Chapter Four

„ I swear you're insane! " Daniel added, letting me finally turn towards him so I can quickly hug him. „ They will love it. " He made me smile behind my mask as he led me to the elevator.

„ We said that the restart will be a huge thing. Even bigger for me. Why wouldn't I celebrate it somehow? " I asked back, shrugging as we stepped inside. I thought I wouldn't have the courage in me to do something so highlighting. However, in the end I thought this is how I can show everyone that I really don't care about their judging comments. „ I wanted to colour it anyways. " I told him but had to laugh as he was still staring at the end of my hair. It was in a huge contrast with the top of it as it was a radiant yellow color compared to my normal dark brown.

„ Did anyone else already see it? " He asked excitedly, finally looking at me but his grin couldn't fade. „ Or am I the first one? " He couldn't even wait for my answer.

„ You're the first from here. Some fans probably spotted me as I was getting on the plane. " I let out another laugh at his face.

„ We're taking a photo after dinner! I want to be the first one to post this. " He shook his head with another laugh, and I actually thought he's proud of what I did. I didn't really understand why, but it was funny to see his reaction.

„ I don't get to post my own hair first? " I asked him to act peeved at his rules, even though I didn't actually care whose profile it was posted on first. It was such a small thing.

„ You don't, I'm taking full credit. " He shook his head, letting me get out first on our floor. „ It sucks to be you. " He sighed, making me almost punch him. He was lucky because I was already opening my door with both of my hands full of my stuff, and didn't want to drop anything to be able to hit him.

I didn't even close my door fully, just stepped deeper into the room so I could change my top to a team shirt. As soon as that was ready I put down my glasses on the nightstand and with my phone and keycard in my hand quickly ran after Daniel, who was waiting for me at the elevator. I did actually feel energetic, even though I always hated flying and never dealt well with jet-lag. Luckily this time Austria and Enstone weren't that different time wise, making it easier to get used to being here. Getting through the hall was quite challenging as almost everyone stopped us for a photo but eventually we got to the canteen, immediately spotting our team at one of the tables.

We got a tray full of food each and joined all the other guys, taking all the compliments they gave in connection with my hair. I just about raised my fork to my mouth when Daniel started laughing and almost broke my arm as he yanked my hand towards him. „ I can't believe you. Even the nails? " He asked in between laughs, making everyone look at us a little, probably thinking how crazy we are. I saw the camera guy recording for the behind-the-race video they planned for this season and I knew this will bring comments under the video when they're gonna be finally out.

„ I did everything so we could have luck on our side. " I shrugged a little and let him examine my yellow and black nails with sunflowers painted onto the black ones. „ Although your obsession is making me feel strange. " I told him with a nervous smile, but then just the both of us ended up laughing as I finally got back to eating.

I was the first to finish eating but as I knew Daniel wanted a photo I stayed in my seat, fishing my phone out of my pocket so I can look online meanwhile. They were the world's lowest eaters, joking throughout the whole evening and also eating like three times what I needed to feel satisfied. When they were finally ready we took the photo in the hallway, which ended up to be several photos that captured as firstly we were simply standing next to each other and then he pulled a strand of my hair and put it as a mustache for himself. It looked even funnier as he put it in front of his mask, not actually his face. While we went back to his room he selected three photos, the one we were standing in, one where he already had a yellow mustache and one where I realised what he was doing and my face rested in my palms as I let out a laugh. He also added a short little description before he posted it and finally sent all the photos to me too. I was already looking through them when we said goodbye and entered our own rooms.

I debated sharing any of them but then gave in and shared the last one in my story with a yellow and black heart over the head of Daniel as mine was lower, thanks to my laughing and leaning forward. Although I was already a lot smaller than him and actually everyone else from the drivers. At least I didn't have problems getting into and out of the car. Lying down on the bed I called home to talk with everyone for a little time, letting them know I arrived safely and everything was completely fine. It took a little longer to finally put down the phone but I was happy I could talk to them all after not even seeing them in person since the year started. We usually facetimed or talked on the phone, but it was never the same than before. Still, I tried to keep as connected to them as I just could.

