Chapter 5

"Now, Sam. I expect you're bushed after your long journey home. Have a seat and I'll fix you a cup of tea" said Pat. 

"Thanks" said Sam sitting on the couch.

"Tell us about your gig, luv. Where'd you and Robin perform?" said Tim.

"In Londinium" said Sam.

"You mean London" said Chad with confusion.

"No, Londinium. It's probably the English version of Gotham City. We sang our latest hit and the crowd loved us" said Sam.

"Yeah, I heard Woolie Reitherman telling Walt. The performance was on TV. According to him, the crowd was waiting all night for you kids" said Digby.

"Well! That's nice to know" said Sam.

"But how are Sam and Robin on telly?" said Jill.

"Jill, are you forgetting? We were on TV with you and Chad for our debut" said Sam.

"Oh, yes" Jill giggled.

"Speaking of you and I, Jill... uh, I heard you and Paul McCartney were..." Chad began.

"What have you heard?" Jill snapped fearfully.

"Charles told Jeremy and I that the Three Warriors witnessed some tension between you and Paul" said Chad.

"But we're not exactly... together yet" said Jill.

"But Robin and I saw you kissing right before we left for the gig" said Sam.

"That was just my intuition getting the better of me. Paul seemed to be going with it" said Jill.

"Going with it my foot. He totally likes you" said Sam.

"I see Chad's former little girl found herself a guy" said Digby patting Jill's shoulder.

"Digby, I don't even know if..." Jill began.

"Oh, don't worry about it, luv. My first kiss with Cathy was unexpected too. I'd just gotten back from a voyage with these guys" said Tim.

"At least that voyage ended well. Unlike the last one" said Digby.

"Speaking of endings, how are you guys gonna end the night? Since I got back, I've been wondering if you had any fun things to do" said Sam.

"There's loads of fun things to do in Actorville" said Digby.

"Indeed. So tonight, I proposed our dormitory goes to the lobby of this building and stay up late" said Pat.

"But don't you have to be in the studio tomorrow?" said Jill.

"No, they don't need us for a few days. We recorded our lines, but they still need to animate us" said Chad.

"Hey, Sam. Would you care to join us? You'll enjoy it very much" said Digby.

"I can't. I'm meeting Meg and Patty for a pajama party. But any other time, I'd be glad" said Sam. 

"Certainly, luv" said Chad. 
