White Wolf


Currently suffering from a cold, better known as Man-Flu, and we all know how serious that is. So if the chapter feels sloppy or rushed, blame that.

I feel like crap, and everything aches, but I still did a chapter for you, so now I'm going to bed. 

Let us get into it.


"Agenta... Don't be childish." Farsight frowned at his overpowered companion, that was giving him the silent treatment. 

Farsight decided that lying in bed would get him nowhere now, so he decided to get up and make himself useful, aware he was back in their base in the Lungmen slums. He would feel better when the Embassy was completed so they could move out of the slums. It wasn't a good image for the faction if this was where they stayed. 

A few hours after his 'meeting' with W, Farsight had found himself in the largest room currently used as a command centre for their operations in Chernobog. The rundown-looking room clashed heavily with the advanced technology that dominated the space.

Many people rushed about completing their tasks or guiding soldiers across the city to their objectives. As Farsight walked around the room, everyone he came across quickly moved out of his way and either saluted or bowed respectfully. All were looking at him in awe.

Farsight had found himself in the centre, standing next to a disgruntled Agenta who was refusing to look at or talk to him and had her arms crossed. 


"Seriously?" Farsight deadpanned. 


"Look, just cause I stared at W's ass doesn't mean anything. It's not like you, and I are dating..." Farsight rolled his eyes.

Agenta turned to look at him with a knowing glare but didn't say a word.

"Do...Do you want me to stare at your ass instead?" He asked innocently.

Agenta eyes widen as she blushes and slaps him hard across the cheek.

Everyone in the room winced from the sound of a hand meeting a cheek, knowing what had just happened.

"Guess not" Farsight rubs his cheek.

"I have told Mal-Mal of your actions..." Agenta suddenly said.

"Um? Okay?" Farsight tilted his head at her in confusion. 

"You don't know Mal as much as you think you do." Agenta stared hard at him, eyes shining in pity and finished her sentence.

"She can be very... Malicious." Agenta gave Farsight a very cold little smirk which he nearly missed. 

"Am I in danger?" Farsight stared at Agenta in worry.

"Who knows, this is Mal we are talking about." Agenta's little smirk vanished as vast as it came, replaced with cold indifference.

Farsight could see Mal being malicious in all fairness. She had killed him once to create something she believed to be the ultimate weapon, which succeeded and backfired simultaneously.

Behind that chirpy and hyper personality of the Sankta, he could easily see something in Mal's bright eyes that was less than pure and kind. He was a fool to trust Mal, but she had quickly earned her place in the Enclave. Agenta's comment has made him question the Sankta again; Agenta is not one for jokes. 

It seemed that Farsight was taking a gamble with Mal, but he would give Mal the benefit of the doubt, innocent until proven guilty, apart from killing him before, which doesn't count.

There was almost nothing on Mal in High Haven's extensive information network. Nothing was mentioned about her past.

Mal was good, right?

She wasn't some closet sadist, was she?

Questions kept bouncing around Farsight's head as he stared at a random wall in thought, all while Agenta stared at him in concealed amusement. 

'Staring at another girl's ass, you womanising little Monkey. That should stop him from messing with that cockroach of a Sarkaz for a while. So Agenta thought in fury and amusement. She wouldn't let the Sarkaz W get in her way. Farsight was hers and Mal's.

Agenta wouldn't be a perfect Farseer if she didn't mess with people's heads.


In Siracusa, 12 people with shadowed faces sat around a round marble table in a poorly lit room. The only defining feature of all 12 individuals was the Lupo ears on their heads that twitched occasionally. 

The representatives of the Siracusian Mafia Families are in attendance—a rare sight for all of them to be on good terms with each other, but the Farsight Enclave was a threat to all of them, so it was mutually beneficial to cooperate to bring down this upstart faction quickly and its leader Farsight.

"Did he succeed or not?" Lupo 3 Said with impatience.

"Possibly... Enclave hasn't moved since that fight in Lungmen." Lupo 7 said.

"I doubt it worked" Lupo 2 catches the attention of others.

"Oh?" Lupo 1 asked.

"We sent one amateur assassin to infiltrate a powerful organisation without information. What do you think the outcome would be." Lupo 2 stated. None of them knew how true her statement was or how close the 'amateur' assassin had come to succeeding. 

"So what now, then?" Lupo 11 asked, looking at all the others.

"Send a hit squad?" Lupo 6 spoke up.

"Hire a mercenary Sankta sniper?" Lupo 5 said.

"Hire an Abyssal hunter?" Lupo 12 mentioned, which earned a few ooohs from the gathered group.

"How about the White Wolf..." Lupo 3 said, which made the others tense.

"You must be joking!" Lupo 5 barked.

"That psycho?!" Lupo 9 shouted.