I just put down my toothbrush, after showering and washing my hair, when my phone was ringing again. With a sigh I stepped back to my bed and lifted my phone. As soon as I saw Lando's name on the screen I got happier and accepted the facetime request, but left my phone on the bed.

„ Hello. I just saw you arrived. " He started, although I saw he was confused for a second why he could only see my ceiling. „ Also, your hair looks great, although I'm sorry but had to laugh at it a little. " He added, making me laugh.

„ Yeah, I just finished with my shower. " I quickly got the towel off of my head and changed my robe for real clothes, so I could take my phone into my hand. „ Did you laugh because of the color or because of Daniel? " I asked him, leaning back to the headboard.

„ Because it was unexpected, but Dan didn't help either. " He laughed with me, sitting up straighter before I could scold him for sitting with his back like a question mark. „ But it looks great. Everyone will be talking about it. Even if someone already did this for a season start, no one ever had nails that matched their team colors. " He added with a chuckle, making me shake my head as I looked down at my hand. They weren't long as that would be in the way all the time, but I still loved my own idea.

„ I thought maybe it'll be too much, but I do actually love it now. I loved Daniel's reaction too. He didn't believe me when I told him I did something big for the start. " I remembered back to our last encounter before we flew here separately. „ Then I just didn't give a damn and did what I wanted. " I shrugged, taking the water bottle from my nightstand and opened it carefully, so I wouldn't just pour it all over myself.

As we had to wake up early the next day we didn't talk for long, and rather went to sleep right after we put down the call. It was still hard to get out of the bed in the morning, making me crave a coffee more than anything else in that moment. I gave myself time to get ready, even though I didn't plan on doing much. I changed into a team shirt and simple black jeans and put my hair up into a ponytail as it was, because I knew it wasn't worth straightening or curling. It would just get messed up in the heat when we start practice. I was just closing my door when Mark stepped out of his room, so we could go down to have breakfast together, even though it wasn't planned. The restaurant part was pretty empty, the few people lingering in there were all Renault workers, who had meetings early. All the others were probably still sleeping as we had quite some time until we had to meet up at the garage.

I grabbed a plate full of cereal, fruit and yoghurt before finding a table, so we can sit down finally. Mark only put down his plates and went to get a coffee, coming back with two of them as he surprised me with one two. I completely forgot to get myself one, and he saved my day with this cup. We didn't rush ourselves, leaving only half an hour later, after we put our plates away. We went back to get our backpacks before meeting up in the carpark so we could get to the circuit. Just minutes later the car was ready, and as we were putting our stuff into the truck even Daniel and Michael arrived.

„ Is sharing a car okay with you guys? " Dan asked, coming up to us. It looked quite big enough for all of us, making me decide on going together. At least this way reception didn't have to call one more car while we comfortably fit into one. It was really fun to be squeezed between Dan and Mark in the back seat as they were all like twice my size, almost completely making me invisible between them.

„ I'm already out of energy. " I sighed, stretching to the sides as we got out and we could finally breathe fresh air again. „ Are the pre-practice interviews now or later? " I asked, taking my backpack from the trunk. Closing it we thanked the driver quickly and turned towards the entrance that luckily had little panels, telling us where everything was if we didn't remember.

„ A little later. We have time to put our bags down and check in on the team. " Dan informed me, as we walked in front of our trainers who were having a probably really interesting conversation about something. „ You know, I'm pretty sure I would be the first at the garage if we did a race. " He looked at me, smirking and making me look at him hurt.

„ You wouldn't be. " I rejected his offer, making me roll my eyes. What I didn't think is that he takes it seriously and takes off running in the next second. I was quick to react and start running, but was always behind him and he did win in the end, stepping inside the building with the Renault logo on top of the door, making me push him even more inside angrily.

