the reason why



bai qian woke up to gorgeous sunlight streaming in through the windows.

while it was silent, the gurgles and laughter of her son and husband filtered in and she smiled.

adjusting her gown about her, she went out into the yard of their palace.

xiwu palace had become a place of laughter and joy and love ever since their marriage. her husband Ye Hua was absolutely smitten with her and their son, and so was she with them.

sure, she missed qing qiu. she missed the peach forest and the wine and her family. but she knew she would miss her newest family- her husband and her son, even more.

she was getting used to waking up to sweet hugs and kisses from her husband (granted, less wiggly than those from her son's), to steaming tea in the mornings, to walks along the the nine heavens, and to spending time with her family.

"mother!" her son's squealing alerted her. she looked up, only to let out a rich, happy laugh at the sight of her sweet little son being swung around by his father.

"oh, look! my little tuanzi is flying!"

(actually, she saw this every single day. ye hua did this every single day. a-li had never gotten tired of it, even after all this time. and who was she to take his happiness away?)

ye hua put a-li down, and strode over to her. "what are you thinking of?"

she smiled in response. "nothing. good morning, my dear husband."

"good morning, my love."

and now, staring into the onyx eyes of her husband, eyes flicking over to her frolicking son, bai qian smiled in content.

their age difference was often ridiculed, but it had never bothered her all that much, and now she knew why.

all along, they had been the reason why.
