
(Background info. Trigger is a instant villian drug. It amplifies the quirk users quirk and makes them more violent turning an innocent civilian into a rampaging quirk user. At current in this fic a weaker version of this drug is being distributed as a kind of ruffi)

"Fuck" One of the heroes sighed entering my office

"What is it this time?" I don't even bother looking up from my paperwork

"Remember trigger?"

I put my report down at that, "Who was the idiot?"

"Its getting slipped into drinks now. Hawks was the target"

I sigh heavily until I start pulling up my calender only to groan. This is the WORST time. Spring is RIGHT there. I swear to God.

"How badly is he affected?"

A sudden loud screeching was heard down the hall followed by a few yells, "That bad?"

I sigh putting in 4 weeks and looking at housing options. He can't be left at home. Looks like the hide out in the woods will do. Away from people.

At least that's what I thought until my 347th phone call.

"Hawks I swear to God" I growl into the phone

"Its so bad. It hurts please. I just need supplies. Please please please" he whined

"I already told you no one will deliver out there" I pinch my brows frusterared, "You had half an hour to pack EVERYTHING you needed! Did you not?"

"But I need more food" he huffed

"You were supplied a month's worth. More than you even needed"

"Well I'm out!"

"Its day 3"

"Do you want me to starve?"

I sigh giving up, "Fine. I'll deliver food. But it'll be late"

"Thank you thank you thank you!" He hung up.

Annoying ass birdman.

Once off work i go shopping getting what should be 4 times what he fucking needs before making the journey to the Cabin. It was 3 hours later I finally arrived just as the sun had set.

I lug all the many bags onto the doorstep and sigh. He can get them inside. I finally get back in my car mentally preparing for the drive back only to realise my keys are missing? I could have sworn I-

"Hawks! Give me back my keys!" I step out of the car ready to fucking fight him.

I started to look around when I suddenly stopped. My blood ran cold when I could barely catch the shine of bright yellow eyes staring at me from the darkness in the treeline before they disappeared

"That isn't funny... Hawks! I'm not here to play games! I need to get home!"

I look back to the bags that were supposed to be on the porch but almost all of them were gone except one that had been torn into, half its contents already eaten.

I REALLY don't like this. I feel like I'm in a horror movie! A metallic screech filled the air.

I suddenly panic when I realise I am standing in something wet? The smell of gasoline suddenly in the air. I whipped around to see nothing in particular until I looked under my car seeing my gastank has been slashed open. I stand back up to come face to face with a fucking monster.

Trigger can cause physical quirks to take major affects. Most notable was Hawks size. From a normal man to standing 6' 6" at least. His nails were black talons and his wings massive.

"Its too late to go home. Shouldn't drive the mountain roads in the dark" he hummed eyes narrowing.

I sigh and flick him in the forehead, "You really know how to get on my nerves"

He glared. That's...scary. Usually he laughs or says ow mining for pity when I do that. Then again he's not really him right now. His scowl displayed the sharp glint of his canines.

I take a few steps back but he followed with a single stride of his own. The only light out here the flicker of the porch light of the cabin. The various insects who surrounded it casting further shadows. The only thing feeling really illuminated being Hawks eyes.

Hes.... menacing! His stature towering and if looks could kill I'd be dead. Holy shit I'm fucking terrified. His eyes narrowed as if calculating.

I give in and flee into the cabin before i give him time to think. I know there is a guest room. I can hole up there and call someone for help! I bolted up to the second floor and make it to the room feeling my breathing grow erratic.

My hands were shaking as I locked the door pressing against it. I listened for a moment waiting to hear something. The silence was scarier than if there had been a noise though.

I pulled my phone out starting to dial when a clawed hand slipped it away, "Whoa whoa whoa, it's kinda late for making phone call you know? Why don't you call in the morning?"

He stood over me. I barely glanced behind him to see the window was open. Of course.

"What... what do you want?" I swallowed my nerves

"Nothing, nothing. Why are you so nervous? Am I that scary to you" his finger brushed my cheek affectionately while his other arm propped itself over me to lean further into my space and trap me.

"Right now? Yes" I huff batting away his hand.

He hummed in thought, "Im not that scary (Y/N); you've known me for years"

"And I know what you're like this time of year" I glare

"Are you still made I rejected you 3 years ago?" He mumbled

That caught me off guard, "Hawks, that was a LONG time ago"

"It was cute when you gave me those handmade cookies. I don't think I ever told you how much I appreciated it"

"Yeah well it was a one time thing" I try to reach for the doorknob but he pressed a hand on the hinge. Why the hell does this door have to open inward

He glared down at me before taking a deep breath and rubbing his face, "Look. This is how I see it. You either cooperate with me and this goes well or you decide to be difficult and I make it both our problem"

"Are you threatening me" I raise a brow

"Looks like it sweetheart" he sighed getting down on his knees looking a little less threatening

"What do you want from me" I eye my phone which he had shoved in his pocket

"Protem as my mate. Nothing too hard. I know you still like me" he smiled, "Just need you to sit with me. I feel better with you around"

"Uh huh. You know you attacked a man last year over something petty during this time of year. You have already threatened me and damaged my property as well"

"I know, I know. I'm sorry I was hangry. It's different this time though. I have my own territory, I don't have any rivals. It's just you and me out here" he spoke softly like I was an injured animal and any raise to his voice would cause me to bolt despite how he assured I'm currently trapped.