„ You cheater... It isn't a real race if you start early. " I shook my head at him, leaving him as I took the turn to the garage and had to grin at the sight of the two cars in there. „ Please everyone promise me this won't get cancelled out of nowhere. " I sighed, greeting everyone with a fistbump or a really quick hug in the girls' cases. Even though I felt drained a couple of minutes ago, I was starting to feel that little buzz I did back in March when we arrived. I just really didn't want to go home again without any action.

„ We can only hope so. But I love the team-spirit. " Cyril grinned at me, when I finally got to him, pushing my sunglasses on the top of my head, as I was losing my sight with them inside. „ Even if we lose today, at least they will be talking about us as you step outside looking like an ad for Renault. " He chuckled making me smile too, although I tried holding back all the energy that wanted to burst out of me at the thought that we're gonna finally race or at least drive the cars today.

„ I thought we can't just start the season looking boring. It won't show in the helmet anyways, but there won't be a question who I'm racing for during interviews. " I shrugged a little, making one of the girls on Daniel's team laugh. „ Maybe next year it's gonna be Daniel who's gonna have colorful hair. " I said, turning to the mentioned one, who didn't really pay attention to our conversation and looked back at me confused.

When Mark and Michael got to the garage too we got a short run down of the schedule and then could go on our own accord. Before we could go anywhere, I had a small little session with Mark as my neck has been bothering me since the last test runs at home. When I was finally free from his torture, aka him trying to put everything back into it's place in my sorest spot, I didn't even look back and just left the garage for the paddock with Daniel. We still had some time before we had to get to some interviews and we both opted for a walk around the paddock after finishing the track walk with some of the crew. We still got back to the interviewing area and sat down with the reporters when they wanted us there.

My first one was smooth going and quite short. Mostly consisting of me talking about my goals for the season and writing down my predictions on a paper that they put into an envelope and closed, so we can open up at the end of the season and see if they all happened or not. While I was waiting for Dan to finish, as my second interview was with the same reporter I sat down close enough to hear their conversation but not close enough to be in the shot. I was just putting on my cap, pulling my ponytail through the hole at the back of it, when I heard a question about me. His answer made me smile as he only said positive things about me and seemed completely genuine about it.

„ I also know that little miss Sunny here is waiting anxiously to take my place and tell you all about my secrets. " He turned back around to look at me for a second and I knew he was grinning behind his mask.

„ Oh, are you already on that level? " The man asked him as a last finishing question, while I stood up so we can change when Dan gets up.

„ With her? From day one or even zero. " He shrugged, making both me and the reporter laugh. After the cameras were turned off they let Daniel get up and after a quick setup check I could sit down, with a mic in my hand, as we had to sit far away from each other.

The first few questions were the usual rookie questions so the fans could get to know us and our stories a little better. They were still interesting and not fully the same to all the other interview questions we usually get. It seemed that he looked me up a little before coming here today and was prepared about my history and previous answers. It was refreshing to know that they were actually interested in you not only going the minimum way to get ready for their work days.

„ As a last little thing... I was lucky enough to have a chat with your dad after your win in Abu Dhabi, last year. When I asked him how he felt about you going back there and several other locations as an F1 driver this year, he said even though he's scared for you taking a big step, if there is a girl who can do it it's gonna be you. Is it a goal in your head to show girls, that you can do this too? " He asked, making me smile at the thought of my dad.

„ In a way, yes. I'm in a fortunate position to be able to do something that not many girls or women got to do in their life. I hope I can be someone who they will look up to and who can get them to really think about this as a career. " I nodded with a sigh. „ And of course, also show parents that they should really support their kids' choices with sports and interests. Even if they think there is no possibility for them succeeding in it. I'm here now, because I had that system behind me, pushing me to be my best so I can be successful. " I added as I was always an advocate about parents standing next to their children in choices like this.

„ Are you close with your family? " He asked with a smile, making me return it a little sourly.

„ Yes, they usually came with me to my races until this year. So I haven't really seen them since January. It hasn't been easy. " I closed my eyes for a second to compose myself.That was a change I really wasn't looking forward to when they had to move back to Wales this year to help out my grandparents.

