Chapter 5

Sorry for the long absence.I was doing a major exam.I'll be updating more frequently now since its finally my holiday.

It wasn't long before Wen Chang came to visit Fengjiu day after day.

"Don't you have things to do?Like cultivating?"She asked. "Nah, the only purpose in my life is to spend time with my lover-to-be.".

"Who?Wait, I'm not---I haven't agreed yet, who are you calling that?" She said, glaring at him, her face flushed.

"Anyway, I heard that they are holding some festival around this time,what was it called again? Mid-autumn festival in the mortal world.Would you do me the honour of accompanying you?" Fengjiu, stunned by the sudden change of topic, agreed.

"Ok, its agreed on. I'll meet you there then." Wen chang said, disappearing with a wink.

"Stupid guy. He hasn't even been here for 10 minutes.Now what am I going to do." Fengjiu's mind for the past few weeks had all been alternating between Dijun and Wen chang, so much that she couldn't even focus on the work that she ought to do. "How I wish I could go back in time to when I didn't have anything to do besides play, eat and sleep."She said wistfully. "Truly can't understand how immortals deal with this.How does Dijun deal with this."She shook her head, ok now to get back to the task at hand.

Dijun's POV

"Damnit."Dijun glanced at his magic, the effects of being around fengjiu were small but noticeable. He felt more tired, his magic was disappearing more and more the longer he spent around her.

He could sense that if this continued going on, he was going to go into eternal sleep. But how could he let that happen? Since his jealousy roared up and made him impersonate Wen Chang,he had decided he couldn't leave Fengjiu's side. Who knows if one day she would forget about him? He could never let that happen.

I need to deal with this and the faster the better, he thought.

"Si Ming! Tell Fengjiu I will not be visiting her for 2 weeks."I'm going to change our destiny, I don't believe that this destiny cannot be changed. What was rightfully mine will never belong to another person. With a flash he disappeared.
