When I woke up the next morning I laid there for a while, replaying the event's of last night as a large grin spread across my face. I grabbed the extra pillow sitting next to me and clutched it to my torso, my chest fluttering excitedly at the thought of him holding me again. I pressed my face against the soft fabric of the case, squealing loudly as a sudden burst of energy hit. I quickly sat up, letting out a couple of breaths as I tried to contain how happy I felt.

I stood up from the edge of my bed and quickly padded up the stairs to start breakfast. Surprisingly enough, despite the amount of alcohol I consumed, I was feeling pretty good. As I rounded the corner of the hallway I heard a pair of familiar voices coming from the kitchen. I narrowed my eyes curiously and continued walking. As the kitchen came into view I caught a glimpse of Luke and Reid talking at each other, their hands flying around wildly as they talked.

"Contrary to popular belief the Doctor-" Reid paused to look over at me, waving his hand quickly, "hey Isla," he quickly turned back to Luke, "-the Doctor didn't actually become a Time Lord until 1969..."

I took a couple of steps forward, peeking into the living room to find Morgan. When he wasn't there I looked back over at the pair who continued talking back and forth, rapidly firing fact after fact about what I only assumed was something extremely nerdy.

"Hey, Reid?"

He stopped talking mid sentence, licking his lips as he turned to face me. "Yeah?"

"Where's Morgan?"

"Oh, uh," he cleared his throat, "Hotch figured it was probably best to separate the two of you given the fact that you've been fighting, so I'm here now."

I rolled my eyes. "We weren't that bad."

"Oh," Luke laughed, throwing his head back, "you two were bad."

I scoffed.

"The other night after I went to sleep I heard them arguing about the health benefits of chocolate." Luke responded.

"You know, despite its consumption being associated with things like acne and coronary artery disease it does in fact have certain health benefits." Reid added.

I threw my hands up, widening my eyes. "That's what I said! Morgan thought I was crazy!"

"Eating chocolate with a higher cocoa content can lower not only your cholesterol levels, but can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems."

I smiled. Even though it had been less than twelve hours since our talk it felt like he never left.

"Speaking of chocolate," Luke turned towards the cupboard, grabbing a couple of things before clutching them to his chest and turning to me, "I've officially decided to make chocolate chip pancakes." He smiled and walked over to the kitchen island, tossing all of his stuff onto it before turning back around and grabbing some utensils.

"You want any help?" I asked.

"Nah," he shook his head, turning to throw a couple of plastic bowls with the rest of the stuff. "From what I hear from this guy though, you guys have a lot of catching up to do." He hooked his thumb over in Reid's general direction, flashing me a quick wink before returning to his rummaging.

Both Reid and I shared a strange look.

Luke eventually pulled out a bag of chocolate chips from the back of the cupboard, smiling proudly as tossed it in the air and caught it. "How about you guys run and grab coffee?"

"Don't we have coffee here?" I asked.

"Yeah, but there's this cafe a couple blocks down that has the best matcha I've ever tasted in my life," he sighed, "go get me some while I make breakfast?" He flashed me wide grin, fluttering his eyelashes.

I chuckled awkwardly. Deep down, I knew exactly what he was trying to do. After I came home last night I ended up bursting into his bedroom to gush about what had happened. Part of me was still slightly embarrassed about it even though I knew Luke couldn't care less.

Reid shrugged his shoulders.

"Uh, yeah, okay," I bit my lip, watching Luke give me an excited expression before turning back to his ingredients. I looked back over at Reid. "I'm just gonna get dressed real quick."

"Take your time."

I nodded and ran downstairs, still reeling over the fact that he was talking to me again. As I got to my bedroom I couldn't help, but crack a smile. I rooted through my clothes, grabbing a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater before throwing off my pajamas and hopping into them. Before running back upstairs I threw on some deodorant and tied my hair into a messy bun, giving myself a quick once over until deciding my appearance was good enough.

As I wondered back into the kitchen I glance at Reid. He was staring at Luke's hands, watching as they quickly measured and poured. Something about how entranced Reid was made me giggle, causing him to look up. "Ready to go?" I asked.

He nodded his head and snuck around Luke who smiled our way and waved. We waved back, quickly rushing through the front door. I closed it as we left, letting out a heavy sigh as the cool Spring air hit my lungs. Reid and I walked side by side, taking in scenery around us. For a while we moved silently, our arms brushing against each other as we made our way down the sidewalk.