He's acting as if I even have a choice here. I don't have the ability to leave even if I wanted to. I finally nod giving in. Maybe this won't be bad

He immediately picked me up causing me to startle, "What are you!?"

"Calm. Shh. It's ok" he pet my hair while his other arm kept me up.

I swear to God if he drops me. He walked slowly down the stairs into the living room space. I wanted to throw a fit but I don't think that would currently help my situation.

He set me down gently as he sat down keeping me on his lap. When I tried to slip off he pulled me against his chest cradling me against him, "Just stay right here" he mumbled into my hair wrapping his arms around me.

He at least dropped the TV remote into my hands letting me turn on whatever I wanted. Time dragged on. Though as it did I slowly got more comfortable. Hawks didn't move much. He seemed content how he was.

I had no clue I fell asleep until I woke up. We hadn't moved but Hawks was eating some fruit seeming content.

"Sleep good?" He hummed

"Decently. Why?"

"You looked comfy, it's cute. Hungry?"

"What time is it?"

"You're not leaving anytime soon" his one arm wrapped around me tightly while he kept eating with the other.

"What about clothes?"

"You can use all my stuff. It'll all be fine"

"I didn't take time off"

"Its my agency, does it look like I'm going to fire you right now?"

"Good point but what about everyone else?"

"Worry worry worry. You need to relax" he hummed offering some fruit to my lips, "Just eat and take a little vacation with me"

I tried to argue but when my lips parted he shoved the fruit in my mouth.

"Come on. You need the nutrients" he smiled readying the next piece.

"Hawks no, i can feed myself" I tried to stop his hand but he only glared, "I don't want any anyway"

His one hand snatched my two. I tried to fight them out of his grasp but he used them as leverage to pull me further towards him to put the fruit to my lips, "You need to eat"

"No i-"

He wouldn't take no for an answer forcing it past my lips. I finally decided it best to give in. Minutes later more relaxed on his lap not being pinned and just being fed I kept trying to relax. I layed against him more figuring if I went back to sleep he'd stop but I was proven wrong when a hand grabbed me by the back of the neck keeping my head up to feed the next piece.

"Hawks I'm full"

"You can't be. You should eat more. Get some protein in you as well. Probably more fiber. Keep you healthy"

"If you keep this up I'll gain weight"

"So? It's fine" he hummed

"Hawks" I glare

He sighed giving in and eating the fruit himself, "Fine, but you eat 3 meals while staying here"

"What are you, my mom?"

He looked ready to say something but stopped and sighed, "Its for your health ok?"

"Says the man who eats total shit most-"

"I eat well, I eat prepared meals but they are balanced so I have peak performance" he smirked to himself, "Trust me, I'm in perfect health"

"By the way," I wonder, the question has been burning in my mind, "You have... let's say gained some weight, how the hell do you have clothes that fit?"

"This is my one vacation time a year, usually I have lose fitting clothes. They just aren't as lose fitting now" he shrugged, "I liked having one or 2 sizes big for just hanging around. Plus I was given a care package of fresh clothes to fit after the trigger effects"

"That makes sense" I think aloud, "So what does the hero who goes too fast do on his vacation?" I raise a brow

I watched pink tint his cheeks while he tried to shrug it off, "I guess you'll see" he mumbled suddenly more interested in rubbing my arm

"Well what do I need to do as a protem mate?"

"That will depend how bad trigger affects me" he hummed, "Currently I'm in and out of reality. What I need from you is to keep me grounded"

"Grounded how?"

"Just being here is enough so far" he sighed, "other than destroying your car I have been more here. Seeing you run inside more or less got me back to my senses"

Hawks POV

I struggle to understand all of this. Usually rut is easy. I stay on my little vacation and if I'm really feeling it relieve some stress. But trigger has fucked that up.

I can't honestly remember much of the past few days. I've been in and out of reality. Rational thought cast to the wind.

When I saw her though something in my brain clicked into place. At first I wanted her gone. I wanted to remove her, violently.

Then she ran inside and everything in me changed. I need her here now. I don't know why yet but she stays in the house. It's for safety I repeat to myself but I have nothing threatening us so what do I keep her safe from?

Next is the touching. I honestly feel bad yet everything in me relaxes with the contact. Whatever is clawing at my my very bones stills and just lets me be.

Though I still feel like something in me is lurking, just waiting for me to let my guard down.
