Chapter 64 [Final Chapter]

Louis absolutely loved the date they had tonight. They went to some fancy Mexican restaurant before going to the West End theatre.

And Louis absolutely adored the show. The costumes, the singing, the acting. He wanted to be like them as well, the only thing that made him question his choice to study theatre is the dancing. Yeah, Louis has no rhythm. He has to think about that before actually applying for the 'theatre' program.

Right now the boys are back in the hotel room, lazily making out on the bed. They want to cherish every single second that they still have together. The month without each other will be really hard.

"Did you enjoy tonight?" Harry asks after the make out session.

"It was absolutely perfect, one of the best gifts I've ever received." Louis says softly, his head resting on Harry's chest.

"So, what's your favourite gift ever received then?" Harry plays a bit with Louis' hair. It's freshly washed and still damp yet so soft.

"The painting you made me. It's a gift that no money can buy and it's absolutely beautiful. I love it so much." Louis pecks Harry's chest quickly.

"I don't want to go back to LA." It's the first time that Harry admits this out loud.

"What do you mean, baby? That's nonsense. You are going to see your family and friends again after such a long time. I'm sure you missed them. It's your home." Louis supports himself on his elbows, looking into his favourite pair of green eyes.

"I'll miss you harder. It won't feel like home. You are not there. You are my home now, Lou. You made this feel like home."

Louis' stomach is tingling when he hears his boyfriend quote the song that he wrote for him.

"Do you mean that?" Louis' voice is barely audible. His song lyrics are always very vulnerable and Harry quoting them, stating that Louis does make him feel like home is a big deal to the feathery haired boy.

"No doubt."

Louis just looks at the boy in front of him, admiring his masculine yet soft features. His eyes are shining when he only touches the boy. His fingers are playing with the chocolate coloured curls and he slowly leans in, making their lips touch, but not kiss yet.

"I love you Harry Edward Styles." Louis whispers against his plumb lips.

Before connecting their lips, Harry murmurs: "I love you too Louis William Tomlinson."


Harry and Louis are in the car, Louis driving towards the airport. This is the moment that he has been dreading for so long, yet it's here already. It feels way too soon to say goodbye to his curly love.

Harry's hand is resting on Louis' knee, not wanting to stop touching his boyfriend. Every single second counts.

"So what's the first thing that you are going to do when you are back in the States?" Louis asks to break the silence between them. It wasn't awkward but he wants to hear Harry's voice as much as possible. It's his favourite sound in the world.

"Calling you."

A smile creeps on Louis' lips.

"You are cute, a sap, but cute. I can't wait for your phone call though. I'll stay awake all night until I've heard your voice, knowing that you are safe."

"And you call me a sap?" Harry smirks.

"I'm not sappy! I'm caring about your safety. You are my baby and I'm worried. I don't like airplanes, they are fucking scary."

"Thanks for reminding me right before I'm going to step on one, Lou. You are so comforting."

"Shut up." Louis slaps Harry's thigh jokingly.

"Make me."

"If I wouldn't be on the autoroute right now I'd pull over and kiss the hell out of you, Styles."


Louis just laughs. He is quite sure that he is dating an idiot, but he is his idiot and that's what matters.


The ride to the airport has been playful and full of jokes. The boys have been laughing their asses off, but now that they are actually in the large building, the atmosphere completely turned.

Harry just dropped off his luggage and checked in. He should be going through security now and look for his gate, but not before properly saying goodbye to the one that he loves.

"I guess now it's really time to say goodbye, huh." Louis tries the hardest to smile but fails miserably. Seeing all the people leave, knowing that his Harry will be one of them in a few minutes literally tears his heart apart.

"You don't have to be strong, Lou. I can see that you want to cry too. It's fine." Harry whispers, putting a stray of hair behind Louis' ear.

"Let me be strong for you baby, okay." Louis stands on his toes so he can kiss his forehead. "I love you, Harry. I love you very much. We are going to call every day, right?" Louis holds the bigger hand in his own small one.

"Every day, and with video. I want to see your beautiful face. Oh god, Louis I'm going to miss you so much." Tears are appearing in Harry's eyes again.

"Don't worry, my love. We are going to be fine. Every time when you think about me, or miss me, look at your necklace. I'm always with you, you are always with me." Louis takes his necklace from under his jacket, laying the pendant on his hand. "It will be hard you know to sleep alone. I'm used to your cuddles and snoring."

"How can you go from such a cute thing to blame me of snoring. I don't snore Louis Tomlinson."

"Sure you don't, angel."


"That's your flight. You should go now, my love. You will miss it if you don't go through security now." Louis whispers, thumb caressing Harry's hand.

"Maybe I want to miss it..." Harry whispers back.

"No, you don't Hazza. It's hard but it's only a month, don't forget that. See it as a holiday, free from my annoying ass." Louis tries to joke, want to make his boyfriend smile.

"I don't want to be free from your annoying ass. I want you beside me." Harry is crying hard now and Louis has the urge to let go of his tears as well, but he won't.

"Time will fly. I love you Harry." Louis presses his lips one more time on Harry's plumb ones, he cups Harry's cheeks, wiping away the falling tears. When they finally let go of each other, Harry takes his bag in his hand.

"I love you too, Louis. I don't want to go."

"You'll have to, baby. Now I want you to turn around and don't look back okay? Because the next time, in exactly a month, I'll be right in front of you with a big smile on my face, okay Hazza?"

Without a word Harry turns around like Louis asks. When the boy is far enough, Louis finally lets go of his tears. He lets himself drop on the floor, not caring about all the people around him. Seeing Harry leave stings, hurts so much. Even the thought of seeing him again in only a month doesn't stop the tears right now.

Harry walks towards the security, and ignoring what Louis said, he turns around one more time. Even more pain attacks his chest when he sees a small figure crying, his face hiding in his hands. And as much as Harry wants to turn around and hug him; he knows that's not what Louis wants. He tightens the grip on his bag and enters security.

Only a month and they are together again.


But dont worry, the sequel is online already!

You can find it on my profile: From UK to LA

"I don't know if I am able to handle this any longer, Harry. Everybody hates me. They do everything to get me away from you. I've always known I'm not good enough." Louis' beautiful blue eyes are filled with tears, pain noticeable in his voice.

"Stop talking yourself down, Louis. You are good enough. You are my whole damn world for god's sake. Not everybody hates you."

"Your mom does, your friends do,..."

"But I don't, Louis. I fucking love you, isn't that enough?" Harry's voice sounds desperate. This isn't their first argument with this subject. He knows Louis has a low self-image, but honestly Harry can't tell him even more times that he loves him. He does it all the time, shows him every day.

"I don't know, Hazza. I honestly don't know..."

Harry and Louis are a power couple. They had a rocky start, considering how the boys were arguing all the time in the beginning. But since they have started their romantic relationship, they haven't had even one fight. They survived the long-distance, video calling each other every single day, without a single argument. The boys trust each other blindly and love the other with all their heart.

But what happens when Louis arrives in LA? People know about the rocky start of the boys and they are not as forgiving as Harry, for sure not Harry's mother. It's easy to be together when you are surrounded by people that support you, but are they able to survive the hate they will get in America? Or will it eventually be all too much and mess up their relationship...