„ But you do have friends here who help, don't you? Both old and new. " He continued and I knew what kind of an answer he wanted from me. „ We were lucky enough to get to know your and Lando's friendship a little better, during lockdown. " He added, making me remember the part of March and April I spent with him and Robert.

„ Yes, luckily. I also lived with Lando for a little bit as my block got flooded. " I sighed at the memories, as they weren't something I wanted to look back at now. „ But I also wanted to step out of my comfort zone and meet new people. It would be really strange to work with them almost every week without actually knowing them. " I added, trying to divert the attention from the topic.

I listened to his goodbye towards the viewers and after a little wave I was free to stand up and go to do my thing. As I still had time until I was needed at the garage I opted for a coffee and some relaxation a bit more far away from all the crowd in the paddocks. As I sat down on the grass and finally had a moment to think, I ended up on my phone at the end of my gallery looking at old photos. They were from older karting and F3 or F2 championships, mostly showing me on podiums or Lando and me standing together with my brother next to us. Our families always thought we would end up together really early, looking at how much time we spent together, but I guess we were just too immature for that until like our last year together F2.

We were probably closer than ever before when he got a seat at McLaren, and we just lost each other. He always had an advantage over me by being male and also a year older. He started a year earlier than I did, and it showed as I was nowhere near a podium when he, George and Alex took it home with themselves. I hoped that the whole season that we will get one more year when I can finally be a challenge for them, but it ended with them getting offers and stepping up to the top of Formula racing. I was of course happy for them, but I was still disappointed that I couldn't show what I was capable of against them. They were the three who everyone looked up at, and it was strange to see that from a backseat while actually being best friends with Lando and meeting him every day off track.

I always thought this career would give me everything I needed and wanted from life. I could show them that we had a place in a sport that was such a men's world and achieve everything I have dreamed about since I learned to drive. I was living my most insane dreams already by just getting a seat into a F1 car, and I didn't even get to drive it yet. But at the same time this is what took away so much from me. I lost friends who didn't believe in me, lost time that I spent training and getting better, and I also lost Lando in a way as soon as I saw how hard it would be to convince fans and spectators of me being worthy of this chance, if they always saw me around him. Even if we had any chance together, if he wanted anything to do with me on another level because I knew I for sure wouldn't have refused him, I had to put it behind us, because it would have interfered with my progress and the way I was judged by everyone. Looking at photos or just seeing him always brought up the same feelings I had back when it didn't matter who you were, which didn't help in a championship that was a lot more about the person under the helmet. That's probably why I tried to get myself away from him so much nowadays. It was easier to don't even think about it, then act against my feelings.

When I looked at the clock on my screen I realised it was time to get ready. Standing up I slid my phone into my back pocket and went back to the paddocks, luckily not getting lost in the process. My first destination was my room so I could change into my base layer and suit, before going to Aaron who was next to my car, looking at the screens. I gave a quick pat to my car, before focusing on what my engineer was saying. These were just last minute tips just as a minute later we were already getting ready. Stepping next to the table that had my helmet on it I took my rings and bracelet off, thanking Mark when he took them back to the room so I could get my gloves, balaclava and helmet on in the meantime. In a swift motion I got into the car, pushing myself in by the halo and taking my steering wheel from one of the mechanics, to put it in its place.

From the moment they let us drive onto the track until we were called back in after FP2 I felt more at home then I did for the last two months. It wasn't perfect and we had to change quite some things but I still felt great that I could finally drive on a track as a F1 contestant and that my run wasn't horrible compared to others. That night I slept like a baby, completely exhausted from everything we did. It was probably a good thing as the next time we could sleep was the night before race day and I was a little too excited to fall asleep early. I'm lucky we can sleep in a little and only have to get to the track for lunchtime. We had pre-race interviews and a last session with our trainers to do, before we got to the last hour.

