When he meets your parents

Hawks and I have been dating for a while now, and we finally decided to meet my parents, I talked as little as I could about hawks in front of my father, since hes always been protective.

So my dad doesn't know who im dating, my mom does, my little sister hates the thought of dating, so she stays away from the subject.

"Are you sure your father will like me?" Hawks said, putting on his shoes. "I hope so" I finish brushing my hair.

Hawks sweatdropped before we left the house, it was his day off, so that's why we decided to go to my parents, who live about a hour away from where we live.

(Time skip)

Arriving at their home, I see Lily playing outside with a few of her friends, my parents live in a small farmhouse, in the middle of a field, there were sheeps, horses, cows and chickens everywhere.

"This is making me nervous" hawks looked around. "oh come on, its not that bad" I grabbed his hand and started dragging him.

I heard Lily and her friends shouting in the distance, "Y/N!" Lily shouted. Her other friends were freaking out over hawks being here.

I see Mei glaring at me through the window, did I forget to mention I have another younger sister? Mei?, Mei is 16, she always envied me.

While growing up, she copied me in every single way, until Highschool came, she suddenly stopped, I couldn't understand why she did.

Before I could knock, the door burst open, my mom hugging me tightly. "Mom... can- can't breath" I huffed out.

"sorry!" she let go, putting her hands in the air. I chuckled before yanking Hawks forward, I was still holding his hand.

"I- um, Hello Ms L/n" Hawks bowed. "Hello Hawks!, who knew my daughter would date the number 2 hero" she smiled and clapped her hands together.

We went inside as she called for Lily. "Hello Y/n" I hear my dad, seeing him stand by the counter. His face turned to shock when he saw Hawks. "Dad!" I smile before letting go of hawks hand and went to hug him.

"You didn't tell me.. huh.. hawks?!" my dad hugged me back, still staring at hawks. "Hello" hawks smiled.

"I know, shocker" mom teased, walking up the stairs to get Mei. "Y/n, why didn't you tell-", "Dad, you know you are very protective, soooo I kept it a secret" I broke the hug.

"You're lucky I cant ground you" he crossed his arms with a smirk. I giggle before Lily runs into the house, Hawks standing out of the way with his wings.

"Sissy!" she hugs me, I bend down to hug her back. She broke the hug, her eyes sparkling when she sees hawks, she's been a huge fan of his.

"I'M A HUGE FAN!" she yelled, running towards him, jumping up and down.

"Thank you" Hawks smiles and pats her head. "YAY!" she continues to jump up and down, "I CAN TELL MY FRIENDS I MET MY IDOL!".

Hawks and I both laughed.

Mom soon came back down stairs, Mei behind her, "Now come!, I made dinner" mom said, walking to the living room.

We all sat down, Mei didn't even look at me.

We started eating, and just normal talking, "Lily, why don't you tell Y/n whats going on at school" mom said. Lily's eyes sparkled.

"I got top of my class!, the teachers said my quirk is very helpful!, and I'm very smart!" Lily smiled with proudness.

"Well done Lilly" I ruffle her hair as she was sitting next to me, a huge smile on both of our faces.

"Y/n, how is work going?" Dad asked, taking another bite. "Huh?, oh, its going good so far, we are getting more supplies in, so we needed to work more, and its only going to get harder, but a friend of mine started working there, shes very happy" I explained.

"And you, Mei?" I asked, looking at Mei. "Good" she said and continued eating. I wanted to say something else but stopped.

Dinner ended soon after, after helping mom clean the dishes, we were getting ready to leave.

"Make sure to come visit again" Mom said, hugging me. "Take care of my daughter ok?" Dad said, hawks sweatdropped and nodded.

We bid a farewell before heading back home.
