
Hey hey heyyyyy

I feel like I should try writing in 1st person more so Imma try with this chapter


Everything is blurry. I can feel some of my own flames still clinging onto my arms. I tried ok? I fucking tried. I know deep down that dad- no, Endeavor would never be satisfied. No matter what I did, nothing was enough. I was just lagging behind.

It was all his fault. Shoto. Why couldn't it of been me? He got the quirks, he got the attention, he got DAD's time. I use to be the center of attention. So why?

I know it's wrong, but can't I think for myself sometimes? I don't care if I had to endure the pain, all Endeavor had to do was give me even the slightest of attention. Then BAM.


No, I can't blame him. I'm spiraling again. This isn't good. My head is pounding like crazy as I keep running, putting one foot in front of the other. It had been too overwhelming. Everything was too loud. The sound of Shoto screaming, while mother grabbed the kettle and threw it at him. I can't bear it.

If I'm honest with myself, I really hate Shoto. He ruined my life. But another part of he loves him. He's my brother, and brothers care for each other, right? Right? Right?

But I can't. Maybe after I've made my mark on this word. I'll come back to save my little brother. If I left him, what kind of a brother would I be?! Endeavor was just too cruel. Someday, I will prove him that I'm better.

I feel the rain lash bitterly at my face, but I keep running. The moment I stepped out of the Todoroki house, I know there was no going back now. The wind is howling, and my head is still spinning, but I have to endure this. I don't know why, but I think someone's watching me. Well, I can't do anything about that now.






~5 years later~

Touya Todoroki

How many years has it been? I've lost count already. There is too much blood on my hand, and they weren't mine. It isn't my fault. It was a dog eat dog world. You either survive, or die. I don't know how old I was or where I am at this point. I'm having a migraine and my head is spinning, but there is no way I can stop.

The burns I had gotten were so bad that my skin turned purple. The skin was falling off, not that I could do anything about it. I'm running low on painkillers, and I can't really last even a day without them.

Someone had been watching me for a long time now, but I still haven't caught their face or anything. Well, maybe until now. I stop walking and spin around, hearing a sort of whirling of air behind me. All I see now is a swirling portal of purple mist before a pair of gloves hands grabbed me.






My head was spinning and stars were appearing in my vision, but as my vision cleared up, all I could see was pitch darkness. Then, footsteps...

"Ah, I see you're awake." Someone said from the shadows in front of me.

I squinted slightly, trying to make out a shape in front of me.

A blurred figure appeared into my line of vision.

"Hello there, Touya. I am All for One. We would like you to join us, the League of Villains."

I can feel my heartbeat start to quicken.

Keigo wouldn't want this.

No matter how much I wanted to beat Endeavour, there was no way I would betray Keigo like this. I start warming up my hands, trying to melt whatever was binding me to the chair. The blondie, Toga I think, saw what I was doing and lept forth. She placed a cold blade against my neck and immediately, I cool down the flames that was starting to appear in my palms.

"Touya. I'm so disappointed in you. Well, beggars can't chose. Grab the staple gun and one shot of that memory wipe drug."


No fucking way. I start to strain against the binds, trying to wriggle free. It was no use. What was gonna become of me? What would Keigo think of me?

Toga came back with a needle with purple liquid. She roughly grabbed my arm, wrenching it to the side. As the needle pierced my skin, I began to see white splotches in my vision, the world becoming dim.

I can forget everything, but please, don't let me forget Keigo...


The beer bottle hit me, once, twice. Another swing came my way, but I could only curl up into a ball, praying for the release of life. I don't think I can take this anymore, but they were all I had.

My mum, whom I've never seen, at least not clearly, was always busy trying to earn money. My dad on the other hand? I hate him. I wish I was never born into this world. Sometimes he would beat the shit out of me, just for the sake of it. The days became unbearable. It was overwhelming.

One day, my mum just didn't come back. A few days later, the police came into the slums and brought my mums dead body.

But everything would be all right huh? If you do good things, one day you'll be repaid.

I can feel the blood trickle down my forehead as my dad threw another bottle towards me, nicking me in one of my wings. A blind seat of pain shot down my spin, and I let out a yelp before I forced my mouth close again. Running towards the door, I gave one last look before I took off.

This, was all 12 years ago.

Now that I've replayed the exact same scene, over and over again, I feel numb. Being no. 2 pro hero was nice, but I needed something more.

Being friends with League was fine, and they genuinely cared about me. No more of that pretend shit. Everyone was broken, one way or another. But as the days passed by, I was scared. Scared for what was coming.

In two weeks time now, I had to destroy the League, once and for all. There was no second option for me. It was that, or I lose everything. Back to square one.

I really don't know what to do. I doubt that anyone would listen if I tried to talk some sense into them. Maybe I could save Twice, but knowing him, he would never accept my help. After all, I would be he reason the League of Villains fall apart.

Oh well.

No consequences, no victory.






Winged hero: Hawks
Status: Missing

There was a bright light.

People, looking down on me.

Pain blossoming in my chest, then emptiness.

Finally, the pain was gone. Lights turned off. Footsteps becoming dimmer. Everything turns dark.

I drift back into consciousness. My surroundings were dark, and even with my great eyesight I couldn't see anything. Wait a second. I thought I died. When I jumped. So why was I here?

A slimy voice broke the my train of thoughts.

"Well well we'll. Don't I get any thanks for removing your hanahaki and saving you from the side of the road?"

This voice sounded strangely familiar.

"Giran?" I croaked out.

"I thought I threw your sorry ass in prison."

Giran looked livid. He took out a remote from his pockets and pressed a button.

Immediately, I feel electricity jolting through my body. I tried to let out a scream, but I could only open my mouth silently.

A sudden thought ran through my head. Was this how I was gonna spend the rest of my days?

😌 Should I make a third book?

If you guys want me to write a third book I shall do that. Another option is just to end the story here :)

The choice is yours
