You Survive We Thrive

"So, what do you think?"


"This is... disturbing, most disturbing."

"That poor?"

The psychologist, a sturdy little vrul, steel grey in color, with red-tinted orange eyes looked up from where he was examining the projected data rolling in lines of minutely scripted characters through the air to vanish.

He had no issue with his divided attention, continuing to read the scrolling data as he spoke with the official, "That bad, I have never read a psychological evaluation this.... Strange...."

"Psychological degradation."

The doctor shook his head, "That is what seems strange about it. There WAS no psychological degradation. His intelligence quotient remains high enough that the test cannot accurately represent it in numbers. He not only succeeded in all our tests, but often broke them from the inside going out. He shows extreme scores on logical thinking, and procedural memory, but the strange part is his creative problem solving has skyrocketed enough to break the test. There is no degradation, but his scores and IMPROVING. I even created a matrix for emotional intelligence, not a perfect test, but think accurate enough, and he scores extremely well on that."

There was a pause between the two of them.

"Did you think to test him against the human? See if maybe the changes could be explained by that?"

The psychologist looked on miffed, almost insulted, "Of course I took that into account. That was one of the first things I did." He switched the projected information, "The human's scores are..... Well they are erratic at best and downright confusing at worst. Let me explain. You see this here, as far as intelligence goes, he's about as smart as the average beta, which gives him a little over average for humans. I mean you would hope that he is, but there is nothing special. His spatial intelligence is.... Well its excellent, far beyond excellent. And the same can be said about creative problem solving. Emotional intelligence is higher than the doctors both show the same in procedural memory, however a relating to semantic memory the doctor far outstrips the human. Numerical intelligence does not seem to be the human's strong suit. In fact, I don't think I have ever seen someone score that low before. I would say the same for episodic memory, accept worse. The human seems to think that he can remember things well, but it seems that he actually cannot."
"What does that have to do with anything."

"Well you know how I said that the human's intelligence scores put him at the low end of beta....."


"Well in aggregate, putting all his scores together, he would count as an alpha."

The official stood back in surprise, "How? How can that be possible."

"I am not entirely sure at this moment, but.... It is quite fascinating... I was thinking about going to talk to the human face to face, see if I can't figure out this mystery."

The official nervously shifted in place, "You should be careful, psychologist, you are starting to sound like the doctor did before he went off his rocker."

"Has he gone off his rocker though?" The psychologist retorted.

"I mean yes, of course he has."

"The tests say he hasn't."

The official harrumphed, "Well, aren't you also saying earlier that he had shown extreme increases on the aggression quotient as well as that for emotional response."

"yes , but that hasn't affected his other scores."

The official sighed but then nodded, "Very well, but be careful, and don't spend too much time with the human. He has proven to be dangerous, and may have an affect on you."

"You worry far to much, it took the doctor months to be affected by him, and he had already showed signs of instability before that. I will be fine."


"Dr.....Dr..... try to pay attention please."

Krill lifted his head in annoyance pulling himself from a contemplation of all the stupid things the humans had probably been doing while he was gone, "I have answered all of your question. I have no idea why you would still be interested.

"We have plenty more questions."

"No you have the same question but phrased slightly differently every time." Krill sighed and glowered at the illuminated blue walls.

"Why are you so angry, doctor."

He turned to look at them, "I am angry because I realize there are things about humans that I prefer over my own species sometimes."

There was a pause.

"And what might that be?"

"Well, for one humans generally accept an answer after the tenth time I have given it. Not to mention that..... Well.... There are a lot of things."

"Go on, we are listening."

Krill sighed his shoulders sagging. He tried to control the human body language, but was finding it difficult, "OUr species has spent decades surviving, but isn't the measure of a successful species one that can flourish. Our population has been stable for the past thousand years, and it has functioned the same way during that time. We don't try to get better, we make it to, yeah that's ok and then we quit. Humans don't just Survive, they TRIBE they are always trying to get better, to improve upon what they have. Where illness is a reason for death because we are no longer useful, they created technology to make life come to them. It has been less than a decade, and humans already live all across the galaxy. Their population has reached an all time eruption, and there is no reason it cannot get bigger. And here we are piddling along on our single planet, in upwards of ten cities doing the same thing we have done for generations."

"The point of our species is survival."

"We have proven to be good at that, why not go on from survival and into...... thriving."

"The Universe is not meant for us. We are not as durable as others. Our planet is all we have."

Krill shook his head growing more excitedly agitated, "that is where you are wrong, the bigger universe is out there for us. I have proven it. I have visited and stayed on death worlds for weeks at a time. Do you want to know the secret?"

The other Vrul looked a bit surprised, but intrigued. Looking on at Krill like he was insane.

