Jealousy and Hatred

As you were walking home, so many eyes were on you. I mean, it was a normal thing for you. But, more people than usual. Women were just looking at you with disgust or such hatred in their eyes. They would whisper to their friends. Some of them congratulated you and smiled at you.
Why were they congratulating you?
Because u got chosen?
How did they know?
U took out your phone.
And you were on the news. Countless articles about the chosen assistant.
"Shit wtf", you whisper screamed.
"Hawks Assistant has been chosen! Try outs will be closed."
You looked at the comments
"Yall chose her because of her beauty didn't you?"
"It's because of her hourglass body"
"I bet her quirk isn't even good in battle"
"He could've at least chosen someone else"
"Y/n probably got plastic surgery its okay guys it isn't natural"
Why are they so mean? What did i even do? I have never done anything to these people. What do they want from me?
You say to yourself.  Breathing heavily, almost struggling for air as tears start to form in your eyes.
Why do people hate me so much?
I never asked to be born this. I never wanted to be like this.
You ran home.
You open the door and dashed for your room.
Kizuki and your parents showing a face of concern.
"Y/n. Y/n, what happened? Are you okay sweetie?", your mother asked, knocking on your door gently.
"May i come in?", she asked and you replied with a yes.
She opened the door and sat down next to you.
"It happened again mum. They're hating on my body again!", you say sobbing.
You showed her the comments.
Your mother almost crying seeing what hurtful words they're saying.
"Kizuki! Hano!", your mother called your brother and dad.
"Look at this! Look what they are saying!", your mother says, tears strolling down her eyes.
"What asshats! They're just jealous!",
Kizuki says in much anger.
Your dad sat beside you while signalling them that he can talk to you alone.
As they left, he says these words,
"Y/n, they're just jealous they aren't you. You're beautiful. Inside and outside. You're beautiful, own it. There are so many people out there who are spending thousands of dollars just to get a body like yours. A face like yours. But, you're natural. Grandma used to be just like you too. You got the good genes! Don't listen to these asshats who are just insecure of themselves! Be you!".
You cried even harder.
"Thank you, dad", you said as you hugged him.
Last time this happened when you were 15, your dad wasn't there to cheer you up because he was overseas.
He left the room to give you some alone time.
Your phone vibrated.
It was a msg from Hawks.
Hey Keigo
So uh, i saw those comments. They're really harsh you okay?
Not really. This has happened before but i was more hurt last time.
Oh i'm sorry
You really don't have to apologise! Its all good now thank you :)
Thats good! Your first day is tomorrow tho. Meet me at my agency. Bye ;)
Goodbye see you then

This is lowkey depressing. Even i feel bad for y/n. She'll overcome it soon tho!!
