Animal Planet Alpha

"Watch your step, and make sure not to make eye contact if you see a human. If one seems to be getting aggressive towards you, it is best to act submissive. Lay down and show your belly, they aren't likely to attack you if you do that."

"Would you often consider the humans to be.... Aggressive?"

Dr. Krill nods at the camera, "Sometimes, it is very unpredictable with humans." he walks up the ramp of the ship and prepares to open the bay doors. The camera crew follows behind with apprehension as the bay doors open to a dim interior.

They make it past the airlock and into a large deserted room stacked with crates and boxes. The camera pans around clearly searching for a human though they don't find anything in the deserted hallway. Crew leader Tesraki Mendex walks out into the empty room and looks around frowning, "Well, I don't seem to see any humans.... The audience should know at this point what while I have seen humans at a distance, I have never actually met one myself, this is just as exciting for me as it is for some of you." He turned to look at the doctor, "Where ARE the humans."

The little doctor shakes his head and shrugs before pausing, "Sorry, I am in the habit of communicating with humans non-verbally. What I mean is that, I don't know and it very much depends, they could be.....anywhere." With that thought, the rest of the crew looks around nervously as if expecting to find a human climbing the walls or watching them from atop one of the stacks of crates.

Krill motions them to follow, "We will probably run into some of the humans eventually, might as well follow me."

The crew does as told panning their cameras around nervously.

Mendex walks just behind the doctor, "Now.... how will we know when we are close, what are the immediate signs of human presence."

The doctor turns to look at him, "It depends."

"Depends on what."

"Weather or not the human WANTS you to know if it is there or not."

"How about you, how close do you think the humans are too us?" Mendex begins doing his best to sound more excited than scared, which though he is honestly scared out of his mind This is the most uncontrolled environment he had ever been in, and he didn't particularly enjoy it.

This better get him good ratings.

"Well I would wager to say that one of them is about twenty feet away." The little Vrul said pleasantly.

"And how do you wager that." They wonder glancing to the walls on either side of them.

"Because I have eyes." He stated motions very pointedly towards the back of the group. Cameras jerk and pan wildly to face down the halt. An audible gasp rises up from the crew who scamper backwards nervously.

"Dr.... Dr what do we do."

"Everyone hold still right where you are. Do not back up, do not turn around, and do not run away. Humans are preditors, so running away will activate their natural instinct to make chase. Just hold your ground relax and try not to look nervous. They can sense fear."

The group grows very still.

"Look at that." Mendex whispers from where he is hiding behind doctor Krill, "Zoom in on that."

Camera shaking, the crew does as told bringing the human at the far end of the hall into sharp relief.

"Wow, just look at it." The camera zooms in a little further, "I don't know how much you can all tell from what you see on the camera, but the human, he is at least one and a half of my height two or three heads taller than I am, absolutely gorgeous, just look at the way he balances on two legs, no tail, no nothing....."

Krill steps out from behind the camera crew, "This is a real treat for you guys. That, right there is a human named Adam, now he is the alpha human of this particular pack. He's still a young male about 25 solar cycles. Despite being alpha, I would consider him to be rather docile. But still, stay very still ,and we will see what he does, because it is his place to determine if you are going to be allowed in his den. He could probably sense you coming from some distance.

The human begins walking slowly up the hall, and the crew shrinks back noticeably.

"Stay where you are, don't move."

"Can you guys see this, we are at least eight maybe ten feet from a fully grown adult male human, and the most dominant alpha of his pack."

The human stops just outside camera range one eye blinking at them with an unreadable expression. He looks down at the little doctor and hoots.

The Doctor pats the human's leg," Thats a good human, now play nice with the crew."

The muscles in the human's face writhe and constrict into a strange expression. He bares his teeth sending the crew members shrinking backwards away from him.

"Humans are primarily visual creatures, though they have great hearing, and an acceptable sense of smell, so everyone, stay still, let him look you over."

You can almost hear the bones of the crew members creaking as they stiffen up. The human leans closer. Crouching down to look one of the crewmen straight in the eyes They are only inches apart as the human examines them. The Tesraki is shaking so hard he almost drops his camera..

"Just relax, don't make any sudden moves."

The human loses interest and moves to the side prowling through the group until he reaches Mendex cowering at the back.

The human reaches out a hand. Mendex squeaks in fright.

"Don't you dare move."

He goes very still as the human reaches out and then begins to pat the Tesraki on the head. He stands very still, "What, what is it doing?"

