
"you're so dumb y/n"

"shut up"

"did you think I left you? stupidddd"

"i didn't think that, i was just worried you got kidnapped or something..."

"who would even want me besides you, stupid"

"...i'm not stupid..."

beep beep beep beep


   I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing. I attempt to search for the alarm but it's nowhere near me. oh right, i made it inconvenient for myself... I remembered I put the clock away from myself so I had to get out of bed to turn it off.

   I got out of bed, turned the alarm off and head to the bathroom to wash my face and teeth. I then wore my school uniform and a f/c hoodie on top. For breakfast I decided to drink some coffee with a small snack.

   I left the house quite early today, as I was walking to school I recognized Daniel's figure from afar. As always he was attracting attention, I decided to catch up to him and walk bit faster.

   I final my caught up to him and decided to tap his arm slightly to make my presence known.

"Y/n?" he looked startled by the small action, well I would be as well.

"hi." I simply replied.

"Good morning! where'd you come from?"

"from home?"

"oh- right haha"

"you still drunk or something?" I asked.

"h-huh? I didn't drink- I thought it was water but it wasn't-" he stuttered a bit.

"well, i don't really care what you do, just asking." I shrugged.

"o-oh... wait, how'd you even know I drank?" he looked suspicious for a moment.

"huh? oh well, you just look hungover I guess, besides you planned on hanging out with those delinquents yesterday, so I assumed there might've been alcohol..." I lied but it seems like it worked.

"oh right haha" he replied scratching the back of his neck.

While Daniel and I kept talking about random things we finally got to school. We went in the classroom, ignoring all the whispers and looks we were getting. I sat down in my seat next to Jay.

"...(good morning)..."

"good morning to you too jay"


It was lunchtime and I was on my way to the cafeteria with Daniel. We walked passed the beauty department and as usual pinkie (Eli) was in the middle of a crowd of girls. For a split second we made eye contact, he looked as if he wanted to say something, not that I care what it is.

Daniel and I got to the cafeteria and Daniel decided to sit with the lil guy again... what was his name again?

"hi jiho!" Daniel smiled.

"h-hey" Jiho stuttered, he then glanced at me before quickly looking away.

??? I looked at him confused, slightly tilting my head.

"...are you scared of me?" I said not looking away.

"h-huh?! w-well i-" he was literally shaking.

"well i don't really care if you are, but it's not like i'll hurt you, no need to be so nervous" I told him.

"oh a-alright" Jiho said looking at me.

I was eating a snack while observing Daniel, Jiho, and the girl the was clinging to Daniel, until i felt a light tap on my shoulder. I looked to see who it was and I was startled at the familiar face.

"hey, can I talk to you for a bit," pinkie said scratching the back of his neck slightly. " private" he muttered only for me to hear. His fangirls were glaring daggers at me from behind.

"no." I bluntly responded.

"wha- it won't take long it's just an issue i have regarding you and Yenna"

"me? what'd I do?"

"oh nothing it's just I have a question and I think it's best to ask you in private"

"hahhhh... so annoying." I sighed while getting up. "fine let's talk somewhere else" I looked at Daniel "i'll be back in a bit"


You and Eli left the cafeteria together, Eli asked his fangirls for some privacy as you just went ahead. You checked the infirmary to see if it was empty so you guys could talk freely, and luckily it was. You went in as Eli followed behind.

"wait why'd we come here?" Eli asked nervously.

"huh? didn't you say it was a private matter to talk about? I thought you'd be more comfortable with this." you said.

"oh right." I didn't think she was so thoughtful of such things...

"so..." you started, implying for him to speak.


"the fu-" you sighed "what'd you want to ask?"

"oh right... what'd you do to Yenna yesterday?" he said in a serious tone.

"the fuck? what do you mean, what'd I do to her? Do you think I kidnapped her before coming across you or something" you replied with an irk mark appearing on her forehead.

"of course not... it's just that the first thing she wanted to do the moment she woke up was to go to the park... she never usually acts like this. Apparently she's been sitting on the same bench for a while, her caregiver has been informing me about her odd behaviour" Eli said scratching the back of his neck.

"uh... maybe she just likes the park?" you replied unsure of what else to say.

"no it's not that, she's been oddly persistent about it."

"hmm, well she probably just wants snacks" you said with a blank stare.

"..." Eli just stared at you with the same look. "oh..."

"yeah..." you said. You began awkwardly walking to the door. When you touched the door handle you looked back at Eli "by the way, you're welcome~ you owe me one for this too" Eli looked back and you've already left the room, he just stared at the door awkwardly before exiting the room.

The rest of the day went by smoothly and you were on your way home, you suddenly remembered what Eli said to you.

"oh right... what'd you do to Yenna yesterday?"

"the fuck? what do you mean, what'd I do to her? Do you think I kidnapped her before coming across you or something"

"of course not... it's just that the first thing she wanted to do the moment she woke up was to go to the park... she never usually acts like this. Apparently she's been sitting on the same bench for a while, her caregiver has been informing me about her odd behaviour"

now I'm curious... was that guy telling the truth... guess i'll just have to find out You thought to yourself while your ears slightly turned pink. You made your way to the park and bought some of the same snacks you got for the little girl.

You were sitting in the same bench as yesterday. It was obvious you were waiting for something or someone. A few hours past by while you were just looking at your phone, you were playing a otome game, which was way too out of character for your personality and appearance. You finally checked the time, it's gotten quite late already. why would he lie to me about that... you slightly pouted and started getting ready to leave.

You were about to start leaving when you felt a small poke on your leg. You looked down and saw the brown haired toddler...


[i'm so sorry about the delayed upload, i really have no excuse...i was just really lazy T-T i'll try to upload the next chapter faster! HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT LOVELIES!]
