Chapter 2 - The Big Talk

A/N: Hint of sexual assault if it triggers you please do not read. No graphic details and even those words aren't mentioned, just hints.

Once they eventually arrived at JJ's they rang the doorbell. JJ answered and said "Hey guys come on in." So Spencer and Evvy walked in and took there shoes and coats off then Henry came over and said "I'm Henry. Do you want to play?"
Evvy said "Yeah, my names Evvy." they walked off to go and play. Spencer and JJ got some wine and went to sit in the dinning room. Where they started to talk. JJ said "What happened with Evvy? Spence you can trust me." He tried to speak but he couldn't it was like he was overwhelmed with fear, then he started to cry. He formed some words and said "I didn't want to do it." She looked at him shocked and confused. That's what happened to Spencer. She said "Where's her mum Spence?" He diverted eye contact and said "After she gave birth to her she left her on my door step and didn't even name her. Before I got attached I got a DNA test and when she was mine I decided too keep her she is was just so cute. I never told her or anyone else but I told her that her mum wasn't well enough to take care of her."
JJ said "Oh Spence!" She hugged him, after he had calmed down she called the kids for dinner. They all sat around the table and enjoyed there dinner. 

Just before Spencer and Evvy left JJ told them she would give them a ride because the only other way back home was the subway because Spencer doesn't have a car. She dropped them home and Evvy ran inside. She got up to the front door and fished the key out off her pocket opened the door and walked inside. Her father followed her in and locked the door he said "Go get your PJ's on darling."
She replied "Okay dad." She walked out and put her PJ's on then walked out and cuddled up on the couch with her father reading books. After an hour she went and got into bed, her dad tooked her in and said "Goodnight my Evvy. I love you and don't let the bed bugs bite."
She said "I love you too dad. I won't let the Cimicidae bit." As he walked out he turned on the light in the corner of the room so she wouldn't be in the dark. She turned over and he shut the door over. He continued down the hall to clean up the living room and kitchen. Once he had cleaned everything up, he headed to bed, on the way he checked on his daughter and she was already fast asleep. He was so tired so he just headed to bed. 

A/N: Cimicidea is the scientific word for bed bugs.

Spencer woke up to a giggling little girl in his bed. He turned over and looked the young girl in the eyes, her smile must of light up the whole world. He hugged her tight and he started giggling they were there for a while. He got dressed and the door bell rang, he went to the door and opened it standing outside was Derek Morgan. He came over to have a chat with Reid, Evvy ran into the room in black tights, a white skirt and a black and grey sweater vest with a white shirt underneath. She said "Dad! How is this?" he turned around and looked at her, his smile grew fast. He said "It's gorgeous darling. Lets get your hair done." He walked over and did two plaits one on either side of her head and tide them with a bobble, the other half of her hair was down. She headed over to Derek, she hugged him and he said "You look every pretty Evvy." She walked to the kitchen where she made herself breakfast. Spencer said "Evvy, sit in the family room with the TV on we are gonna go into the dining room to have a conversation." Evvy picked up her bowl of cereal and said "Okay daddy." She kissed him on the cheek and walked into the family room and put TV on. 

Spencer walked into the the dining room with two coffees in hand. He sat down in front of Derek and handed him one. Spencer said "So what do you want to talk about? I've got a child to take shopping and go to a cafe with. And I need to ask JJ if she wants to come." he looked at him then peered at his daughter. Derek said "I know something happened for you to have a kid at twenty two, I know you would never have one willingly until your like thirty." Spencer looked at the floor and breathed in he said "I am pretty sure you know what happened." His eyes moved down the floor and Derek said "Oh kid, you could of talked to me about it." Derek walked around and hugged Spencer. About 5 minutes later Derek left and Spencer texted JJ who replied with yes you could tell she was over the moon. Spencer and Evvy were getting ready they had there shoes, coats and gloves on. They picked up there bags and waiting outside there door for JJ, Will and Henry to pick them up. 

They arrived outside and picked up Spencer and Evvy, they drove to the mall to go shopping. You could tell JJ was over the moon probably because it was the first time she could go shopping with a little girl. When they got to the mall they went to and parked the car, then headed inside. They split off JJ, Spencer and Evvy went one way as Will and Henry went the other. JJ could tell Evvy had great style by the outfit she was already wearing but they picked up more clothes. While Henry and Will picked up some average clothes. They met up an hour later for food, they headed to some cute little cafe and had sandwich's. They had a great day but all Spencer could focus on that day was how big Evvy's smile was. Evvy said "Dad this was a great day, Thank you." She kissed him on the cheek and that's when Spencer's smile grew. He loved seeing his daughter smile and enjoy herself.

A/N: Hi so 2 chapters in 2 days a new record I am pretty excited about this one. I am watching criminal minds at the moment. Thanks for reading I am hoping to build this story fast.
Immy x
