Hello Ch'en


First, ever actual combat scene, so yea.

Thanks for the support.


Ch'en was tired but would never admit it, not even to herself. It had been over two days since that massacre when some unknown group made the L.G.D. a laughing stock. They had lost good Officers already to Reunion, and now this?

It had just turned into evening. What should have been an orange sky was turning into dark clouds. Muffled cracks of thunder could be heard in the distance; it looks like another rainstorm tonight, Ch'en thought to herself from the back of an L.G.D. squad car.

Ch'en's mood dropped as they approached the L.G.D. Headquarters in the heart of Lungmen. This was a safe zone from the likes of Reunion, but they could not stop the dozens of News outlets and Reporters from across Terra.

Once the crowd spotted her Car, it was immediately rushed with the shouts of questions and flashes of cameras. L.G.D. Officers attempted to control the crowd with minimal success. She sighs as the Car stops in front of the Headquarters, and she opens the door, only to be accosted by reporters.

"Maden Ch'en, Have you any information about Reuinon's current movements!" A reporter shouts.

"Madam Ch'en, it is reported that L.G.D. is taking heavy casualties. Is your competence being brought into question" Another shouts?

"Madam Ch'en, What news on the Unkown faction and the missing L.N.N. crew," Another call out.

Ch'en ignored them as her fellow Officers created a path into the Headquarters. The question about casualties made her flinch, but she soldiered on in silence. She knew next to nothing about the unknown group or the missing reporter.

Ch'en entered the massive building without looking back and quickly made her way to her office, barely acknowledging anyone. Those reporters have been there for days. They will be there when she leaves and there when she returns. She entered her office and slammed the door behind her before falling into her chair ungracefully and massaging her temples, trying to prevent a headache.

A cup of coffee slams onto her desk, making her look up at the intruder. Only to see the insufferable face of Superindent Swire grinning down at her.

"Gao, Well, look who decided to grace us with her presence this evening-the moping dragon." Swire mocks her friend.

"I'm not in the mood" Ch'en looks down at the coffee.

"Well, someone didn't get laid last night, Ha," Swire laughs, not catching the mood in the room.

"GET OUT" Ch'en shouts, throwing a conveniently placed stapler at her.

"Gah, Hey!... Fine.. you bitchy Dragon!" Swire jumps out of the way of the projectile before leaving the office and slamming the door.

She was not in the mood. Everything is going wrong. People are dying, and everyone attacks the L.G.D. either on live T.V. or on the streets in riots.

*Knock, Knock*

"Go away, swire!" Ch'en shouts again.

The door opens gently and reveals Hoshiguma, who enters the room and holds out a folder. "Hello, Ch'en... I have a report for you. It's about Misha"

Ch'en perks up a bit and takes the folder-the best good news she's had in a while. Misha revealing herself in front of the L.G.D. was convenient for her. Ch'en looks at the folder and frowns.

"She isn't talking?" Ch'en stares coldly and asks Hoshiguma.

"She's not resisting or being aggressive. She just refused to cooperate with us. She doesn't trust us." Hoshiguma replied with a shrug.

"Has Rhodes Island confirmed a pick-up time? I want Misha out of Lungmen as quickly as possible." Ch'en questions further.

"Lady Kal'tsit and Amiya will be coming personally with an elite squad to take her back to Rhodes Island."

"Good, Then let me know when-"

Ch'en is cut off by her L.G.D. standard radio going off.

"Madam Ch'en here," Ch'en replied with impatience.

"Madam Ch'en, there is a commotion in the lobby," One of her Officers replied.

"On my way," She replies curtly.

She was about to stand when Hoshiguma put her hands out to stop her.

"Stay, Ch'en. I will deal with it."

Ch'en gives her a nod of thanks, watching her tall, green-haired colleague walk out of the office and close the door behind her. Ch'en looks out the window and notices it is starting to rain as the day slowly gets darker. So she decided to reread Misha's form to pass some time to clear her head.

Ten minutes had passed before Ch'en attempted to contact Hoshiguma via radio.

"Hoshiguma, Everything handled down there?" She got no reply.

"Hoshiguma?" Still no response.