Changing into the race gear felt different than the previous two days, even though qualifying already felt like a battle. I had a faint idea about what it'll be like today, after experiencing quali and feeling how everyone else was driving. You would think after watching them race for years you would know everyone's style. But when you're seeing them from another car on the track it's a lot more intense and not as easy to predict their next move as it is while watching from home through a tv. I thought it would be sensible in the air, that the race is getting closer and closer, but with Daniel in the same garage it was lighthearted, with us putting on our helmets before one last fist bump and him hitting my helmet, that was followed by him running away from me so my punch couldn't reach him, as I had to get into my car.

Starting from almost the back wasn't that bad of a thing, as it was more likely that I'll finnish in a better position than that I will fall back and finish last for example. In a way it did work out, but the race itself was quite chaotic with several safety cars and engine fault, leaving for example Dan stranded on the side of the track. That's mostly how I ended up in P8 in the end, although I didn't really feel proud. It felt more like luck was on my side that I could stay in, than me being so skilled that I overtook everyone on the grid to get myself there. Everyone who finished after me actually started there too, except Vettel who had a small crash because of Sainz and fell back. So it wasn't really my driving that got me there.

It still felt good to bring home some points for the team with Dan not finishing the race, and I felt like everyone back at the garage was happy with my performance as they welcomed me happily, when I finally got out and got to them. Daniel was the last one who I stepped up to, hugging him still with my helmet on my head. He was laughing about something but dismissed it when I took off the helmet and looked at him with a questioning look. On our way back I congratulated everyone who we ran into and also thanked my team for this first race when we finally arrived. I still had to do some interviews, again, but luckily I was in a better mood compared to this morning, making the reporters life easier, meaning they didn't have to try and get me to talk as I gladly answered anything they asked.

„ Hey, Winnie. " I heard as soon as I finished at my last stop and I immediately knew who it was by the used nickname. Only a couple of people knew and used it, which were my family and Lando. „ Congrats! " He came up to me and even though I knew he would have hugged me, knowing there were cameras around us I only offered a fistbump in his way.

„ You too. How does a podium in the first race feel? " I asked him with a smile, even though I wanted to cut this conversation as short as I could. I really didn't need his fans being nasty on my page if they see us talking and being next to each other.

„ Fantastic. Never thought that they would finally come. " He answered, beaming although I saw confusion appear on his face for a second. „ Hopefully this won't be the last. " He added, making me nod at him in agreement. I did hope he will do better just as much as I hoped I will bring something for my team and won't disappoint them.

„ We all knew it was closer and closer by every day. " I let out a laugh stopping when we got to our garage entrance. „ Well, I'll see you later? " I tried not to seem too eager to finally get inside, out of the sight of the cameras. He quickly nodded and after saying goodbye left for his own garage as I started my way inside.

„ If I knew it would bring so much luck I would have gotten one for myself too. " I heard Dan laughing and when they came into my view I saw as he was holding my helmet in his hands.

„ What are you talking about? " I asked him with a curious smile, probably startling both him and Aaron as they flinched back for a second before showing me my own equipment but I immediately spotted something on the matte black surface that shouldn't have been there. When I realised it was a small little sunflower sticker I remembered him hitting me on the helmet and realised that was probably the moment when he put it there. „ I didn't even realise that's what you were doing. " I let out a laugh taking it from them so I can take a photo of it, wanting to remember all these silly moments.

„ The fans loved it, they're all reposting and retweeting photos where it's visible. „ Aaron added with a chuckle showing me just one that was taken during the race and my head was in a position that it was fully visible to anyone.

„ I will be stuck with this, won't I? They were already talking about you calling me Sunny during like every second interview. " I shook my head but I of course wasn't mad at him or anything. It was just funny to be the main character in a situation like this. I have seen so many in the last few years, watching how fans were following different driver friendships online and trying to spot everything they did together. I just hoped they would like me and Daniel together and it won't turn into something like it did with Lando. I did not want to ignore one more person in front of cameras, just so I could get some pressure off of myself. One person like that in my life was enough.
