an unexpected reunion.

With class 7 now established, Toad has to work even harder in his studies a in his training. After meeting Towa Herschel, he decided to return to the dorm. As he got there, he saw people he never thought he see again.

Toad: Rias? Guys! What are you doing in Trista?
Rias: what? Can't a girl move in with her fiancé?
Toad: I never said that so don't put words in my mouth.
Issei: give it up dude. You can't win an argument against her.
???: that's right. Especially since I'm here.

???: hello again my love.
Toad: Weiss I told you before. I will not marry you!
Rias: and besides Schnee, he's already engaged to me and Akeno since we were kids.
Weiss: it doesn't matter. Toad will be my husband one way or another.
Issei: are you still saying that? You don't know Rias or Akeno like Toad did. He's known them since they were kids. Their parents even set up an arranged marriage with them.
Rias: and it's one arranged marriage I'm ok with since Akeno and I love him.
Kiba: and both Issei and I considers him our brother. And what about that guy Neptune?
Weiss: oh him? He's nothing but a womanizing deadweight so I beaten him with an inch of his life.
Toad: although I don't like him, that's still going overboard.
Weiss: no matter my darling. I hear you have been attending Thor's military academy. I will enroll there as well.
Rias: so will I! I will keep an eye on my fiancé to make sure you don't do anything unscrupulous to him in his sleep.
Toad: oy vey.
Issei: you won't get any arguments from me buddy.
Kiba: I have to agree with both of you on that.
