Cobra x reader (Good End)

     It was a cool clear night when you awoke in a tiny valley. There was a gentle breeze that made your (h/c) hair flutter a bit in the breeze, and maybe into your face.

      You sat up, a shiver going down your spine as a breeze hit your bare back unexpectedly. You traveled around the continent without a guild and you didn't stay in one place for to long. It didn't feel right to you, staying in one place for a long, doing the same thing everyday was just boring.

     Standing up you grabbed your coat that fell off you while you were asleep. You wore a light sleeping gown that went to your lower thigh, stopping at your calves, it has short sleeves as well making it easily for the wind to get at your bare arms. It was a stupid idea really, sleeping in the cold with as little as a dress on but its all you had. Besides a small coat you had.

     You wrapped your (c/c) coat closer around your body as you walked ahead, you saw lights just ahead of the valley, that must mean there was a village or city beyond it.

     Before you knew it you were jogging towards the end of the valley, your feet soaked from the wet grass and your hands feeling numb from the clod breeze, along with your bare legs.

     When you got to the end of the valley you looked down as your eyes widened. It wasn't lights of a city or town you saw, no. It was fire. There was a village on fire but it was deathly silent except for the sound of burning wood.

     Quickly you ran down towards the village using your water magic to get rid of the fire. the village was pretty big, you used up a lot of your magic but you finally got the fire out, you now looked for survivors.

     Your searched until you heard a sick laugh from a few feet behind you. Quickly you turned around, being face to face with a male with dark red hair and a smirk on his face. You quickly assumed he was the cause of the fire.


    Your (e/c) eyes widen as your stumbled back a bit, not knowing how close her got to you but he only grabbed your chin to keep you in place,

    "There's still a survivor left, hm?" He chuckled as your face became red, there was something that ticked in the back of your mind. He reminded you of something...but what?

     Another breeze came by, this one much stronger. You shiver and struggled a bit more, grabbing the male's wrist tightly. He easily let go of you, as did you. You turned away, going to try and get away from Cobra but he quickly grabbed your hair.

     "Its a bit cold out you know." He said, his voice suddenly turning softly. You saw something in his eyes. Was it pity? No, it was something else,

     "No duh." You snapped a bit, trying to free your hair from his grip. You didn't want to stay out any longer. Your coat was thin and you swore you feet were already numb with cold. You bit your lip, feeling your teeth chatter a bit.

He let go of your hair at least, that was a start. However, instead he picked you up over his shoulder as you let out a yelp, "Hey! Let go of me!" You yelled at him, struggling in his grip. Though you couldn't do much. A feeling a sleepiness washed over you as you slowly stopped struggling.

"You don't want to freeze out here now do you, ___?" He asked pulling you down into a bridal style carry. You looked at him with a look of surprise as you tilted your head a bit,

"How do you know my name..?"

"The same reason you know mine." He simply answered as you frowned. You knew his name from several different things, so of course it wasn't the same reason at all.

"What the hell does that mean?" You asked, crossing your arms a bit at him. He gave you a frown as he walked into a village. The village was abandoned, just like the other, just not on fire. The houses where in pretty good condition with faded decorations on them, worn with age. Vines grew around others. 

Cobra was silent for a few moments, taking his eyes off of you for a few moments to walk into a house, having to kick the door open, "I suppose you can't remember a thing." He said in a low tone. You gave him a glare,

"I can remember things just fine!" You quickly said, though you knew better than that. I suppose, I have a hard time remembering a couple years back but that's reasonable. You thought to yourself as Cobra shook his head at you,

"That's just what I mean, ____" He said to you, walking into a bed room and setting you down. He leaned down, close to your face, "I suppose I have the wrong person then. You can stay here however if you like." Cobra stood back up and turned away.

Something clicked in your head as you tried to match his voice, his face, anything to some memory. It gave you a headache trying to think quickly. What did he remind you of? It quickly drove you crazy as you saw him start to walk away. Quickly bolting up and off of the bed, you quickly went after him.

You caught Cobra just before he got out the door, both arms tightly around his waist, refusing to let go, "Cobra. Please, what do you remind me of, I can't remember at all! You know don't you?" You asked desperately as he turned his head towards you. Your head throbbed as you tried hard and quick to make a connection. Did you meet somewhere? Were you two friends, loved ones?

"The tower of Heaven, ___. Don't you remember it?" He asked you as you thought quickly. Finally something to come to you. They were painful memories however. It made you head ache even more as you struggled to make out a complete memory. A red haired boy, you remember that. You quickly assumed it was cobra, you were probably right too.

You were good friends, yeah, you started to remember that. Even in such a horrible place, you found some good in it. You found Cobra. You finally stopped trying to bring up painful memories as you gave a soft sigh of relief, you head hurt a little less.

"Cobra. My friend." You murmured as you felt Cobra's hand atop of her head, rubbing it gently.

"More than friends, you said once. I suppose if you could at least remember we were friends it is a start." You looked up at Cobra, he gave you a soft smile as you slowly let go of him. Only to grip onto him again, feeling a wave a nausea. You legs felt weak, like you couldn't stand. 

You felt Cobra's arms quickly wrapped around you, at least you think so. It was hard to make out anything from trying to hold back the feeling of not to get sick. You stomach seemed to make flips, just to make you feel more sick, your head throbbing even more. You shut your eyes tightly, feeling air born. It wasn't the nicest feeling in the world. Your back hit something soft as your stomach calmed down a bit. You were a bit dizzy but saw Cobra in front of you.

"___ Are you alright? ___?" You heard him ask you. You managed a shaky nod. 

"Just a bit....dizzy." You replied groggily, raising your hand up trying to hind his face. You found it after a couples waves and Cobra having to guide your hand to his cheek. "Stay with me, okay?" You mumbled, feeling your vision starting to fade out.

"I'll stay as long as you want me to." He replied, softly, leaning in and kissing your forehead softly. That was the last that you heard before you passed out.

When you finally woke up, you felt a lot better. Your head, nor stomach hurt anymore. The only thing that you felt was arms around your waist and something pressed against your side. Turning your head you found a sleeping Cobra, making you smile a bit. 

You turned your self to the side so your faced him, your face inches from his. Leaning up, you kissed his forehead. Thank you. You thought as you felt Cobra's lips against your neck,

"You're welcome, ___." He said sleepily. You took your head away so the both of you could be eye to eye. His eyes were half open as you looked at him. Leaning in, he captured your lips with his with a soft kiss. He didn't make it long, but long enough to make some type of statement.

You flushed all sorts of red as you looked at him with surprise. You soon smiled again, "So what did you mean by more then friends?" You asked innocently. Cobra only grumbled and hit your head weakly,

"As if you didn't know. You dummy." He mumbled and turned away from you, closing his eyes again. You laughed and wrapped your arms around Cobra as you sighed happily against his back.

Oh well.