"The secret is sociability. I survived because I had humans to help me. WIth their help I have been able to go anywhere and survive in any place. If we learn from them, we have a chance to live like they do."

"And how is that?"



Commander Vir floated in near darkness a soft blue light illuminating him from all sides. He couldn't have said which was was up or which was was down. The only color he saw was blue, and aside from his own body there was nothing else, so he floated, rotating slowly his hands held out to his sides his legs relaxed and resting easily in the air. If he closed his eyes, he could almost imagine the warm heaviness of a space suit, and his breath against the glass, a thin barrier between him and space.

Images of his first spacewalk ran through his mind with the fiery light of a star rising behind a strange alien world.

There was a sort of soft rumbling that broke him from his thoughts, and he spun in mid-air to find a vrul float into the room. It seemed as if he was upside down though.... Or well he couldn't have said which one of them was upside down considering space didn't seem to have a right side up or upside down.

He struggled for a few seconds rotating to face the Vrul.

Despite being the captain of a spaceship, he didn't actually spend much of his time in zero Gs, though that was a fact he would forever be salty about.

"Commander." The Vrul acknowledged floating closer as Adam finally righted himself.

"I am afraid you have me at a bit of a disadvantage.... Who are you?"

The Vrul stopped his orange-red eyes glowing strangely in the blue light, "I am the psychologist."

"Ah, let me guess, you wanted to see what about a human makes your species so vulnerable to change?"

"Precisely, smarter than your tests suggested."

Adam frowned, "You know that seems to be a thing with you Vrul. Every time I meet a new one of you, I spend most of my time getting insulted, and yet there isn't really much I can do, since you guys don't say anything that isn't true."

"And the doctor does not?"

"Not anymore."

"Why is that."

Adam, in boredom, began rotating backwards feet thrown up into the air, watching the Vrul as he slowly spun in a circle, "Hmm.... I think.... I think the answer is because we socialized him."

Spinning back around, the commander would have said that the Vrul seemed surprised. Generally those emotions were easier to read on Krill, but he supposed that was part of the reason why he said what he said.

"That is... an interesting theory, human."

"Not really a theory. A theory implies that it cannot be tested. I would suggest it's more a hypothesis."

The vrul looked at him in a contemplative manner, "Go on, I am interested to hear what you have to say on the subject."

Adam was a little surprised, "Vrul were kind of known for being stuck up pricks who thought they were smarter than everyone else, but he supposed that this might just help krill out of his current predicament."

"Well you have talked about the doctor changing a lot, and I have this theory that every one of those changes have to do with his adaptability living in a pack." The Vrul waited for him to continue, so he did, "You say something about how Krill is more emotional now, right? Well, emotions are adaptable to humans. Aggression allows people to keep their place in the hierarchy. We have trouble listening to krill like we should, so he gets mad at us, as a way to show us he SHOULD be respected. You might have discussed his use of human facial expressions or body language, well, body language is EXTREMELY important to properly communicating with a human, if he didn't adopt those habits than he wouldn't be able to communicate with us effectively. You guys talk about how he moves wrong, well that's part to do with body language and part to do with how quickly humans move. He can't keep up with us if he floats."

The psychologist looked Adam over with a critical eye, "Have you been thinking about this?"

Adam shrugged, "Not really, it just makes sense. And I argue that it PROVES that your species is more adaptive than you originally thought. Krill isn't broken, he has.... Well micro-evolved. I guess."

The psychologist looked on with interest, "And.... what do you care about him."

Adam snorted, "Look. Once you make friends with a human, or a group of humans your as good as family, sometimes better than. We have a saying on earth, the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. It means that the people you choose can sometimes be more important than the people you didn't. Well we adopted Krill into our pack, he's as good as family to me, and I will do ANYTHING to keep him safe."

WIth a slight shift of his body, the Vrul floated back.

Adam floated forward, "And when I say ANYTHING, I mean it."

"But he's not even your species."

Adam shook his head, "Doesn't matter, the human bonding instinct is so powerful that we routinely bond with inanimate objects. I bought a cactus (a plant) during my time in the airforce academy. I named him melvin, he's still alive and lives at my parents house. We are great friends. I know a guy who won a stuffed pig at a carnival, and now it goes with him everywhere. My sister always buys the most mangled shaped food because it makes her sad to think that no one will buy it..... She's sad.... For vegetables."

The Vrul had floated back even further.

"So when I say that we can bond with inanimate objects, imagine how we feel about Krill. Not only my good friend, but our doctor and our surgeon. He saved my life on multiple occasions which also means I owe him a debt of honor like the Drev see honor. I can't let him go until I repay him, and even then I don't plan on it."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I am saying that I WILL get y friend back, no matter what I have to do." 
