Chapter # 15

A little late to say this but here's the Bat family's ages.

Damien: 17

Tim: 20

Jason:  26

Dick:  27

Bruce: 43


It was early morning, and you were sitting in the dining room eating your fruit-loops with strawberry milk.  While eating you start thinking back to your world. You wonder how long you've been gone from your world. 




It had only been a month since you've entered this world but was it possible that time worked differently in this your then in yours. If you were to go back how much or how little have things change. 

Depending on the answer... you were either fired from you Starbucks job and piled thigh high in schoolwork, or completely fine. And God forbid you be in a goddamn coma in some random hospital, you don't have the health insurance to deal with that.

You slowly start to sink in a puddle of despair thinking about your situation in your world, and how fucked you possibly were until you felt a hand on your shoulder. 

Turning around you see Bruce smiling down at you. "Hello Y/n. What are thinking about?" He asks as he takes a seat next you. You sigh, putting you spoon into the bowl of cereal then slumping down into your chair.

"The fact that I might possibly be jobless, homeless, and broke once I return to my world." He frowns when you say this. "Now that I think about it, I don't know anything about your 'life' Y/n" he says. "If you're comfortable, could you share?"

"Sure," You say, "It's a pretty bland life though. I come from a working-class family, loving parents who raised me well."  You take a breath before continuing.

 "I'm currently going to college in a different city then the one my parents live in, and the college doesn't offer dorms so I have to pay for a shitty apartment and work at a Starbucks so I can pay for my shitty apartment and save some money to pay off student loans." 

Bruce frowns. "That... that sounds miserable. How old were you when you got hit by the truck?" You give him a look, not liking how he describes your life as miserable. You were clearly not miserable if you wanted to return home. Maybe it's because he's rich.

"I was nineteen. I just started my college year, got out of high school just a year ago." You tell him, his mood only gets more depressed.

"So, in other words, you were around Damien's age when you died."


After the very uncomfortable talk with Bruce, you head up to your room to think. Sadly, Dick found you before you could. "Y/n!" You here Dick calls for you. Once he reaches you, he picks you up and cradles you like a newborn child.

You struggle, not liking how degrading this was feeling. "Let me goooo!" You whine. Thinking back to it, Dick's strange behavior (along with Bruce's) have only gotten worse. Dick went from just being really clingy to constantly hovering over you, treating you like a toddler. 

Bruce was strange to; he went from mentioning you being adopted int the family if you can't get home, to constantly trying to tell you that your old life must have miserable. You're starting to think he's trying to gaslight you.

"Aww," Dick coo's as you struggle to get out of his arms, "You're so adorable, come on big brother just wants a hug." 

God, it felt almost violating to be treated like a literal child.

Your mood worsens feeling like you're on the verge of tears, still trying to get out of his arms, it felt suffocating. Were you overreacting in this situation? No. You know you weren't, you're not a child and they know that. But they're still treating you like one, and treating you like you don't know what you want! YOU WANT TO GO HOME!

(A/N: I for real have no idea how to write a panic attack, or the thoughts during one, so sorry. But TW for upcoming panic attack I'll notify you when it's over.)

You could feel your breath shallowing into sharp, painful gasps, you felt like you couldn't breathe. Dicks arms around you felt like they were burning, and despite your pleas for him to let go he only tightens his arms arounds you.

"Y-Y/n!?" He worries, "It's ok, breath, ok? Take deep breath." He tries to comfort and calm you down, but it only stresses you out more, you just want him to let GO! Your painful gasps for air only seem to worsen, you're shaking only gets worse with each gasp for air. You started to choke on your own saliva, which resulted in minor gagging. 

Of course, instead of putting you down like you were begging Dick to do, he starts to carry you. He was taking you to Bruce for help. 

While he was running through the mansion, he caught the attention of Jason and Tim, who were arguing. "Dear gods what the hell happened!?" Jason exclaimed while him and Tim ran up to Dick to see what was happening.

The fact that there were now more people here staring at you didn't really help your problem. "Let me go!" You gasp out. now more focus on getting out of Dicks arms than caring about the eyes that were watching you. 

"I- I don't know! I went to hug her, and she started to suddenly freak out!" Dick exclaimed, hugging you tightly and cradling you trying to get you to calm down. Tim's face creased with worry. "She's having a panic attack." Tim says.

"Give her to me, I'll take her to that bathroom and give her some 'medicine' to calm her down. You two go get Bruce." Tim orders.

Dick sighs but gives her to him. "Ok." Was all he said before he ran off to go find Bruce, Jason following after. Tim quickly gets you to the bathroom to calm you down. 

(TW Over)

Once you both enter the bathroom Tim sets you down, you were a lot calmer than before, only being a bit jittery, sweaty, and having a shallow breathe. At least you weren't gasping and gagging. But despite your calmer nature, Tim still takes out some "medicine" to calm you down.

"What kind of medicine is it?" You ask wearily. Tim doesn't answer you, simply taking out a pill and filling a glass of water. 

"It's something I take to help me calm down after missions. I recommend taking one." Though the recommendation sounded more like a demand. You still decline though. "Y/n. I would recommend taking the pill. Now." 

You stand up and walk out of the bathroom avoiding Tim's hand when he went to grab you. You need to find Bruce, no, you need to find the machine they're building that's going to take you home. You can't handle this world anymore.

With your mind made up, you rush down to the Batcave.


"No... this can't be..." You stare in shock and horror at the blueprints on the computer. You should have known, but you trusted them. A mistake you should never make in this world. You need to leave, by the looks of it, what they were building was almost done.

You start thinking of ways to sabotage but the computer suddenly locks you out. 

"What do you think you're doing Y/n?" You turn around to face... Damien. By the looks of it, he had come down here to work-out. You clench your hands nervously, you knew your situation, but you had no idea how to get out. 

Damien glances at the computer then back at you, finally connecting the dots. His glare only hardens. "You know now don't you." He asks calmly, but there was an underlining threat in his voice. 

"I don't want to be here anymore." You choke out. "Please! I just want to go home!"

Damien frowns then stats mumbling to himself. "You could have been spared this had they just listened to me." He sighs then lunges at you, grabbing your arm. You try and rip your arm away, but he was obviously stronger than you. While struggling you notice him take something out from one of Bruce's drawers

"Stop moving or this will hurt."

Before you knew it, you were pushed to the grown with your arms pinned behind your back. "Let go!!" You yell, as you try and rip your arms out of his grip. He sighs once again, putting his knee on your back to try and keep you from moving, taking the object from the drawer out.

"I warned you."

You felt a painful prick in your neck before everything went black.


'Why am I so tired?'

You couldn't move your body and your mind was on the verge of just going to sleep again. You could hear some sort of arguing ensuing, but it was too muffled to make out. The voices slowly quieted down when you tried to open your eyes.

 Sadly, everything was blurred all you could make out was a shadowy figure next to you. It shuffled then you could feel a gentle weight on your head, a hand, that brushed across your cheek. It moved you your forehead, then traveled down brushing your eyes closed again.

And once again, you fell asleep.


I know this chapter went from 0/100 real fast, sorry about that. But I wanted to display how Y/n is feeling with the how constantly be treated like a child thing.
