway through dinner Allessandro decided to tell me their names and he's acting all nice again. I guess now that I'm acting how he wants me to now he decides to be the nice guy again. Besides that I'm not really into their conversation. Just business about guns and stuff. They're talking in Russian but they don't need to know I understand Russian. I just keep my head down and eat.

Towards the end of dinner Samuel brings me up in his and Allessandro's conversation. "Так она начала тебя слушать или просто играет?" He says and points at me. (So she started listening to you or is she just faking?)
"Она слушает. Ваш совет очень помог, надо было раньше поставить ее на место," Allessandro responds. He's an idiot. (She's listening. Your advice really helped, I should've put her in her place sooner)
"Это хорошо, плохо, что она не чиста. Мне жаль это слышать, как ты собираешься справляться с ее браком?," Samuel says. What the hell? Who do they think they are? (That's good, to bad she isn't pure. I'm sorry to hear that, how do you plan on dealing with her marriage?)
"Y меня есть свои способы. Люди готовы умереть, чтобы заключить союз с моей мафией. Пока она хорошая девочка и слушает, я смогу что-нибудь устроить." Allessandro says. Oh my god. (I have my ways. People would die to get an alliance with my mafia. As long as she's a good girl and listens I should be able to get something arranged) After he said that Samuel nodded and they finished their dinner. I feel sick after hearing that. I'm so glad I'm getting out of here soon.

Eventually dinner ends and we sat goodbye to the Kings. I'm finally able to get back to my room where I'm safe. Or at least as safe as I can be. I decide to take a warm shower. I need something to clear my head and I need to get out of this dress. I feel suffocated. Nothing feels better than warm water washing all your worries away even if it's just temporary. After I finish I cover myself with a towel and walk out as soon as I do I jump I was not expecting someone to be in my room after I walked out.

Guess who finally updated. I'm sorry for being very inactive lately, I'm trying to work out a good time to write. Thank you all for being patient, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you can please click the star button and leave a comment, thank you guys