"You ever think about how weird life is?" I asked randomly. I wasn't sure why I said it. As I did though, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Over the course of the last year my life had changed so much that I could barely keep up with it. At first I figured it came with the job; being a profiler was no easy task. Eventually though, I started to realize that that wasn't necessarily the case for me.

"All the time," he responded. His foot made contact with a rock, sending it flying down the pavement. He watched it move, his eyes following it curiously as is bounced into the grass a couple of feet away.

"Like in the span of a year I've been stabbed, assaulted, targeted twice by ser-"

"You know good things have happened to you too, right?" He frowned, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"I know," I replied, "for starters I met you." I mimicked his position, shoving my hands into the front my sweatshirt. Nervously I looked at the ground, my face growing hotter by the second. I couldn't believe I just said that.

He chuckled. "I wouldn't say meeting you was a good thing for me."

I gasped in response, peeling my hand out of my pocket to shove his arm. He laughed harder, giving his arm a quick rub as he gave me a fake pout. "You're so mean," he responded.

"You were mean first." I pointed out.

"Valid point," he mumbled.

We joked around the rest of the walk there, eventually falling silent again once we made it to the cafe. Reid held the door open for me, ushering me to walk inside as he followed behind. The two of us stood near the entrance for a while, reading the menu board curiously, even though we both knew exactly what we wanted. Eventually a couple of people filed in through the door, forming a line in front of the till. We moved our way to the back, striking up another casual conversation to pass the time as the line slowly moved forward. Once we got to the front I ordered Luke's matcha latte, along with a pair of dark roast coffees with room. Reid smiled, offering to pay for his own to which I immediately told him no.

We wandered over to the condiment stand, filling our cups with enough sugar to clog at least three of our arteries before we wandered back outside.

"I think it's kind of funny how we both drink our coffee the same," he chuckled.

As I took a sip I realized he was right. Despite knowing my fair share of coffee drinkers nobody dared to match my order. "It's very serendipitous," I responded.

"Did you know the word serendipitous was founded in 1754?"

"You obviously know that I didn't know that," I responded with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes, holding back a smirk of his own as he took a long sip.

As we walked back into the house the smell of sweet, delicious pancakes wafted through the air. Almost immediately I felt my mouth water, a tiny moan escaping my lips as I made a b-line to the kitchen. The second I stepped in, Luke looked over, flashing me a warm smile as he reached his hand out for his drink.

"I've been dreaming about this baby all morning." He brought the cup to his lips, closing his eyes as he let out a satisfied breath. "I love you. I know you've only been here for less than a week, but you're already the best roommate I've ever had."

I snorted, shaking my head as I walked around to the opposite side of the island and sat on one of the bar stools. Reid sat next to me, sipping his coffee as the two of us watched Luke dish up the pancakes and hand them our way. "This is my mom's secret recipe so unfortunately I can't tell you how I made them." He turned back to dish up his own plate, piling on the last remaining pancakes before turning back around and sitting across from us.

We took the first couple of bites, Reid and I giving each other a surprised look before turning back to Luke who couldn't stop smiling. "Luke, this is the best thing that's ever had the pleasure of being in my mouth." I stated, shovelling in another bite.

"Second best," Reid mumbled quietly.

I widened my eyes, nearly choking on a piece of pancake. I brought my hand to my mouth, glancing over at Luke who was thankfully too busy indulging to hear anything.

Reid laughed, shovelling down another chunk as he turned to me and smiled innocently.

As much as I wanted to pretend like he wasn't right, he definitely was. In terms of sex, not that I had a lot to go off of, he was definitely the best I ever had. The nights we spent together were great and while I definitely missed them I knew they'd never happen again.

After we made up last night we talked about what we wanted going forward. According to him, despite still feeling a sense of love for me he wasn't ready to commit to again. I understood completely, knowing that as much as I wanted him back I definitely wasn't ready. The break up itself happened for a reason and while it saddened me to know that we probably wouldn't get back to the point we were at, I was mostly just happy to be able to talk to him again.

"So, uh, you guys got a break in the case yet?" Luke shoveled a couple of bites into his mouth, glancing between the two of us.

