Memory Loss Part 2


"I'm sorry, but who are you?"

His world crashed.

She didn't remember him?


But he knew she wouldn't prank him like that.

So he said ever so gently,

"I'm your husband...."

Bai Qian froze.


Her mind struggled to remember but frustratingly she couldn't remember a thing.

But surely she would remember that she had a husband, right?

And then little A-Li came in with Feng Jiu.

"Mother!!" He cried but stopped when he remembered what Feng Jiu had told him.

"Your mother may have forgotten you. She cannot remember your Father either. Don't force her to. I'm sure it will all come back with time."

"Mother, you don't remember?" He asked, his small face turning white.


"I have... a family?" She croaked out.

"You do, Aunt. He-" Feng Jiu gestured to Ye Hua- "-is your husband, and the little boy-" she pointed to A-Li- "-is your son. You have been a family for close to six hundred years now."

Bai Qian's eyebrows furrowed. These two people were supposedly two of the most important people in her life, but she had no inkling of a memory of them. And this girl must be her niece, she'd called her Aunt. But surely she would remember her family?

Zhe Yan entered.

"Ah, you're awake." he smiled.

"...Who is this?" Bai Qian turned, confused, to Feng Jiu.

"It is Zhe Yan, a phoenix and the closest friend to your parents. He is also a famous medic in the whole of the world. He is renown." Feng Jiu explained.

Zhe Yan looked thunderstruck. but he quickly regained composure and asked, "And would you allow me to treat you? i'll not hurt you."

She nodded slowly.

Zhe Yan bent over her.

"she's okay, just some temporary memory loss." he informed them after a while of examination.

"will she regain her memories?" ye hua asked anxiously. all he wanted was for her to be okay.

"in time she will, but for now what you can do is to show her familiar people, and places. it can help her." the phoenix said.

"thank you, zhe yan." ye hua said softly.

"it was no trouble." the phoenix said as he nodded to feng jiu and ruffled a-li's hair, and left the fox den.

Author's Note

this is going to be a long (?) authors note.

so first off i was feeling really depressed and felt like giving up:( , and then i told Anne4356 is one of them. i've learnt that actually, we all need to learn to love ourself first, and no one else is really more important than yourself.

so for all those who are going through a hard time now, i know through experience that you may need a listening ear and you know, although we've never met, and may never meet, you can talk to any of us. don't bottle it up because it isn't good for you :) also, never think that you're not good enough and don't look down on yourself because i'm sure you're an awesome person and the world needs an angel like you! please make sure to take care of yourself and stay happy and healthy because thats the most important:)

-adrienne :)
