chapter 15

stepping out of my room , i was met with the smell of something sweet , smoke and... something burning?

i slowly walked into the kitchen , passing faye on the couch while doing so.

"the hell are you doing?" i asked ashtray , seeing him leaning on a counter like he was waiting on something.

he turned to me once hearing my voice , "pancakes.. and waffles." he pointed to the pan on the stove and the toaster that wasn't far from him.

"by yourself?" i pretending to be shocked , walking over to see the pancakes clearly ready.

"shut-." i cut him off by pointing to the pancake on the pan. "it's burning , idiot."

he quickly turned to the pan , putting the spatula under the pancake and putting in on the plate that held 3 other pancakes on it already.

i chuckled , before turning to the toaster and getting the waffles.

"nice cooking." i sarcastically smiled at him , showing him the almost burnt waffle.

he rolled his eyes , walking over to me and snatching the waffles.

i leaned on the counter , farther from him. and watched as he started pouring more pancake mix on the pan before turning and looking at me again.

"what?" he squinted his eyes , only looking at me for a second before turning back around to the pan.

"im making sure you don't burn it again." i told him , opening the fridge and grabbing a water bottle.

he shook his head , turning it once fezco walked in.

"hey fez." i greeted him.

"what's up." he greeted back , walking up and looking over at ashtray. "you burned some already?"

ashtray rolled his eyes , "it's barely burnt."

fez just chucked , patting his shoulder and coming to sit next to me at the table.

"you knew he was making those?" i asked him , leaning back in my chair.

he shrugged , "yeah. he said he didn't need help."

"clearly." i laughed , fez smiling a little with me while ashtray only glared at me.

and after awhile he had finished and walked over , setting a plate in front of where he always sits.
and so i got up , starting to go over. only to stop in my tracks once he started walking back over to the table , with a plate of waffles and handed it to me.

"aw , are you being nice?" i asked , taking the plate from him and sitting down again.

"you can get it yourself next time." he quickly replied , handing fez a plate and then sitting down.

"hey asshole , where's fayes?" i ignored what he just said , once noticing he had sat down and faye was still on the couch.

he furrowed his eyebrows , pointing to the plate that was still on the counter.

i rolled my eyes , standing up and grabbing the plate.
"faye , you wanna come sit with us?"

she turned , a smile on her face. "sure!"

ashtray let out a groan , looking over at fez with an annoyed look on his face.

fez ignored him though , stuffing his face with the pancakes that were on his place while faye made her way over and sat next to me , that being the only chair open.

i gave her a small smile , and then began eating my waffles. once noticing it didn't taste burnt , i looked down at them and noticed they weren't.

ashtray made different once while i wasn't paying attention?

i glanced up at him , seeing he had already been looking at me. although i didn't say anything , and he didn't either. so i went back to eating them.. while faye started some kinda conversation- tried , tried to start some kinda conversation.

i listened to her talk , even if i didn't quite understand what she was saying or what she was trying to get at.

that was until ashtray shook his head , glancing at me before standing up and going over to the sink , washing off his plate and then going to his room.

fez watched him too , but still ignored him and finished his pancakes.

i didn't like pancakes. some people say that waffled and pancakes and waffles taste the same , but they don't. waffles are way better. however , the three of them disagree and say they either taste the same or pancakes taste better. so every time pancakes are made , two waffles are also made.

once i was finished , i got up after faye and washed my plate , making my way back to my room after to get ready.


"i'm mad i missed it."

"you were dancing with that guy.. it wasn't worth it?"

"no. he was an asshole!"

i sat next to my three friends , at sages house since her parents were gone.

"sooo." hazel carried the 'o' , turning to me which made me raise my eyebrows. "y'all have kissed twice. nothing at all is going on between y'all?"

i shrugged , "not really. we haven't talked about it.. and i don't know. we've been acting normal."

their heads snapped at my response , "that's so lame."

i laughed , they're stressing over it more than i am.

"besides.. he may like that one girl he was sitting with at lunch." i added one , picking at the nail polish on my finger nails.

"what!" sage sat up , grabbing my leg.

"what?" i chuckled , looking at her.

"that's so bullshit. didn't he tell you he didn't like her? and he kissed you mal... twice!" she exclaimed , turning to sage and hazel for backup.

i turned from her , fiddling with the strings on my sweatpants. "i don't know anna.. she's always sitting over there , it wouldn't surprise me."

"it doesn't at all bother you?" sage hesitantly asked , also sitting up.

the honest answer was yes. her sitting next to him at lunch , basically every day.. does bother me.
but who am i to tell him who he can and can't sit by?

"no." so i lied.

hazel shook her head , "nope. he likes you. i know it."

sage nodded her head before i could reply , "he kissed you.. knowing fezco don't want anything going on between y'all."

and that's when sage joined it , "yeah.. but i dont- we don't know. maybe talk to him?"

the other two then nodded their heads , keeping their eyes on me which made me nervous.. even if they are my friends we're close , this is a lot of pressure.

"maybe." i shrugged , and with that we all changed the topic.


GUYSSSS i can reply and vote and everything now 🀭🀭🀭 so comment ANYTHING (so i can reply obviously πŸ™„)

