By the time we hit the tarmac my stomach had settled. Reid helped me up from off the floor, while JJ stood by the doorway holding a glass of water and a little pink pill. Without hesitation I took both of them, tossing the medicine to the back of my throat before chugging the entire glass. As I did, Reid gave JJ a concerned glance, while she crossed her arms over her chest and raised her brow.

"You sure you're okay?" She asked.

I nodded my head, gripping the glass tightly in my fingers.

Reid rubbed my back and together the three of us sat back down. Nervously, I avoided everyone's eyes, feeling the familiar bubble of embarrassment surround my mind as I reached for the file on the table and hid behind it.

"I just got word from Garcia that Regan's willing to talk to us," Hotch glanced up from the phone in his hand, eyeing us all carefully. "Morgan, after you're done questioning Leeman's wife, I want you and Rossi to go talk to her."

Both of them nodded.

"I'll handle the press," Hotch added.

"Since when did Hotch take on liaison work?" I asked Reid quietly.

"After JJ got back from her honeymoon she got promoted," he replied, "him and Garcia share the workload."

"Hm," I nodded.

After that we left the jet. Reid linked his arm in mine, carefully walking me out to one of the SUVs. As we moved, I turned around, noticing JJ staring intensely. I swallowed hard and looked away, feeling somewhat uneasy. Unlike the rest of the team, JJ knew exactly what I was going through and while I hadn't mentioned anything I couldn't help, but wonder if she already knew.

Reid opened the door for me, carefully helping me inside before throwing our stuff in the back and racing around the front. As he hopped in I let out a heavy sigh, running my hands through my hair as I looked out the window and made eye contact with JJ again. This time, she was the one to look away. When she did she shook her head a little, moving her body into the vehicle next to Morgan who glanced her way and opened his mouth to say something.

After that I averted my gaze. While I desperately wanted to know what was going through her head right now I knew I needed to stay focused. I reached around the seat awkwardly and grabbed my phone out of my bag before throwing on my seatbelt and glancing over at Reid. "I'm gonna call Garcia and get some more info on Leeman."

"Good idea," Reid adjusted himself in his seat before turning on the vehicle and moving the rearview mirror. When it was in place he buckled himself in and pulled forward.

It only took a single ring before Garcia answered. "Ah, my favourite doctor in the world."

I smiled at the sound of her voice, glancing at Reid who he rolled his eyes. "Hi Garcia."

"Hello my love," she replied, "is my second favourite doctor there too?"

"Since when did I get demoted?" Reid asked.

"Since this morning when I figured out Isla was coming back," Garcia retorted.

I let out a laugh, giving Reid a small shoulder rub as he frowned in my direction. "Garcia, are you able to work some of your magic for me?"

She scoffed. "I'm insulted that you'd even ask."

"Can you bring up Leeman's disciplinary records?"

Without providing a proper answer Garcia began to type. As she did she hummed to herself, taking the time to scan the information for a while before eventually letting out a small sigh. "Aside from a couple of parental complaints there isn't much."

"What were the complaints about?"

"Just your typical angry parents causing a fuss about failed classes," she responded.

"Nothing sexual?" I raised my brow.

"Not in the slightest. Morrison Leeman was just your average teacher. He taught at Andrew Secondary for ten years before transferring over to Terry Parker. He primarily taught History, along with a couple of English courses here and there."

"Was he involved in extracurriculars? Clubs maybe?" Reid asked.

"No, but, uh, he volunteered outside of work a lot."

"Where at?" I asked.

"Churches, animal shelters, soup kitchens," Garcia paused, "oh, uh, this might be something."

I narrowed my brows and stared at my phone.

"Apparently he was an AA sponsor."

"How is that relevant?" I asked.

"When you sponsor for AA you act as kind of a guide for newcomers," Reid replied. He opened his mouth to say something else, but before he could Garcia was already talking.

"Yeah and while he was in contact with a lot of new members according to his cell phone records it looks like he took a particular one under his wing," Garcia responded, "Tammy Bradshaw."

I bit my lip and nodded.

"Obviously I'm already sending the information to your phones."

"Thanks Garcia," I smiled.

"I'm gonna keep digging, but call me if you need me."

When she hung up the phone I let out a heavy sigh, turning to Reid who stopped at a red light. He stared out onto the road, his fingers tapping the top of the steering wheel as scanned the traffic moving across the view of the windshield. He looked stressed, which was obviously normal, but somehow more so than usual.

"You doing okay?"

"I'm fine," he retorted sternly.

Instead of rolling my eyes like I normally would I sank in my seat, feeling bad. Fine wasn't an answer that Reid used when he was doing well, so I knew there was something going on. Part of me wondered if I'd somehow missed something on the plane; maybe a conversation between him and JJ or something and that maybe I was to blame for his sudden sourness.

"Did you guys talk about the fires at all during the debrief at the office?" I asked, hoping the change of subject would calm his mind a bit.

Reid nodded. "Most of them were accidental like last time, but Garcia's running through the ones that are suspicious with local PD to try and narrow things down."

"Oh, good," I responded.

