Getting into the league

~Hawks pov~ 

I woke up feeling something warm beside me and realized it was Dabi so I got closer. I looked up and saw him still sleeping so I got up quietly and got dressed for patrol. 

I left a note for him on the bedside table and headed out of my apartment. I flew to the sky heading to endeavor's agency to see if anything new has happened. I flew through an open window and looked around to find endeavor. I couldn't find him so I just headed out to start my patrol. It was boring, like always. I just wanted to go home to be with Dabi. 

After hours went by my patrol finally ended so I headed home. When I got there, I looked around but Dabi wasn't there so I texted him. 

(Underlined words are text!!) 

Hey, You coming to my apartment tonight? 

yeah, I'll be there soon I had to have a meeting with shigaraki. 

Okay, love you <3

Love you too :)

I sat on the couch and watched some tv waiting for dabi to get here 

~Dabi pov~

I got to the lov hideout and went to find shigaraki or as I like to call him handjob.

"Hey, handjob what do you need?" 

"I told you to stop calling me that, but anyways we are all having a meeting about hawks" 

Oh no... what if they know I'm seeing him? Or worse that they want to kill him... 

Handjob interrupted my thoughts by dragging me into the bar. 

"We need to discuss Hawks. As we all know Hawks has requested to join the league. I'm not sure if he is a spy or not but I've decided to give it a chance. We could get more information about the heroes, and if he does turn out to be a spy then we will have to kill him." handjob said. 

I got up and started to head out the door when toga came up to me

"Aren't you excited!! That pretty bird is gonna join the league!" 

"Um... yeah I got to go bye" 

I walked out the door quickly and went to hawk's apartment. 

~3rd person pov~

Dabi walked into hawk's living room and saw hawks taking a nap on the couch. He laid down putting his head on hawk's chest and fell asleep.

~Time skip~

After they both woke up, Dabi told him the news about getting into the league. 

"Yay finally haha" Hawks replied 

"Yeah but just so you know if you really are a spy the league will kill you." 

"Yeah I know but good thing I'm not a spy." 

~Hawks pov~

Holy crap... if they find out I'm a spy before the end of this mission... I'm dead which wouldn't be the worst thing because maybe I deserve it for betraying Dabi... 

"Hey, hawks I have to go back to the league since I haven't slept there so I'll see you tomorrow love you," Dabi said, kissing hawks on the forehead.

"Love you too Dabi" 

~Time skip to a few months later because I'm lazy~

~Hawks pov~

Things with Dabi were amazing, we are able to keep our relationship a secret besides Toga she figured it out somehow but nobody else knew. 

Life was pretty great... well it won't be after I betray them. I had gotten close with the league and there were actually a lot kinder than I thought they would be. I knew that they were planning something big but I wasn't sure what it was yet. 

I was heading to the agency when I got a text from Dabi. 

Hey, I have something to ask you so I'll be at your place tonight. 

okay, see you then <3

I headed into the agency and turned in my notes about the league and then headed out to patrol. 

Patrol went by pretty quick so I headed home. When I walked into my house Dabi got up and hugged me. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned

"Yeah, I have something important to ask you" 

"Okay?" I responded sitting down

"Well... the league is having this party thing with a bunch of villains to celebrate whatever and well uh I was wondering... if maybe you and I could... well go together." 

"Of course Dabi!" 

"Thanks, feathers," He said while hugging me.

That's when it hit me... This was my opening to get the heroes to take down the league for good. I didn't want to betray them but this is my job. It could save so many people if we take down the league. 

(This story is almost coming to an end!! I couldn't decide if I wanted to do a good or bad ending so I'm going to do both haha but don't worry there are more chapters before the ending is actually here.- C) 
