Hold Your Heart

It is no secret that the human world is a violent one. The things they have done to survive range from disgusting to..... chilling. I have mentioned before, that, despite the human's natural curiosity towards death, they never accept it so lightly. Stories have been told to me, harrowing stories, of dismemberment, cannibalism, and murder all in the name of survival.

Not just that, humans won't just let themselves die, but they refuse to let others die as well. Everywhere else in the galaxy, we understand that death is a natural process. We don't fight it, sometimes things happen. Sometimes the body gets sick, and it's better to allow death than to continue living. Sometimes accidents happen and the trauma isn't worth fixing, or at least no one thought it was because to survive something like that is impossible.

Not for humans.

Don't get me wrong, we don't completely ignore injuries. Having been a trauma surgeon for most of my life, I can attest to this. I can perform almost any procedure on any species given the correct equipment, but having met human doctors, I'm not sure what to call myself anymore. The things they do and CAN do are chilling and terrible, all in the name of survival.

There are some things you just shouldn't do, but of course, humans don't understand that.


"F***K F****NG HELL! What kind of ASSHOLE shoots someone in the STUMP?"

All around them, the ship quaked and rocked with the effort of their speed. All around them the crew members lay in various stages of wounded slumped across the bridge, splayed across their chairs or spread eagle on the floor in spreading puddles of blood. Some of them moaned, some of them were silent drifting half in and half out of consciousness.

As of yet, none of them had stepped into the void because of Krill.

He perched now, next to one of the crew members preforming an emergency tie-off of one of the major arteries before the human violently blead out.

At the center of the bridge, Captain Vir slumped in his chair teeth gritted blood dripping down the side of his bionic leg from the bullet hole in his upper thigh... or what was left of his upper thigh.

"ASSHOLES!" Vir snarled, the look in his eyes was livid, manic as he steered the ship towards their only hope for survival.

The nearest human colony on a nearby moon.

Krill was an excellent surgeon, but he wasn't THAT good.

"Captain." Krill called out nervously, "You better hurry."

"I AM hurrying!" The man shouted back. Blood dripped down the base of his chair and onto the floor to join the now spreading puddle already dripping from his bionic leg.

He snarled in agony.

Krill remained silent as the human ranted. From what he understood, the anger would help keep him conscious. The ship rocked and shuttered even harder as they entered atmosphere. Captain Vir was driving manually despite his injury making a call to the small moon's air space begging for help for his crew as they rocketed towards the ground.

Blood rolled across the floor.

Krill didn't really expect what happened next.

A wave of humans charged onto the ships. They pushed cots on wheels, carried backpacks full of supplies working with a speed and ferocity rill had never seen before. As close as they were to the human medical bay, Krill could only watch as the group flooded out of the ship pulling their fellow humans along with them.

He scuttled at the back of the procession watching as the humans violently struggled to keep other members of their species breathing. They pumped manually on hearts, they jammed small glass tubes through skin, and they ripped open flesh when that wouldn't due. All with their gloved hands.

Krill personally never used his own appendages when preforming a procedure, but these humans.... They did everything by hand.

Some of the crewmen were sure to die.

The humans were pushed through the wide double doors and into a blindingly white room absolutely crawling with humans. All of them wore light pastel colors faces covered by masks, bodies by gowns, eyes by clear glasses as if they understood just how toxic their fellow humans could be. No one really noticed Krill as the violence ensued.

He saw medical professionals do things that just.... Shouldn't be done.

To his right, a plastic tube was violently shoved between a crewman's ribs, in order to re-inflate a collapsed lung. To his left, a heart stopped beating, and two men alternated with the chest compressions Krill had only seen once before. Their movements were violent and frantic, and with his medical eye, Krill could sense the cracking of ribs under the onslaught. The two humans were pushed aside a moment later as a cart rolled into place beside them.


What the....?

Krill couldn't suppress the call of alarm, which broke through his throat as the humans sent what was essentially a bolt of LIGHTNING through their human counterpart.

The body jerked.

"Still in V-tac." One of the humans called, resulting in another dose of electricity.


To his left an entire group of humans gathered around a single patient.

"Do it."

The human that seemed to be the most in charge moved forward cutting into the side of the man's chest with a sharp, glittering knife just between the fourth and fifth rib.

Krill stepped back in horror as the humans worked sawing through bone and tissue.

"Rib Spanners." The man called

"We don't have any."

"Well then get your hands in here." The man ordered sternly.

Krill staggered away as, with the help of two humans, the ribcages was pulled wide open. Bones snapped and cracked horribly. Blood covered the front of the man's chest and face obscuring the right of his glasses.

It was a horror show.



"Alright," without hesitation, the human took his hand reaching down into the now open chest cavity, and took the man's heart in his hand. Exposed to the open air o the trauma room, the doctor began to message the heart coaxing a beat out of it as they were wheeled away down the hall leaving a trail of blood behind them.

Krill remained motionless at the center of the room as the humans worked. Where others would have just allowed death, the humans tied off arteries, injected chemicals and created even greater wounds in order to keep the body working.

Around them the room began to slow.

A human turned to look at him her mask covered in blood. She walked over kneeling down to look at him, "Are you alright?" She asked. Inside his head all he could see was that man reaching into the other's chest cavity.

He didn't answer.

"Are you in shock?" She asked, "Because if you are, I can't tell. I'm a doctor not a vet."

From the side of the room a figure sat propped against a pillow absently fiddling with his bionic leg, "He's fine, just give him a few seconds."


None of the humans died that day. Despite the aggressive surprise attack by the pirates, they escaped with their lives. Krill couldn't really understand it.

The humans had bullied, and tortured their brethren back to life.

He had watched a man rip open another's ribcage to get at his heart using his own hand to keep the organ working as he did so. Each of the bedside tables was full of varying degrees of poisons used to trick the body back to life.

They burned areas of bleeding in order to melt the tissue back together and stop the bleeding.

And afterwards they used threads and staples to hold their work back together once they were done.

It was terrible and horrific. Many of the wounds they made to fix damage was worse than the damage itself, and yet, the entire crew came out of the ordeal alive, somehow in some miracle way.


I did some more research on human medical practices, and it hasn't changed much in the past ten thousand years. I guess surviving on a death planet makes procedures like these seem normal. They put holes in their own skulls to relieve pressure. They remove limbs and can even SEW THEM BACK ON given a clean cut. Most species cannot survive the trauma that would lead to these procedures, and yet the humans do it all the time.

They laughed at me when I told them how mad it was.


You don't understand because you are human, but these medical practices are the kind of thing warlords use as TORTURE on my planet. TORTURE!

Who is the nine RINGS of NEBULON looks at TORTURE techniques and calls it medicine?

You humans are barbaric!

This is why the rest of the galaxy fears you your medicine is our torture, your stories are our nightmares, your games are our war, your food is our poison.

You yourselves are our monsters.

And your monsters are our dark gods.
