The Law


Mostima filler and Texas goodness.

Let's get back to it.


Farsight sat alone in a small restaurant in the lower part of the slums near their current headquarters. While the place was small, it had a lovely charm, and the food smell from the outside was pleasant and appealing enough for him to try it. 

Sat on an admittedly uncomfortable wooden chair, he looked around at all the nicknacks on the walls, ignoring the looks the other customers and staff gave him. Most of their gazes were that of intrigue and had slight suspicion. 

"H-Here's your order, sir!" The voice of a pretty pink-haired feline waitress caught his attention as he placed his order on the table in front of him. His smile made the waitress blush and retreat quickly from his sight.

Farsight let out a pleasant hum as he bit into his beef burger with delight. His content noises brought a smile to the watching Durin chef, who poked his head around the kitchen's door. 

The door chime sounded, telling him someone had just left or entered. It wasn't long before someone walked by him and came to sit in the chair opposite without even waiting for an invitation from the man.

The blue-haired Sankta-hybrid sat there and watched him as he continued to chew on his burger without care for her presence or showing even the slightest hint of putting down his burger to address his out-of-the-blue visitor.

'Mostima,' Farsight thought.

Both sat there in silence as she stared at him with a smile. Farsight wondered if his lack of reaction annoyed the mysterious Mostima, that had intruded on his lovely date with his burger.

"You know that's not beef, right?" Mostima said and smiled at him innocently.

Farsight's eyes met hers as he looked at her questioningly. Then, finally, he swallowed his food and cleared his throat. "Huh? I'm pretty sure it is..." Farsight told her as he took another bite.

"People in the slums can't afford something fancy like beef, even frozen processed ones... Have you seen any cows in Lungmen at all?" Mostima rested her head on her palm as she smiled at him in bemusement.

Farsight's chewing slowed as he looked at his beef burger suspiciously. 

The waitress returned and tried hard not to stare at Farsight as she grabbed hold of her pink cat tail as it swished erratically.

"Can I take your order, miss?" The feline asked Mostima politely as Farsight continued to stare at his burger.

"Blueberry milkshake, please" Mostima smiled at the waitress.

"Of course, Anything else?" The waitress asked as she wrote down the order.

"Actually, what are your burgers made from?" Mostima's eyes turned back to Farsight, looking forward to his reaction.

"Rat meat... They're very popular here!" The waitress chirped happily.

"...Rat?" Farsight had stopped chewing at this point as he stared at the waitress.

"Y-Yes" The waitress froze and tried to make herself smaller at the attention Farsight suddenly gave her.

"This... is a rat burger?" Farsight asked, holding up the half-eaten burger.

"Y-Yes!" The waitress looked worried at his questioning.

Mostima watched the interaction in amusement. 

"Huh...Thanks," He nodes at the waitress, who quickly rushes off.

"Hahaha, how is your 'beef' burger?" Mostima chuckles at him.

"I don't know what to believe anymore..." Farsight stares at his burger again, conflicted.

Mostima doesn't reply as she rests her elbows on the table and watches him silently with a smile.

"They don't have beef, but they have blueberry milkshakes?" Farsight scowls at Mostima.

Mostima's smile only grows larger. "Haha, Rat milk and blueberry flavouring are both readily available in the Lungmen slums."

"You would still drink it?" Farsight asks curiously.

"I'll try anything once," Mostima hummed and continued to smile at him.

"Ha! Careful, some people will get the wrong impression." Farsight snorts in amusement at her choice of words.

"I'll try any milkshake once," Mostima counters quickly, not missing a beat.

"Here you go, miss!" The waitress arrives, places a glass of blueberry milkshake with a straw in front of Mostima and skips off to see another customer.

Mostima starts drinking quietly, but Farsight can see she is still staring at him as he eats his burger again, but with much less enthusiasm. 

"So, what brings you here, Miss Mostima?" Farsight asks.

"Mostima," The Sankta cuts him off, clearly not interested in being called Miss.

"Same question, Mostima,"  Farsight watches as she drains her milkshake rapidly.

"Haha, Maybe I wanted to try the slum's favourite rat milk milkshake." Mostima smiles at him, dodging the question.

