{ 99 } Cuvitidala


Chapter 99


So, ahem, just got a boyfriend, my children.
Prepare for more happier chapters because I'm actually happy for once.


Reader's POV

"Was he really a supporter? Was he real?"
Rossi asked with excitement.

Ray smiled.

"If he was an enemy, he would have tried to locate us or lure us somewhere.
Or he would have called back sooner. It's better to be safe than sorry, and the possibility of him being an enemy isn't zero... but... I think he was the real thing,"

Ray said.

Emma smiled.

"Good. So we are able to confirm that we can get in touch with the supporters,"
she said.

"So he's going to help us?"
Rossi asked with a smile.

"Actually, we can't say that for sure yet.
He probably thinks we're trying to escape quietly. He wouldn't know that we're searching for the Seven Walls to release all of the children. Although it was Mr. Minerva who gave us that option, so it might be expected."
Ray said.

"We need to let them know about that somehow,"
Emma said.

"But he's on our side, nonetheless. Still... he seemed to be under some pressure.
The message was short. And he was supposed to call within 24 hours, but it took him a week to respond. Also, he can't meet us right now,"
Lucas said.

"It must mean the enemy threat is near,"
Emma muttered.

"Well, it's good that we know that now. He'll contact us soon. He'll come for us.
That's what the supporter said. We should set turns for phone duty... so we can answer when he calls back,"
Ray said.

"And we should have everyone learn morse code too,"
Lucas said.

"Yeah. And until he contacts us, I want to move forward as much as we can with the search fot the Seven Walls,"
Ray said.



[ Search for day and night with the eye of the Dragon of Cuvitidala.
First go to 10 RI East then 10 RI South and 10 RI West. 
Then 10 RI to the sky 10 RI to the ground.

[ When the arrow stops between the sands and the sun sets in the east, the earth will moan and the walls will appear.
The thing which separates us and them, that is the Seven walls. ]

Lanni and Thoma looked at it with confusion.

"They're messing with us, right?"
Lanni asked.

"Yeah, no matter how many times we read it, it seems like they've got to be kidding.
It's cryptic overall, but... especially here. If you go North, East, South and West...
All the same distances, you end up where you started."
Thoma said.

"But we've seen this term "Cuvitidala" before, right?"
Lanni smirked.

"Yeah, totally,"
Thoma said, also smirking.

"Where you able to decipher what I asked?"
Ray asked.

The Ancient Manuscripts from the reference room, eh?"
Yuugo said.

"Ray asked me to read it while you all where gone,"
Gilda said.

"but it's not just that they use ancient language. There are some pages that have chicken scratches in an unknown language on the tattered paper,"
she continued.

"Those are Latin in mirror writing apparently,"
Don said.

"Latin? Mirror writing?"
Yuugo asked.

"Latin was the common language of Ancient Rome and its empire.
Mirror writing is reversed writing, as if it was reflected in a mirror," 
Ray said.

"I can't believe you figured that out,"
Violet said.

"There was a Latin dictionary on another shelf, so it caught my attention,"
that made me chuckle, smiling at him.
He noticed it and smiled back.

"But I didn't have time before we headed to Goldy Pond, so I asked my siblings to decipher it,"
he continued.

"And once we read it... just as Ray suspected... it was a transcription of the notes of many people,"
Don said.

"The times and locations are varied. And probably the oldest entries are written in Latin,"
Anna said.

"Maybe the notes of a servant... of the Ratri clan who made the promise. From 1,000 years ago,"
Nat said. 

"We only converted them to be legible and looked up the individual words. So that's only specualtion. We don't know the exact content."

"But it appears in the text. The Dragon of Cuvitidala."
Don said.

"Cuvitidala... Is it a place? Or could it be..."
Emma trailed off.

"Most likely a location,"
I blurted out.

Gilda nodded. 
"On this map. Here,"
she said, opneing the book to a map.

I looked at it.
"coordinates were added in."