Reid sighed, throwing his fork gently onto the plate. "Not really. I'd like to think we have a better idea where he his geographically. As terrible as it sounds without another body though, we don't have a lot to go on."

"How many women has this guy killed now?"

"Three," I responded.

"Is there like a certain number you need to find him?"

"Not necessarily," Reid responded, picking his fork back up.

"There's a lot of shit that goes into finding these guys," I added with a sigh.

"There's a number of methods we typically use to locate our unsubs and while most have proven to be successful over time they still have a means of evading the law at times."

Luke shook his head. After Morgan basically became our guard dog I filled him in on pretty much everything, apologizing profusely for putting him in potential danger. "I just hope they get him," he sighed, "I don't wanna find another roommate."

I rolled my eyes.

We finished eating not long after; the three of us clutching our stomachs as we got up to clean the kitchen. Reid and I did dishes, while Luke put away the remaining ingredients before stalking back to his room to get some work done. As he left he said a quick goodbye, letting us know he'd be busy for a while and to just call when we wanted to discuss dinner.

After Reid and I finished cleaning we wandered into the living room, plopping down on the couch with heavy sighs.

"I'm tired." I leaned my head back, closing my eyes as I felt the bloating of my stomach increase.

"Have a nap?"

"I can't have a nap. What are you going to do?"

He snorted. "I have lots of work I can get done," he responded matter of factly.

"It's your weekend though." I raised my head back up, half opening my eyes to see him slouching into the couch with his eyes closed. I smiled at the sight. One of my favourite things about Reid was how peaceful he looked when he was tired.

I tapped my foot against his shin, watching him jump and slowly opened his eyes. "Hm?"

"How late were up last night?" I asked.

"Uh," he adjusted himself on the couch, moving his body upright, "I don't know. Late?"

I sighed, shaking my head. "Go take my bed. Obviously you need to sleep way more than I do."

He brought his hands up to his face, sniffing loudly as he blinked and rubbed his eyes. "No, I'm fine," he grumbled.

I rolled my eyes, standing up from the couch before moving directly in front of him. I grabbed his wrists, moving his hands from his face. He looked at me confused, watching as I slid my hands down to his and yanked him upwards. His eyes widened with surprise as his body flung off the couch and into me. I let out an awkward grunt, fumbling to keep him upright until he eventually did it himself and lightly shoved me off of him. He narrowed his eyes at me, smoothing out the front of his shirt. "Jeez, alright, you don't have to manhandle me," he replied grumpily.

"Sorry," I chuckled, "I forgot you're always grumpy because of your lack of consistent sleep patterns," I mocked. Since the first day I met him he'd always get on me about not sleeping so the fact that I was able to throw it back in his face was very rewarding.

He held back a smile, shoving me away again before stepping around the couch and walking down the hall towards the stairs.

"Sweet dreams pretty boy!" I called out.

"Shut up!"

Once he was gone I let out a heavy sigh and scanned the living room. This was the first time I'd had some sense of solitude in over a week and while I was thankful to have it I had no idea what to do. I crossed my arms over my chest, wandering over to one of Luke's DVD shelves. I scanned the titles curiously. He had a lot of movies, most of which were science fiction, along with a couple of classics. I thumbed through them, picking and choosing one at a time to look at the synopsis on the back before moving onto the next. Eventually, despite finding a couple interesting ones, I gave up. Watching movies alone wasn't all that fun so instead of doing that I opted to read.

Quietly I tiptoed down the stairs, carefully pushing open my bedroom door. Reid was laying down, his back facing me as I slowly moved across the room to grab my book from on top of my dresser.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

I jumped at the sound of his voice. "Sorry, I'm just grabbing a book," I whispered.

"I thought you were napping."

"Why would I be napping?"

"Why are you still whispering? I'm clearly awake," he responded, completely avoiding my question.

"I don't know," I whispered again.

He sat up, rubbing his eyes before sliding over to the side of the bed and patting the space next to him. He let out a small yawn and laid back down, adjusting himself so that he was on his side and facing me. "Just come have a nap."

I bit my lip, tightening my grip on the book in my hands. As much as I knew how bad of an idea it was to lay down next to him I did it anyway. I tossed the book on my bedside table, carefully slipped under the covers as I made sure not to touch him. I rolled over to face him, swallowing hard as I stared at his closed eyes. 