"That's... not a bad idea..." Lupo 1 nods at the idea.


"I agree, she's perfect, and if she fails, then a loose cannon is taken care of... two birds with one stone." Lupo 12 says in agreement.

The others look at each other with uncertainty about hiring the White Wolf. She almost massacred an entire Siracusan family before, but if she can kill Farsight, they win. If the White Wolf dies, then they still win.

"Let's hire the White Wolf, then!" Lupo 1 with a grim expression.

"This is a terrible idea and certainly won't bite us in the ass later on." Finally, Lupo 8, quiet this entire time, spoke up.

"Meh, What's the worst that could happen?" Lupo 12 shrugged his shoulders


Up in the far north, a massive structure that used to be a city was brought down to its foundation, and thousands of people worked on creating a gigantic superstructure over the former city's foundation like a dome.

Thousands of tents and makeshift cabins dominated the space around the former city as everyone from Seneschal and Mal's divisions worked tirelessly to create a mega construct that had yet to take form. Being so far up north meant it was cold, dark and snowing. 

Lappland was sat in a massive white tent full of long wooden tables and the occasional soldier in green armour quietly eating something. Everyone in the makeshift cafeteria kept their distance from the white Lupo as she ate as much free food as possible. She was growling at anyone walking by her who got close to her food.

Lappland felt something vibrating from her pocket. She pulled out her phone that Mal had returned to her after it was confiscated upon being captured; it was a call.

 Maybe Texas was calling her?

Only to Sigh in disappointment at the unknown caller ID. 

Answering it reluctantly and listened to the caller, her face going through multiple expressions. 

Soon the people in the large tent left as one final expression took hold of her, a vicious smile that crept slowly onto Lapplands face and stayed there. 

"White Wolf? Been a while since I was called that," Lappland said to herself.


Back with Farsight and Agenta.

"And the sewers?" Farsight asked Agenta.

"My Fire Dragons are burning everything in the sewers, every inch," Agenta commented.

"Good... What about the other Reunion leaders? Skullshatterer, Faust, Crownslayer?" Farsight kept asking questions.

"Unknown currently. Scouts and our info network are watching for them." Agenta said as she tapped on a display screen as he continued.


"Vanished... We tried locating her after the 2nd fall of Chernobog, but no signs of her," Agenta said instantly.

"*Sigh* We wiped out Reunion, but a few of their leaders are still at large? That's troubling" Farsight shook his head in disappointment. 

"No plan survives first contact; you know that Y/n..." Agenta looked up at him in annoyance. 

"I guess so... Anything from Seneschal or Mal?"

"Apart from informing them of your degeneracy? Yes, Chernobog has been stripped down per your orders, and they have begun reconstructing it." Agenta mentioned.

"Good, That's good!" Farsight was happy with this.

"Mal has also mentioned they captured a white-haired Lupo and are now hiring her as a merc; she will be sent here soon..." 

Farsight was about to enquire about this merc when one of his soldiers approached him. 

"Commander" The soldier stops in front of him and salutes. 

"Yes, what is it." He looked at his soldier in curiosity.

"There is a problem in the temporary holding cells. The Sarkaz that infiltrated your room is causing problems," The soldier said.

Farsight reacted too fast for Agenta's liking.

"W? Let's go and see her! I need to ask her about the Lupo she killed; anyway," Farsight smiled, which everyone could see. The world has seen his face, so why keep it covered when it is no longer necessary? 

Farsight was about to leave when he saw the look Agenta was giving him, which sent chills down his spine. Agenta's tightly clenched fists and stone-cold look that was almost blank were a good indication of her mood.

Her darkened face only made her bright eyes glow brighter and fiercer.

The howling Banshees in the room for Agenta's unneeded protection could sense their lady's fowl mood and tense themselves, they may serve Agenta, but they could not attack Farsight.

Farsight and the soldier quickly left the room to escape the soul-crushing eyes that Agenta was levelling at them.

Maybe Farsight sounded too excited about seeing W again? 



The plot thickens, sort of.

Someone mentioned if Mal-Mal was the 5th Chaos god Malice, my only answer is, 'Mal is a cute chirpy Sankta, not an incarnate of evil.......'

Lappland is incoming, and Agenta is Jealous, and I can only imagine what a jealous Farseer would be like.

I didn't forget about the others like Crownslayer and that. They will appear again.

 Is FronstNova still alive? I hope so; we can never have enough rabbit girls. Imagine being surrounded by Amiya, FrostNova from Arknights, Velvet from RWBY and Mirko from MHA. What a lovely sight. Think of the number of children. Your legacy would be secured!

The chapter mainly answered a few questions and covered a few loose ends.

I own no Art or Gifs

Thanks for everything and the votes!