The doctor chuckles, "it's a good thing you Tesraki have fur. Humans like soft things. THey like to pet them especially. I would wager to say that he has accepted your presence in his den. Maybe if you greet him nicely he may let you touch him."

"And how do you greet a human?"

"Well that is easy, take one of your hands hold it up like this, and wiggle it back and forth, yes just like that, now add the other hand, now more wiggling, yes that is good . If you want to make it especially good just hop up and down on one foot if you can. Ah there it is, perfect."

The human stands straight and looks around at the group of aliens hopping and wiggling their hands in earnest.

The human shows his teeth again but seems to accept the aliens making a strange repetitive revving noise deep down in his chest which breaks from his mouth in bursts.

"What... what is that, what is that sound he is making?"

"Just calm down, that is a good sound, generally. Now come here, and let's see if the human will tolerate us touch him." Nervously the crew makes a circle around the human as the doctor looks up at his human companion motioning him with a strange gesture. Still bearing his teeth the human does as directed kneeling slowly on the ground so he is at a better height for the surrounding aliens.

Mendex held to the back of the group.

"Go on, I think he will be nice and let you touch him now, there we go, just reach out, try the arms first. Arms are generally acceptable to humans, hands too."

Krill pats the human on his arm to demonstrate how it should be done, and the human allows it head tilted to one side. Its bright green eye examines the rest of the crew as they move forward some of the more brave reaching out hands stroking their fingers down his bare arm.

"Wow, that is so... strange."

"What is that."

Now that the rest of the camera crew has touched the human, Mendex moves up reaching out his fingers. At that moment the human jerks suddenly as if to lunge forward at him. Mendex squeals and jumps back nearly knocking his cameraman over. The human makes that revving noise again.

"What what was that!" mendex squeaks.

Krill nudges the human, "Be he's just playing. Go on try again, he will behave himself this time." Mendex didn't seem convinced but reached out anyway running a hand over the human's arm, "Wow ... wow that is very strange isn't it. It's hard to describe the feeling, sort of soft, but rubbery at the same time, and it's covered in tiny hairs, almost invisible, I am not sure if you can see."
The human was surrounded now, by aliens patting his arms and hands.

"Yes, human skin is one of the most important parts of their body. It protects them from infection, regulates their body temperature, and keeps out water. It's soft because there are oil glands just below the skin that keep it from cracking and drying out. These little hairs." He ran a digit over the human's exposed skin which, to the astonishment of those watching, erupted upwards sticking straight on end by raised bumps.


"That little trick can be caused by a multitude of factors, if it is cold, if the human is scared, or even if they hear or feel something they like. When humans had more hair, it was a way to make them appear bigger, the fur would puff up making them look bigger, but now it doesn't serve as much of a purpose. Some scientists suggest that humans still have hair as a sort of.... Wisker almost. It helps them feel movement in air currents, and, my personal theory, they have lots of poisonous bugs on their planet, so being able to feel the tiny movement of the hairs allows them to know when bugs are present.

The doctor reaches ut and takes the human's hand opening up the fingers so they can examine the strange appendage, "Humans have five digits, this one here the thumb is the most important part of the human hand and is what allowed them to evolve larger brains. Each finger not the thumb has two joins after it's base and allows the human to do very delicate work. These things at the end-"


"No, they are nails, and they may have evolved from claws, but they aren't as strong. The tips of the fingers are very sensitive, because humans often use their hands to explore their environment. Human hands are so sensitive that they can feel changes in texture at the atomic level, so these nails here protect the tips of their sensitive fingers." He uses his own digits to articulate the human's hand moving it around, "There are no muscles in the fingers themselves, but they are held by muscles connected to tendons in the forearm. The other great thing about the human body is the dexterity of the wrist, which is highly uncommon allowing it to rotate at different angles from side to side.." He held out the hand so the others could feel flipping it over so they could touch the pads of the human's hands.

"Is the hair on the head the same?"

Krill shook his head, "No it is much thicker and much more coarse. Let's see if he will let you ouch, some humans really like having their hair touched and others really hate it." Krill looks at the human and the human tilts his head a bit lowering it so they can feel the hair.

"It's so soft."

"No it isn't."

Suddenly, the human's head jerks up, and the group sits back in shock and confusion fearful they had done something wrong, but the human isn't looking at the. He stares past them and down the hall.

"Oh, it looks like he found something, perhaps we should follow and find out."

An excellent idea, " Mendex responds from the back of the group where he had been hiding for most of it."

The human gives him an inscrutable look and then begins walking off down the hall.

What could they possibly be in for? 