"Are these coordinates the same as the ones from the pen?"
"'Search for day and night with the Eye of the Dragon of Cuvitidala'. And I don't understand the rest of the hints either, but..."

"Yeah, we should first go to this Cuvitidala place,"
Ray said.


"It's pretty far."

"And who's going?"

"The supporter told us not to move from here. And our first priority is to protect this shelter,"
Ray said.

"Only a few can go. If it's a lot of us, we'll stand out."
Emma said.

"So it should be Y/n, Emma, and me. And... Don and Gilda,"
Ray said.

They sure were suprised, their eyes were wide and their mouths dropped.

"Are you sure you want to go with just kids?!"
Yuugo asked.

"There are going to be a bunch of demons. And this time, you won't have a guide that knows the way. 
It's an unknown area where even I haven't gone,"
Yuugo said.

I smirked.
{ He was worried for us~ }

"I know it's dangerous and it would be reassuring to have you come with us.
But we learned from the supporter that the enemy is definitely after us. I'm sure they're searching for this shleter. That's why I don't want to leave it shorthanded. This is our base where we live. I want you to hide and protect the shelter and everyone,"
I said, patting his shoulder.

"Don't worry. Don and Gilda are very reliable,"
Emma smiled.

"Yeah. They're fast learners. When we escaped, they-"
Ray was cut off by Don and Gilda's wails.

"Huh? Oh if you don't want to come, you don't have to-"
Ray was cut off again.

"We want to goooooo!!"
Don said.

"I'm just happy,"
Gilda smiled, wiping away her tears.

I chuckled and hugged them both, and they gladly fell into my arms.

"I thought we'd have to stay behind again. It was hard to just wait.
I'm so happy to be able to do something with you this time,"
Gilda said as I wiped away her tears.

"We'll do our best to help out! Right, Gilda?"
Don said, as I let go of them.

Gilda agreed.

"Sorry to spoil your cheesy party... but take these two. Don't worry about our side,"
Yuugo said, sliding Zack and Violet to us.

I chuckled.

"Four isn't enough for sufficient duty. 
And these two are pretty useful too,"
Yuugo said.

"You're worried about us, right?"
"You're worried about them, aren't you?"
Gillian and I teased at the same time.

Yuugo froze.

"Is it okay to ask you guys to come?"
Emma asked.

"Of course,"
Zack said.



I turned to Yuugo and Lucas with a smile.
Then hugged them both.

"You two watch over everyone and stay safe,"
I said.

Yuugo patted my head while Lucas hugged back.

"Yeah yeah."
Yuugo said.

"You stay safe too, Y/n. You're the best non-daughter I could ever meet,"
Lucas said.

"Uh, she's my daughter. I met her first,"
Yuugo said as if it was obvious.

"You tried to kill me multiple times when we first met,"
I deadpanned.

"That's in the past. You're my daughter now,"
he said with a great grin.

Lucas chuckled.
"Does that mean I'm your favorite?"
I asked, copying his grin.

"Of course not!"
Yuugo defended himself.

"No she is. Y/n, you are,"
Lucas told me.

I chuckled, putting a hand over my mouth teasingly. 

"Anyway, moving on now. Lucas, she's my badass little potato db daughter, so back off,"
Yuugo said.

"She can also be my little potato db daughter...! Wai... what does db mean?"
Lucas asked in confusion.

"You can both be my bigger potato db dad's!"
I smiled, hugging them tightly.

This felt like a goodbye.
And I didn't like it.

"Aww, I'm the better bigger potato db dad though, right?
Yuugo asked, giving me a smile that said 'you better say I am.'

"This is not a competition. And what does db mean?"
Lucas asked with furrowed brows. 

Yuugo and I simply grinned and I headed off.
"Bye Bigger Potato DB dads!"
I said, waving to them before rushing to everyone I was leaving with.



Ray smiled as I got to them.
We waved to everyone before we left.

And, we're leaving.



Word Count: 1287