Something was wrong; Ch'en felt a shiver go up her spine. She instinctively put her hand on the hilt of her sword Chi-Xiao before standing. She makes her way out into a large office space designed for her subordinates.

Ch'en sees half a dozen Officers working, chatting or looking at displays in concentration. Nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe she was being paranoid. She has a horrible feeling she is being watched. Ch'en looked around with narrowed eyes, her strange behaviour catching everyone's attention.


The noise caught everyone's attention before an Officer went to one of the centre desks that was unoccupied and picked up a strange-looking device.

"What the heck is this thing?" The Officer looks at it from different angles before turning to Madam Ch'en.


Ch'en's eyes widen in horror; She cannot even shout to the Officer to let go of the device before it detonates.

A blue flash blinds everyone, and a shockwave sends everything in the office flying in every direction. The Officers in the room are ripped off their feet and thrown into walls or toppled over furniture. Even Ch'en, that attempted to brace was thrown away but recovered quickly.

The room went into darkness as the dust settled. An emergency light came on, barely illuminating the large room, but only she got back up. Coughing and groans around the room could be heard. An E.M.P., perhaps?

Ch'en drew her sword.

Shouts of panic and chaos could be heard above and below her on different floors. Who would dare attack them here?!

"This is Madam Ch'en! We're under attack. All available units report to main Hea-Gah!" Ch'en found herself flying across the room again after being struck in the side of the ribs.

She recovered quickly and looked around with her sword in a guard position. Ch'en heard a daunting thud behind her and swung her sword in an Arc to slice at the one that dared attack her so brazenly. A Red trail follows her sword as it cuts through the air.

Red sparks danced with blue as her sword met a solid object. There was nothing to be seen. Her opponent was invisible. Ch'en jumped back out of reach and crouched low with her sword in a reverse grip, ready to pounce.

"Show yourself, Coward!" Ch'en shouts. Her eyes were firmly locked on the ground. Large footprints disturb the settled dust, giving away the attacker's position.

"So be it, Madam Ch'en," A deep mechanical voice pierces the dark, quiet office, sending a cold jolt across her body.

The space in front of her shifts as a large red machine with a piercing red eye and a large sword stands before her. Looking down at her from a ready position.

She looks across the space in shock at her large metal attacker, but her eyes narrow and prepare to charge.

"Why are you attacking us?!" Ch'en shouts.

"I need Misha," It said.

"What? No! are you with Reunion" Ch'en charges as she shouts.

"Seriously?" That was all her attacker said.

Ch'en clashes her sword with the Large Battlesuit gracefully but cannot break its defence. It wasn't even attacking her, Just defending. How could something so big move so quickly?

She feinted an underhand swing but thrust forward to stab instead, She grinned, but that quickly vanished when the blade was grabbed. Before she could move, its other hand had sheathed its massive sword, grabbed her by the throat, and lifted her off the ground. Ripping Chi-Xiao out of her grip, tossing it aside, making her angrier.

"Unhand me!" She was kicking and clawing at the large Battlesuit. Finally, it squeezed Ch'en's throat, cutting off air circulation.

When she realised she could no longer breathe, she panicked and fought harder with no success, "Please," Was all she could choke out before her panicked eyes closed and her body started to go limp.


Y/n stared down at the limp Ch'en in his grip. He released his strangle on her the moment she fell unconscious. Scans show she was alive but would have a killer headache when she woke up. Scanning other Officers in the room indicated that they were alive.

"I'm sorry, Madam Ch'en," Y/n said, feeling uneasy. He took no pride in making her scared like that or attacking her. He moved her, so he was carrying her bridal style, the size difference was very noticeable.

"Commander Farsight," One of his Stealth Suit Operators contacted him.

"I can hear you, Selestra," Y/n replied.

"Misha is secure with us, and the Reporter and her Cameraman have been placed in her stead."

"Good work; Extract now. I need to send the message," Y/n replied

"Yes, Commander, Be careful... Officer Hoshiguma and Superintendent Swire and making their way to your position." Selestra replied with concern before cutting out.