"At the same time, I just happen to be here? No one would buy that." Farsight raises an eyebrow at her.

Mostima stopped drinking and sat back in her chair, smiling at him but was not eager to tell him her reasons, so he decided to ask something else. "May I ask what you are?" 

"What do you think I am?" Mostima tilts her head slightly in interest.

"I would joke and say you're what happens when a Sarkaz and Sankta bump uglies, but I doubt that's the truth."

"Hahahaha*Snort*" Mostima wraps her arms around her stomach and laughs but snorts loudly, catching everyone's attention. While her laughing mellows out, it doesn't look like she cares about the noise she made, but the Red hue on her cheeks suggests otherwise.

The sound of a hidden phone rings in her coat pocket, but she doesn't move to answer it. Instead, she looks around once and smiles at him, only this time. Her smile seems genuine. 

"Next time we meet, I might tell you" Mostima catches her breath while smiling before leaving quickly. 

Farsight was surprised by how quickly she cut the conversation off and left with not so much as a bye. He looked over his shoulder and watched the Sankta-Hybrid leave the restaurant hastily.

Farsight stared back at the half drank milkshake and noticed a napkin with blue writing scribbled on it.

'How did he not notice that before now?' Farsight thought.

He reached across the small table and picked it up, reading the napkin's hastily written words.

*The Law knows. It won't stop now until you're dead.*

Farsight reads the message over and over in confusion. 

The Law? What does that mean? Farsight doubts it has anything to do with Ch'en trying to arrest him for breaking the law, no matter how much she likely fantasises about restraints and him.

Is Mostima warning him, or is she subtly threatening him? He doubts it's a threat from her. Why give up an advantage to mess with him? 

He would have to ask Mal. Being a Sankta herself must give her some clue about what Mostima is talking about. 


Farsight left the restaurant after paying for his food and Mostima's milkshake. He stared at the darkening sky; the heavens started to rumble with thunder as the rain slowly started falling.

His mind raced with the possibilities of what Mostima's message was trying to tell him. All he knows is that someone or something won't stop until he dies. 

Well, whatever it is, it needs to get in line.

Farsight walked through the dirty streets, not bothered by the rain falling heavier by the minute as he returned to headquarters but did so far more cautiously than before, just in case he was ambushed. 

Mostima's warning could be a threat close to him right now.

He could sense people around him running for cover from the downpour and seeking shelter or simply going about their business without a care for the weather. 

So he was immediately put on edge when someone grabbed his coat sleeve and prevented him from moving away.

He swiftly turned to face the person who grabbed him and was instantly surprised by who was holding his sleeve in the street.

(A.N She is Wearing her regular outfit)

Farsight stared at Texas in surprise, caught off guard by her presence. He was about to smile and greet her but quickly noticed her appearance and that she was still holding onto his sleeve, staring down, not meeting his gaze and drenched head to foot.

"Texas!" Farsight questioned in shock. Farsight pulled her in close and wrapped his arms around the shorter Lupo woman, who buried her face in the crook of his neck and grappled at his coat as he held her. Even in the downpour of rain, he could hear her sniffles and heavy breathing. 

Was she running around looking for him? 

For how long!?

Texas said nothing as he embraced her and stroked her wolf ears gently. The duo gained weird looks from passers-by as they stood in the street embracing.

Farsight closed his eyes and waited patiently for her to make a move, minutes passed until he heard her whisper in his neck.

"What was that?" Farsight asked quietly as he nuzzled her wolf ear.



"I'm pregnant," Texas's fragile voice whispered into his ear.

Farsight's eyes shot open, and his mouth fell open in shock.


Texas nuzzled back into his neck, half whining and half growling.

"Will you take responsibility?" 



For those who don't know or play Arknights, 'The Law' is about the Sankta 'god'.

Mostima is now on the scene. I'm getting all the girls involved slowly. 

Did anyone get the old Movie Easter Egg? 

I was debating what to do about Texas running. She wasn't going to run away from Lungmen or anything like that. So it makes sense that she would seek out Farsight.

So how will Farsight respond fully to this new development that Texas has thrown at him?

Did Exusiai and Kal'tsit fight? Unlikely, too many people to jump on them both; find out next time!

I own no Art or Gif's

Thanks for the support and votes!

