The Chase

You lazily reach for your boots
Grinning like the cat who just caught the mouse

You keep your gaze down
As you languidly twist knots
Hands still in mock composure

You rise slowly as the very edges of your fringe fall into your face
You're wasting your time
You drawl
Your onyx eyes finally lock onto mine

In two brisk steps your figure hovers at the door
Hand tightly wound around the handle
If this is you giving up
You smirk, the false mirth unable to reach your darkened gaze
I'll eagerly accept your defeat

With the final push of the exhale leaving your chest
One final glance toward your hardened expression
The door is thrown open and I run

Though my heartbeat and quickening breath are deafening in my ears
I hear you loud and clear

You never say it
But I know my time is up
When I hear the stairs groan under your weight