Y/n decided fighting Hoshiguma and Swire while carrying Ch'en was a bad idea so that he would move ahead with his final objective. He thuds towards the large window, engages his stealth generator and jumps out, smashing the large glass window of the office. Shielding Ch'en from any glass.


All the reporters of the various news networks, along with dozens of Cameras, are still present. Most are reporting live, informing Terra of the current attack on the L.G.D Headquarters. L.G.D Officers had surrounded the building to protect anyone outside when the sounds of fighting and chaos broke out.

The entire Plaza outside of the Headquarters was loud, with reporters talking into their Cameras and Officers shouting orders. Still, all was soon overshadowed by a smashing window above them, followed by a loud thud.

The concrete floor outside the entrance of the building had caved in and cracked a fair distance. Something had just landed in front of them. The L.G.D Officers had been briefed about possible unseen threats. They all huddled together in front of the civilians and created a shield wall.

The reporters had gone silent, and everyone watched in shock as a massive Red Battlesuit revealed itself. People across Terra looked on with bated breath, never having seen such a machine before.

All the L.G.D and Lungmen civilians we're currently watching looked on in fear and dread. That thing had Madam Ch'en in its grasp. It had attacked the strongest position in Lungmen and defeated Madam Ch'en in a fight.

The Battlesuit turned its large white head from side to side, looking at the scared crowd, Making people instinctively back up in dread until it froze and noticed something to its left.

"Kal'tsit," Came its deep threatening voice, making people shiver.


Kal'tsit had just arrived with Amiya, some Operators, and a few members of Penguin Logistics to collect Misha, only to see this Machine reveal itself. Holding a hopefully unconscious Ch'en in its bulky arms. She had never seen this type of Technology before, but before she could make any decisions, it spoke.


Kal'tsit's eyes widen a fraction before narrowing. Amiya looked on with wide-eyed wonder. The other Operators are scared shitless.

"You know me?" Kal'tsit speaks above everyone with a stern inquisitive tone.

"I know of your failures." It stated, mocking her.

"Excuse me, care to repeat that?" Kal'tsit eyes narrowed in frustration.

"Doctor Y/n," The Machine said. Again, making all of Rhodes Island Operators and Penguine Logistics go wide-eyed. Amiya gasped in delight, and Kal'tsit lost her composure for a moment before glaring at the Machine.

"You know where Dokutah is?!" Amiya shouts.

The Machine looks at Amiya for a few moments before gently laying Ch'en on the floor, stepping in front of her, and drawing a huge sword. Making everyone tense up.

"Dead," It said. Causing many to gasp.

"No, no, no!" Amiya starts crying.

"We will meet again soon, Rhodes Island." The Machine says before walking away from them.

Kal'tsit loses her composure at hearing about Y/n. "Oh no, you don't, Monst3r!"

Monst3r appears from behind Kal'tsit, making everyone back away from her.

"Monst3r, Attack," Kal'tsit commands as she gestures to the walking away Battlesuit.

As monst3r gets close and pounces to attack, the Red Battlesuit turns, flips its weapons around and smacks monst3r across the face with its handle sending it flying to the ground unmoving.

Everyone stares in shock. Looking between both Monst3r and the Machine.

The Battlesuit turns to face the multiple Cameras, stands tall with its sword, and shouts for all to hear in its deep mechanical voice.

"I am Commander Farsight! Leader of the Farsight Enclave! Our Conquest is inevitable, our ascension a matter of time. Let none who are wise deny our progress. For The Greater Good!"

The Machine vanished into thin air before anyone could react.


Y/n, in his Battlesuit, walked away after activating his stealth generator with a satisfied smirk. He had never felt so free in his life. The look on Kal'tsit's face would stay with him forever.

His presence was now known across the world.

His faction now had a name in the world.

Now all he needed to do was put the Farsight Enclave in the spotlight as a powerhouse.



That was so hard to write. I think I spent most of the day re-writing it.

There will be a Harem. Not a big one.


I wanted Ch'en, but W is easier to write. 

They are confirmed. If everyone hates it, I'll have to re-think it, but it is not changing now.

I know some people wanted certain characters, but I will do other stories in future so they will get a chance, so don't worry.