When we arrived at our destination Reid and I hopped out and made our way to where the body was being held. As we passed by the front desk Reid gave the man behind the counter a quick hello, introducing the both of us before we continued on our way. I shoved my hands into the pockets of my slacks as we walked down a series of hallways, scanning the plain white walls until we eventually made it to the room we needed.

Reid knocked twice before opening the door, peeking his head in for a quick second before eventually pushing it out and stepping in. I followed behind him, narrowing my eyes at the sheeted body in front of us.

"Hello agents." The man beside the body gave us a small head nod as he adjusted the gloves on his fingers. Like Reid, he was fairly slim and tall, but with dark hair and light eyes. "SSA Hotchner said you'd be coming."

Reid nodded back at him, walking over to a box of gloves. He grabbed a couple of pairs and walked back over, handing one to me before putting on his own and narrowing his eyes. "I'm Dr. Reid, this is Dr. Rafferty." He motioned to me with his chin.

I gave the examiner a little wave, flashing him an awkward smile.

"Sean," he responded simply.

There was an awkward pause for a couple of seconds while Reid and I put our gloves on. As we did, Sean moved towards the body and carefully pulled back the sheet. The second he did I frowned. While dead bodies didn't necessarily gross me out, something about charred skin was really hit the mark on my upset stomach right now. Regardless, I bit my lip and reluctantly stepped forward, holding my hands behind my back as I scanned the face. "Did you get the toxicology report?" I asked.

Sean nodded his head, reaching across to a desk behind him to grab a clipboard. Without a word he handed it over to me and looked over at Reid. "COD's pretty obvious, but something's definitely off."

"What?" Reid asked.

"He was burnt before the stabbing occurred."

I saw Reid's gaze dart between us, confusion in his eyes as he took a step forward and ran his finger along the torso. As he did, a couple of pieces of skin flaked off, causing him to retract his hand.

"It says he had a lot of alcohol in his system," I said, "could be the unsubs way of luring him in?"

"If he's supporting AA members it probably means he understands what they're going through. Alcoholic cravings don't just go away." Reid responded.

"Well, he definitely gave into them pretty easily." I raised my eyebrow, reading the amount they found in his system before offering the clipboard to Reid. When he took it he looked equally surprised and both of us looked over at Sean who merely nodded his head.

"Whoever did this definitely had it out for him. He was well over the legal limit." Sean replied.

"Somebody like Tammy?" I asked curiously, raising my brow.

After looking over the body one more time Reid and I went back to the station. The whole ride there Reid and I sat in silence, our minds wandering over the information we'd received. Thankfully, unlike the drive over he seemed a little less tense; his body language appearing more open and relaxed.

"So, Tammy and Leeman meet through AA," I began, "they hit it off. Maybe they hang out a couple of times, get to know each other; whatever." I bit my lip. The possibilities of how things could've potentially went down weren't very limited. At this point anybody was capable of anything and while I knew that I also knew that certain behaviours held patterns.

"Perhaps Leeman wanted to pursue a relationship and Tammy didn't?" Reid suggested.

"Or it's the other way around," I retorted.

He let out a heavy sigh. "Either way, the feelings between them were most likely not reciprocated."

"We need to talk to Tammy."

When we arrived at the station we talked to Hotch, relaying all the information we'd learned from Sean and the toxicology report. At one point during the conversation Reid started sputtering off facts about AA, while I zoned out. Crossing my arms over my chest, I glanced towards the doorway, watching as a couple of uniformed officers walked into view. They were talking amongst themselves, hands moving around wildly as they chatted. Despite having no idea who they were I couldn't stop staring. The longer I stared though, the stranger I felt. My vision began to go fuzzy, while my brain went empty. For some odd reason the feeling felt familiar somehow, almost relaxing.

After a while though, I felt a hand on my shoulder, bringing me back. I blinked a couple of times, looking over at Reid's hand. As my gaze followed his arm I felt my heartbeat rack against my chest. Nervously I darted my eyes to his face, scanning the look of concern it held. "Were you listening?" He asked.

I blinked again. "Hm?"

"Hotch says he wants us to talk to Tammy."

"Oh, yeah." I shook my head and laughed awkwardly. It wasn't like me to just blank out like that, so I felt weirdly guilty.

His moved both of his hands to my upper arms, gripping them tightly as he craned his neck forward to look at me. "You sure you're feeling okay?"

I gave him a fake smile and placed my hands over his. "Yeah, I think I'm just tired."

Obviously he wasn't convinced, but like usual, he didn't question me. Instead, he gave me a quick forehead kiss and pulled away, motioning me to follow him out into the bullpen. As we walked past the various groups of officers my heartbeat continued to quicken, causing me to cross my arms over my torso uncomfortably.

Once we made it outside though, I felt a bit better. The air hit my face like a warm blanket. I pressed my lips together tightly, a small smile forming across my lips as I watched Reid open the passenger door for me. "I know how to open doors you know," I joked.

He smiled back at me, reaching out to hold my hand as I got in. Once I sat down he grabbed the edge of the door and leaned into me, planting a kiss on my lips. "Yeah, but I also know you like it when I open them for you." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, playfully swatting his face away. He darted away from my hand, laughing quietly as he shut the door and made his way around to the other side. 
