A New Beginning

~Dabi pov~ 

After I held hawks for a while he fell asleep in my arms so I picked him up and carried him to his bed and went to watch some tv.

I wonder if maybe I could date hawks... It would be pretty nice and I'm over here most of the time anyway. I think I'm gonna ask him when he wakes up. 

~Hawks pov~

I wait for dabi to leave my room, and I get up and walk to my dresser. I picked up the picture of me and Touya from when we were younger. It was just us standing side by side at our favorite park. We went there almost every day. That was a week before he disappeared. I still wanted answers but I knew I was just gonna have to wait until he was comfortable enough to share them.   

I'm gonna have to betray Dabi soon... I don't want to do that but maybe I should tell him. No, I can't do that, it'll mess up the point of this mission. This is just part of the job. 

~3rd person pov~ 

The next morning:

"Goodmorning Feathers," Dabi said while sitting on hawk's bed.


"Do you have to work today?"

"Yeah, I have a patrol and some meetings to go to" Hawks replied while getting up and stretching out his wings.

"Oh, well I won't be here tonight, I have some things shigaraki wants me to do"

"okay Dabi" 

"Hawks... I need to ask you something"

"Yeah?" Hawks said while resting his head on Dabi's lap. 

"Will you be my boyfriend?" 

Hawks was shocked... Dabi had really asked him to be his boyfriend. 

"Yes! Of course, I will!"

Dabi felt a relief flow through him. 

"Okay feathers, I got to go but I'll call you later. Love you" Dabi said while smiling. 

"Love you too!" 

~Hawks pov~

After Dabi left I got up and got dressed for patrol. 

Things were pretty clear today, there weren't many criminals out today. After I ended my patrol I headed to endeavor's agency and flew through an open window. 

"Hey Everyone!"

Hawks sat at the empty chair towards the end of the table near endeavor. 

"Okay Everybody as we all know, Hawks has been spying on the league but we haven't gotten very far with that until shigaraki actually lets Hawks in so, for now, he will continue to observe the league and share any information with us that he learns." Endeavor said

"Is that all?" I asked. 

"No, we have an anonymous statement from someone stating that the league plans to attack ua soon again because of that, defenses at ua are higher than before and hawks you will need to confirm this statement as soon as possible"

"Okay I will find out soon" I replied 

"Okay that was all we had to cover, everyone can return to their work now" 

After he ended the meeting, I flew through an open window and soared through the sky. 

It's so peaceful to fly at night because the city is pretty quiet. I always loved flying. I wanted to be a free bird. I knew I wasn't a free bird because I was a hero but sometimes it was nice to feel like I was actually free. Free from this awful society, free from being a hero. Just free... 

I headed home once my wings got pretty tired and took a shower. 

How am I supposed to find out if the league is planning something? I can't exactly just ask dabi. I want to be with Dabi but how am I supposed to be with him once he finds out I'm a spy. Unless I betray the heroes... but being a hero is who I am right? Or what is someone I was just because Touya was gone? but he's back now so that means I don't have to be a hero... but what about all the people who need saving? What am I supposed to do?

All of these thoughts clouded my mind... I wasn't really sure what to do at this point. It was either continue to work for the heroes or be my own person. 

I'll have to talk to dabi about this... 

(Ooh kind of a cliffhanger haha but anyways thank you for all the views!! I'm so happy that people are viewing my story and I hope everyone is enjoying it. I'm also open to any request!! Remember stay safe!!-c )
