The attack on UA

~Hawks pov~ 

The next morning I woke up to my phone ringing. 


"Hawks did you find out if there attacking ua??" Endeavor yelled through the phone.

"No, It's not like I just can just ask them, I'm not even in the league yet" 

"You better find out soon, or your off this mission and I'll have someone replace you" 

Before I could answer endeavor hung up. 

What am I supposed to do? This could be perfect though if I don't find out then I would be put off the mission and I wouldn't have to betray Dabi but then I could lose my position as the number two hero... but they couldn't do that right? If I don't work for Endeavor I could just open my own agency but then Dabi and I would still have to hide our relationship.

I shook away the thoughts and got dressed for the day since I had patrol. I went to the kitchen to find something to eat but there was no food so I skipped breakfast and headed out for my patrol.  

For the first few hours nothing interesting happened, I stopped a few robbers and saved a few people but that was pretty much it. I stopped on a rooftop to take a break from flying when I heard a huge bang. I saw smoke rising from UA so I flew there as fast as I can. Students were running out of the building. One ran into me and I asked her what was going on. 

"The league is attacking," She said as she ran away. 

I flew into the building to find Twice and Toga fighting some students but I was more worried about Dabi. I kept looking and I found him fighting some kid named Bakugo in the 1a class.

"kid get out of here I got this!" I yelled

"But I can fight him. I'll kill him if I have to" He yelled back 

"I'm the pro not you, now get out of here" 

He ran out of the room which left me and Dabi alone. He stared at me for a while before saying anything. 

~3rd person pov~

"Here to fight me or let me go?" Dabi asked. 

"I'm not gonna fight you but tell me why you are attacking ua," Hawks asked.

"I'm not sure, it's shigaraki's plan for something" 

"Okay, look I'm not gonna fight you or take you in" 

"Okay thanks, I'll be at your place tonight ok?" 

"Okay don't get caught!" Hawks replied back 

Dabi left the room leaving Hawks there all by himself. Then endeavor walked in. 

"The league got away" Endeavor stated. 


"Look I don't know if I should take you off this mission but you failed to get information if they were gonna attack ua. We needed to know to be more prepared but then again it's not like your officially in the league. I'll leave you on this mission for now" Endeavor said and walked out of the room.

~Hawks pov~

no... please I don't want to keep doing this mission but I have to, I have to go along with it and get accepted into the league

I walked out of ua and gave some statements to the police and then headed home. I walked into my apartment and saw Dabi sitting on the couch. 

"I thought you were gonna be here, tonight," I asked sitting beside him

"I was but I missed you so I came early, and you left your door unlocked" He responded. 

"Oh well I'm gonna go take a shower" 

~Deku pov~ (Okayyyy so I decided to add his pov of the attack just so I'm writing something other than hawks and dabi the whole time)

We were learning some attack techniques from all might when we heard a loud explosion from down the hall. 

"Everybody get out of the building now," Mr. Aizwa said 

All of class 1a ran out of the classroom and to the front of the building. I was with Bakugo, todoroki, Kirishima, and Ida when a some of the ceiling fell before us blocking the exit. We tried to run to the other exit but it was all blocked. 

We decided to split up which wasn't the best option but we did it anyways. I went with todoroki and Ida while Bakugo and Kirishima went together. We kept walking to find another exit until we ran into some of the league members. There was one who looked like the knock off version of deadpool who had copies of himself so I assumed it quirk was some type of cloning quirk and there was a girl who looked my age with a school uniform on, she had a very creepy smile. We had no other choice but to fight because there wasn't any where else we could go. 

"Deku!!" The girl yelled

It was weird because I didn't know her but someone she knew my name. Ida and todoroki both looked at me so I shrugged my shoulders. Before we knew it the clone guy was running towards us. Todoroki used his ice to get rid of his clones while Ida used his speed to fight the clone guy. 

The girl came running over to me. 

"Hi deku!! My name is toga" 

Instead of saying anything I got ready to fight. I only used 10 percent of my power because she didn't look very strong but before I knew it she had stuck a needle in me and was taking my blood. I tried to fight her off but she was stronger than I thought. 

I was losing consious because of how much blood she was taking. I saw a red blur fly past me so I tried yelling out but they didn't stop to help. That's when todoroki used his fire to get the girl off of me. I got up and looked around to see that she was gone. The clone guy got up and started to walk away. 

"Well I guess that's my cue to go but it was nice meeting all of you, no it wasn't, I'm twice by the way! Until we meet again, hopefully not." Twice said and walked away. 

As soon as twice was out of sight endeavor broke through the wall and told us to run that way to get out of the school. 

"Endeavor! Our friends are in there we have to find them" I said. 

"Kid get out of the school, let the pros handle this I'll find them" Endeavor said. 

I did as I was told and left the building. 

This was a long chapter haha but I hope you enjoy it! - C
